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[O] Clocksums are not computed for custom agenda views

From: Barton
Subject: [O] Clocksums are not computed for custom agenda views
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 07:04:27 -0400


I have several custom agenda commands of this form:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("c" . "Custom views")
        ("cw" "Work" agenda ""
         ((org-agenda-files '(
                              ;; work files

Whenever I try to view these in column view, the CLOCKSUM is blank
unless I go into the specific buffer with the file and run

On the other hand, org-clock-sum seems to happen automatically for all
agenda file buffers if the same files are added to org-agenda-files
directly and then accessed with org-agenda-list, org-agenda-columns.

What would be the correct way to automate this CLOCKSUM computation for
the files in my custom agenda views?

My org-columns-default-format is "%25ITEM(Item) %5Effort(t est){:}


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