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Re: [O] [BUG] Entries from Org code blocks appear in agenda

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] [BUG] Entries from Org code blocks appear in agenda
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:45:56 +0200


"Francesco Pizzolante"
<fpz-djc/address@hidden> writes:

> I noticed that entries from Org code blocks are erroneously displayed in
> the agenda.
> Here's a very simple Org example in order to reproduce it
> (my-simple-test.org):
> * Test
> #+BEGIN_SRC org ,SCHEDULED: <2014-09-04 Thu 10:00> #+END_SRC

This is a known bug that would require to use the parser in
"org-agenda.el" for a proper fix.

Meanwhile, I wrote a workaround. Would you mind testing it (note: it
applies on maint, probably not on master without conflicts).


Nicolas Goaziou
>From fad280debe2dd1cb59071f258153004f1dffd51e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 21:41:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] org-agenda: Prevent false positive SCHEDULED entries

 lisp/org-agenda.el | 292 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 lisp/org.el        |  82 +++++++++------
 2 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 4b6385b..3d6ecac 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -6143,7 +6143,7 @@ an hour specification like [h]h:mm."
         (todayp (org-agenda-todayp date)) ; DATE bound by calendar
-        (d1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date))  ; DATE bound by calendar
+        (d1 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian date)) ; DATE bound by calendar
          (mapcar (lambda (a) (and (setq mm (get-text-property
@@ -6156,153 +6156,153 @@ an hour specification like [h]h:mm."
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-      (catch :skip
-       (org-agenda-skip)
-       (setq s (match-string 1)
-             txt nil
-             pos (1- (match-beginning 1))
-             todo-state (save-match-data (org-get-todo-state))
-             show-all (or (eq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all t)
-                          (member todo-state
-                                  org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all))
-             d2 (org-time-string-to-absolute
-                 s d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos)
-             diff (- d2 d1)
-             warntime (get-text-property (point) 'org-appt-warntime))
-       (setq pastschedp (and todayp (< diff 0)))
-       (setq did-habit-check-p nil)
-       (setq suppress-delay
-             (let ((ds (and org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline
-                            (let ((item (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) 
-                              (save-match-data
-                                (and (string-match
-                                      org-deadline-time-regexp item)
-                                     (match-string 1 item)))))))
-               (cond
-                ((not ds) nil)
-                ;; The current item has a deadline date (in ds), so
-                ;; evaluate its delay time.
-                ((integerp org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline)
-                 ;; Use global delay time.
-                 (- org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline))
-                ((eq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline
-                     'post-deadline)
-                 ;; Set delay to no later than deadline.
-                 (min (- d2 (org-time-string-to-absolute
-                             ds d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos))
-                      org-scheduled-delay-days))
-                (t 0))))
-       (setq ddays (if suppress-delay
-                       (let ((org-scheduled-delay-days suppress-delay))
-                         (org-get-wdays s t t))
-                     (org-get-wdays s t)))
-       ;; Use a delay of 0 when there is a repeater and the delay is
-       ;; of the form --3d
-       (when (and (save-match-data (string-match "--[0-9]+[hdwmy]" s))
-                  (< (org-time-string-to-absolute s)
-                     (org-time-string-to-absolute
-                      s d2 'past nil (current-buffer) pos)))
-         (setq ddays 0))
-       ;; When to show a scheduled item in the calendar:
-       ;; If it is on or past the date.
-       (when (or (and (> ddays 0) (= diff (- ddays)))
-                 (and (zerop ddays) (= diff 0))
-                 (and (< (+ diff ddays) 0)
-                      (< (abs diff) org-scheduled-past-days)
-                      (and todayp (not org-agenda-only-exact-dates)))
-                 ;; org-is-habit-p uses org-entry-get, which is expansive
-                 ;; so we go extra mile to only call it once
-                 (and todayp
-                      (boundp 'org-habit-show-all-today)
-                      org-habit-show-all-today
-                      (setq did-habit-check-p t)
-                      (setq habitp (and (functionp 'org-is-habit-p)
-                                        (org-is-habit-p)))))
-         (save-excursion
-           (setq donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords))
-           (if (and donep
-                    (or org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done
-                        (not (= diff 0))
-                        (and (functionp 'org-is-habit-p)
-                             (org-is-habit-p))))
-               (setq txt nil)
-             (setq habitp (if did-habit-check-p habitp
+      (let ((s (save-match-data (org-entry-get (point) "SCHEDULED"))))
+       (when s
+         (catch :skip
+           (org-agenda-skip)
+           (setq txt nil
+                 pos (1- (match-beginning 1))
+                 todo-state (save-match-data (org-get-todo-state))
