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Re: [O] R code block produces only partial output

From: Charles C. Berry
Subject: Re: [O] R code block produces only partial output
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:50:00 -0700
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (OSX 1167 2008-08-23)

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014, Aaron Ecay wrote:

Hi Chuck, hi all,

Attached to this message is a draft patch to complete this idea.  It
should address the issue of including warnings, errors, and messages in

It uses the “evaluate” R package, originally created for the knitr
literate programming system, to do most of the heavy lifting, and
includes a new mechanism to load this package into babel sessions (and
to prompt the user to install it from CRAN, if not already installed).

It does not yet address Chuck’s first issue of remote sessions, just
because I haven’t had time to look at it in detail (but I still think it
should be easy, based on the code sample/hint that Chuck gave).

What do you think of the approach broadly?


I think doing something along these lines makes sense. evaluate() obviates the need for tryCatch() and capture.output(), and it makes customizing error/warning/message stuff clean. Its use might also lead to cleaner code for R graphics handling.

But adding a dependency on the evaluate package is a significant step. This could be a nuisance for users whose code runs just fine right now. It would need to be installed anywhere R is executed, e.g. in remote sessions. The user would need to install it in her private directory if it is not on the system; some shops actually discourage this.

So, making it optional might be necessary.


I looked at the patch briefly. Some comments:

- You can ditch tryCatch and capture.output. You might browse
  knitr:::block_exec to see how it uses evaluate().

- Wrap the code in local() to keep objects you create from persisting
  where they might not be wanted. I think using
        local({ res <- evaluate(input, envir=parent.frame(2),...); <...>})
  will get assignments from `input' properly placed.

- let stop_on_error, keep_warning, and keep_message args be customizable
  or depend on a header arg. (Then I can stop wrapping require() in
  suppressPackageStartupMessages() which I always misspell. Argh!)



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