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Re: [O] MobileOrg documentation?

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [O] MobileOrg documentation?
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:58:26 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

David Masterson <address@hidden> writes:

> John Hendy <address@hidden> writes:
>> Did you look at the docs?
>> - https://github.com/matburt/mobileorg-android/wiki/Documentation
> Unfortunately, this looks like Android documentation where I have an
> iPhone.
>> Unfortunately, looks like his images are borked at the moment. It's
>> been a while since I've used it, but you're saying there's not an
>> intuitive way to add a new heading? Can you just do "** something" (or
>> similar)?
> Doesn't seem to work.  The "** Something" gets treated as text for the
> previous heading.  I suspect that, although you type the "** Something"
> at the left margin, it gets indented as text under a heading should be
> which messes up the heading interpretation.
>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 11:26 PM, David Masterson <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> There is not much to the MobileOrg documentation.  For instance, how do
>>> you 'add' a new heading to an outline?  Any examples around on how to
>>> use MobileOrg?
> Anyone using MobileOrg?

I use it, but only in one direction -- computer to tablet. And mostly
just for having meeting/appointment data with me as I wander around
looking for whoever it is I'm supposed to meet. In fact, I've always
wanted OSMand integration with MobileOrg (perhaps a osm link type) where
I could press the link and it would show me where I was going in OSMand.

I don't do the other direction (tablet to computer). Syncing has caused
me enough difficulties in the past that I'm only comfortable using
uni-directional syncing, not bi-directional. That and the problems that
Dropbox has been having in China have made MobileOrg much less useful
than it might have been...


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