+                 show-all (or (eq org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all t)
+                              (member todo-state
+                                      org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all))
+                 d2 (org-time-string-to-absolute
+                     s d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos)
+                 diff (- d2 d1)
+                 warntime (get-text-property (point) 'org-appt-warntime))
+           (setq pastschedp (and todayp (< diff 0)))
+           (setq did-habit-check-p nil)
+           (setq suppress-delay
+                 (let ((ds (and org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline
+                                (let ((item (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) 
+                                  (save-match-data
+                                    (and (string-match
+                                          org-deadline-time-regexp item)
+                                         (match-string 1 item)))))))
+                   (cond
+                    ((not ds) nil)
+                    ;; The current item has a deadline date (in ds), so
+                    ;; evaluate its delay time.
+                    ((integerp org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline)
+                     ;; Use global delay time.
+                     (- org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline))
+                    ((eq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline
+                         'post-deadline)
+                     ;; Set delay to no later than deadline.
+                     (min (- d2 (org-time-string-to-absolute
+                                 ds d1 'past show-all (current-buffer) pos))
+                          org-scheduled-delay-days))
+                    (t 0))))
+           (setq ddays (if suppress-delay
+                           (let ((org-scheduled-delay-days suppress-delay))
+                             (org-get-wdays s t t))
+                         (org-get-wdays s t)))
+           ;; Use a delay of 0 when there is a repeater and the delay is
+           ;; of the form --3d
+           (when (and (save-match-data (string-match "--[0-9]+[hdwmy]" s))
+                      (< (org-time-string-to-absolute s)
+                         (org-time-string-to-absolute
+                          s d2 'past nil (current-buffer) pos)))
+             (setq ddays 0))
+           ;; When to show a scheduled item in the calendar:
+           ;; If it is on or past the date.
+           (when (or (and (> ddays 0) (= diff (- ddays)))
+                     (and (zerop ddays) (= diff 0))
+                     (and (< (+ diff ddays) 0)
+                          (< (abs diff) org-scheduled-past-days)
+                          (and todayp (not org-agenda-only-exact-dates)))
+                     ;; org-is-habit-p uses org-entry-get, which is expansive
+                     ;; so we go extra mile to only call it once
+                     (and todayp
+                          (boundp 'org-habit-show-all-today)
+                          org-habit-show-all-today
+                          (setq did-habit-check-p t)
+                          (setq habitp (and (functionp 'org-is-habit-p)
+                                            (org-is-habit-p)))))
+             (save-excursion
+               (setq donep (member todo-state org-done-keywords))
+               (if (and donep
+                        (or org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done
+                            (not (= diff 0))
                             (and (functionp 'org-is-habit-p)
-             (setq category (org-get-category)
-                   category-pos (get-text-property (point) 
-             (if (and (eq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown
-                          'repeated-after-deadline)
-                      (org-get-deadline-time (point))
-                      (<= 0 (- d2 (time-to-days (org-get-deadline-time 
-                 (throw :skip nil))
-             (if (not (re-search-backward "^\\*+[ \t]+" nil t))
-                 (throw :skip nil)
-               (goto-char (match-end 0))
-               (setq pos1 (match-beginning 0))
-               (if habitp
-                   (if (or (not org-habit-show-habits)
-                           (and (not todayp)
-                                (boundp 'org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today)
-                                org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today))
-                       (throw :skip nil))
-                 (if (and
-                      (or (eq t org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown)
-                          (and (eq 
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown 'not-today)
-                               pastschedp))
-                      (setq mm (assoc pos1 deadline-position-alist)))
-                     (throw :skip nil)))
-               (setq inherited-tags
-                     (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
-                         (and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
-                              (memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
-                         (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
-                              (or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
-                                  (memq 'agenda 
-                     tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not inherited-tags)))
-               (setq level (make-string (org-reduced-level 
(org-outline-level)) ? ))
-               (setq head (buffer-substring
-                           (point)
-                           (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n") (point))))
-               (if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
