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Re: [O] Clocking in on non-org files

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: [O] Clocking in on non-org files
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:42:41 +0200

Dnia 2014-08-16, o godz. 16:01:39
Thorsten Jolitz <address@hidden> napisaƂ(a):

> Marcin Borkowski <address@hidden> writes:
> >> I'm editing this file, C-c C-x C-i just starts clocking.
> > I finally had some time & motivation to look into it.  Below is my
> > solution.  
> This almost works with outshine.el (use head of tj-outshine branch).

Do I get it correctly (I don't know outshine) that it means that you
have the actual Org entry /in the same file/, in the comments?  If
yes, this is not really what I'm after.  My goal is twofold:

1. To be able to clock in from a file I'm editing (currently this
means for me mainly LaTeX projects).  Until now, I was using C-u C-c
C-x C-i, but what if I don't have that particular task on the recent
clocked tasks list?

2. To be able to have a todo list associated with a particular file,
and to go from that file to the relevant place in my org file.

(A further possible extension would be to go from the context of
"files" to the context of "projects".  One possible idea would be to
look for the org-default-link in, say, some file - call it
.org-default-link.org - in the current directory, and if not present,
in its parent directory etc.  In fact, I like this idea and I'll
probably implement it.)

Still thanks, Thorsten.  I guess I'll finally have to look at outshine

Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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