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[O] How to mark headings to be exclude from inclusion in tangling or wea

From: Grant Rettke
Subject: [O] How to mark headings to be exclude from inclusion in tangling or weaving?
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 08:50:48 -0500

Good morning,

My system is set up to tangle and weave an org file into a .emacs.el
file. By ensuring property inheritance is configured like this

│ (setq org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion nil)

, each heading takes properties from its parents.

Sometimes I don't want that inheritance to occur for one specific
sub-heading, though, and I want to know, what is the best way to go
about that?

My current approach, which works, but is probably wrong, is to give the
property to the subheading of:

│ :noweb-ref: ignore-r-config
│ :END:

which seems to exclude it from export or tangling. Then later when I
tangle the file, noweb expansion lets me put this where I want.

What is going on here is that I've got a programming configuration
section, and it makes sense to keep it all together, but for the fact
that 90% of that config goes into the .emacs.el an 10% of goes into
another config file, so I do need to "exclude and put somewhere else"
that 10%.

emacs "GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0
AppKit 1265.2)\n of 2014-07-03 on orion"

org "8.2.7a"

Kind regards,

Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM address@hidden |
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