-                   (setq timestr
-                         (concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " "))
-                 (setq timestr 'time))
-               (setq txt (org-agenda-format-item
-                          (if (= diff 0)
-                              (car org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
-                            (format (nth 1 org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
-                                    (- 1 diff)))
-                          head level category tags
-                          (if (not (= diff 0)) nil timestr)
-                          nil habitp))))
-           (when txt
-             (setq face
-                   (cond
-                    ((and (not habitp) pastschedp)
-                     'org-scheduled-previously)
-                    (todayp 'org-scheduled-today)
-                    (t 'org-scheduled))
-                   habitp (and habitp (org-habit-parse-todo)))
-             (org-add-props txt props
-               'undone-face face
-               'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
-               'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
-               'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos1)
-               'type (if pastschedp "past-scheduled" "scheduled")
-               'date (if pastschedp d2 date)
-               'ts-date d2
-               'warntime warntime
-               'level level
-               'priority (if habitp
-                             (org-habit-get-priority habitp)
-                           (+ 94 (- 5 diff) (org-get-priority txt)))
-               'org-category category
-               'category-position category-pos
-               'org-habit-p habitp
-               'todo-state todo-state)
-             (push txt ee))))))
+                   (setq txt nil)
+                 (setq habitp (if did-habit-check-p habitp
+                                (and (functionp 'org-is-habit-p)
+                                     (org-is-habit-p))))
+                 (setq category (org-get-category)
+                       category-pos (get-text-property (point) 
+                 (if (and (eq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown
+                              'repeated-after-deadline)
+                          (org-get-deadline-time (point))
+                          (<= 0 (- d2 (time-to-days (org-get-deadline-time 
+                     (throw :skip nil))
+                 (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                 (setq pos1 (match-beginning 0))
+                 (if habitp
+                     (if (or (not org-habit-show-habits)
+                             (and (not todayp)
+                                  (boundp 
+                                  org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today))
+                         (throw :skip nil))
+                   (if (and
+                        (or (eq t 
+                            (and (eq 
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown 'not-today)
+                                 pastschedp))
+                        (setq mm (assoc pos1 deadline-position-alist)))
+                       (throw :skip nil)))
+                 (setq inherited-tags
+                       (or (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags 'always)
+                           (and (listp org-agenda-show-inherited-tags)
+                                (memq 'agenda org-agenda-show-inherited-tags))
+                           (and (eq org-agenda-show-inherited-tags t)
+                                (or (eq org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance t)
+                                    (memq 'agenda 
+                       tags (org-get-tags-at nil (not inherited-tags)))
+                 (setq level (make-string (org-reduced-level 
(org-outline-level)) ? ))
+                 (setq head (buffer-substring
+                             (point)
+                             (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n") (point))))
+                 (if (string-match " \\([012]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\)" s)
+                     (setq timestr
+                           (concat (substring s (match-beginning 1)) " "))
+                   (setq timestr 'time))
+                 (setq txt (org-agenda-format-item
+                            (if (= diff 0)
+                                (car org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
+                              (format (nth 1 org-agenda-scheduled-leaders)
+                                      (- 1 diff)))
+                            head level category tags
+                            (if (not (= diff 0)) nil timestr)
+                            nil habitp)))
+               (when txt
+                 (setq face
+                       (cond
+                        ((and (not habitp) pastschedp)
+                         'org-scheduled-previously)
+                        (todayp 'org-scheduled-today)
+                        (t 'org-scheduled))
+                       habitp (and habitp (org-habit-parse-todo)))
+                 (org-add-props txt props
+                   'undone-face face
+                   'face (if donep 'org-agenda-done face)
+                   'org-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos)
+                   'org-hd-marker (org-agenda-new-marker pos1)
+                   'type (if pastschedp "past-scheduled" "scheduled")
+                   'date (if pastschedp d2 date)
+                   'ts-date d2
+                   'warntime warntime
+                   'level level
+                   'priority (if habitp
+                                 (org-habit-get-priority habitp)
+                               (+ 94 (- 5 diff) (org-get-priority txt)))
