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Re: [O] org-mode for knowledge management

From: Louis
Subject: Re: [O] org-mode for knowledge management
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:29:30 -0600 (MDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.11 (DEB 23 2013-08-11)

On Thu, 9 Oct 2014, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Louis,

Louis <address@hidden> writes:

Hi all,

I've been using org-mode for a variety of purposes for a few years. I
find that it suffers from the same problem that other such tools
do. The problem is me. I can't remember week to week how I may have
classified some scrap of information. Did I drop it into
notes/someproduct.org or was it procedures/someprocess.org?

Perhaps org-index in contrib would help?



It looks promising. I haven't figured out the trick of it yet, though.

Do you go to the target node and do an org-index link, then goto the
index table and do an org-index fill?

Anybody have some usage tips?


Thomas S. Dye

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