+                   'org-category category
+                   'category-position category-pos
+                   'org-habit-p habitp
+                   'todo-state todo-state)
+                 (push txt ee))))))
+       (outline-next-heading)))
     (nreverse ee)))
 (defun org-agenda-get-blocks ()
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 1a6d028..43858fd 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -878,6 +878,14 @@ Changes become only effective after restarting Emacs."
   :package-version '(Org . "8.0")
   :type 'boolean)
+(defconst org-planning-line-re
+  (concat "^[ \t]*"
+         (regexp-opt
+          (list org-closed-string org-deadline-string org-scheduled-string)
+          t))
+  "Matches a line with planning info.
+Matched keyword is in group 1.")
 (defconst org-planning-or-clock-line-re (concat "^[ \t]*\\("
                                                org-scheduled-string "\\|"
                                                org-deadline-string "\\|"
@@ -4662,6 +4670,19 @@ Also put tags into group 4 if tags are present.")
   "List of time keywords.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'org-all-time-keywords)
+(defconst org-clock-or-timestamp-regexp
+  (concat (format "\\(?:^[ \t]*%s *\\([[<][^]>]+[]>]\\)\\)" org-clock-string)
+         "\\|"
+         "\\("
+         "[[<][0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\} ?[^]\r\n>]*?[]>]"
+         "\\|"
+         "<%%([^\r\n>]*>"
+         "\\)")
+  "Regexp matching a clock line or a timestamp.
+When matching a clock line, match group 1 contains clock's
+timestamp.  Otherwise, match group 2 contains the regular
+timestamp matched.")
 (defconst org-plain-time-of-day-regexp
@@ -15291,44 +15312,39 @@ things up because then unnecessary parsing is 
           (when (or (not specific) (string= specific "BLOCKED"))
             (push (cons "BLOCKED" (if (org-entry-blocked-p) "t" "")) props))
           (when (or (not specific)
-                    (member specific
-                            '("SCHEDULED" "DEADLINE" "CLOCK" "CLOSED"
-                              "TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP_IA")))
+                    (member specific '("SCHEDULED" "DEADLINE" "CLOSED")))
+            (forward-line)
+            (when (org-looking-at-p org-planning-line-re)
+              (catch 'match
+                (let ((end (line-end-position)))
+                  (while (re-search-forward
+                          org-keyword-time-not-clock-regexp end t)
+                    (let ((keyword (match-string 1))
+                          (timestamp (match-string 2)))
+                      (push (cons keyword timestamp) props)
+                      (when (and specific (equal keyword specific))
+                        (throw 'match t))))))
+              (forward-line)))
+          (when (or (not specific)
+                    (member specific '("CLOCK" "TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP_IA")))
             (catch 'match
-              (while (and (re-search-forward org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp end 
+              (while (and (re-search-forward org-clock-or-timestamp-regexp end 
                           (not (text-property-any 0 (length (match-string 0))
                                                   'face 'font-lock-comment-face
                                                   (match-string 0))))
-                (setq key (if (match-end 1)
-                              (substring (org-match-string-no-properties 1)
-                                         0 -1))
-                      string (if (equal key clockstr)
-                                 (org-trim
-                                  (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                                   (match-beginning 3) (goto-char
-                                                        (point-at-eol))))
-                               (substring (org-match-string-no-properties 3)
-                                          1 -1)))
-                ;; Get the correct property name from the key.  This is
-                ;; necessary if the user has configured time keywords.
-                (setq key1 (concat key ":"))
-                (cond
-                 ((not key)
-                  (setq key
-                        (if (= (char-after (match-beginning 3)) ?\[)
-                            "TIMESTAMP_IA" "TIMESTAMP")))
-                 ((equal key1 org-scheduled-string) (setq key "SCHEDULED"))
-                 ((equal key1 org-deadline-string)  (setq key "DEADLINE"))
-                 ((equal key1 org-closed-string)    (setq key "CLOSED"))
-                 ((equal key1 org-clock-string)     (setq key "CLOCK")))
-                (if (and specific (equal key specific) (not (equal key 
-                    (progn
-                      (push (cons key string) props)
-                      ;; no need to search further if match is found
-                      (throw 'match t))
-                  (when (or (equal key "CLOCK") (not (assoc key props)))
-                    (push (cons key string) props)))))))
+                (let ((key (cond ((match-beginning 1) "CLOCK")
+                                 ((= (char-after (match-beginning 2)) ?\[)
+                                  "TIMESTAMP_IA")
+                                 (t "TIMESTAMP")))
+                      (value (or (match-string 1) (match-string 2))))
+                  (cond
+                   ((and specific (equal key specific) (not (equal key 
+                    (push (cons key value) props)
+                    (throw 'match t))
+                   ((or (equal key "CLOCK") (not (assoc key props)))
+                    (push (cons key value) props))))))))
         (when (memq which '(all standard))
           ;; Get the standard properties, like :PROP: ...

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