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Re: [O] A file with 'org-mode rot'?

From: Karl Voit
Subject: Re: [O] A file with 'org-mode rot'?
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 13:22:00 +0200
User-agent: slrn/0.9.9 (Linux)

* Bastien <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Eric and Karl,

Hi Bastien!

> Just checking -- are things better now?

I am still facing strange behavior and I still do think that we
need an org-mode-syntax-checker for Org-mode files that cause


| foo | bar | baz |
|  42 |     |     |
|  23 |     |     |

It takes seven seconds with 100% CPU core load to move the
"foo"-column from above from the second column to the first by
applying ALT-<left>. This is in my main Org-mode file which has got
29000 lines.

- command-execute                                               29550  99%
 - call-interactively                                           29550  99%
  - org-metaleft                                                29469  99%
   - call-interactively                                         29469  99%
    - org-table-move-column                                     24559  83%
       org-table-align                                           9832  33%
  + byte-code                                                      74   0%
  + execute-extended-command                                        7   0%
+ yas--post-command-handler                                         6   0%
+ timer-event-handler                                               6   0%
+ ...                                                               0   0%

The very same operation in a small test file works fine.

Another example:

moving from @2$1 to @2$2 with TAB: 4 seconds
- command-execute                                                3847  80%
 - call-interactively                                            3845  80%
  - yas-expand                                                   3509  73%
   - yas--fallback                                               3509  73%
    - call-interactively                                         3509  73%
     - org-cycle                                                 3509  73%
      - call-interactively                                       3503  73%
       - org-table-next-field                                    3503  73%
          org-table-align                                        1760  36%
      + org-try-structure-completion                                6   0%
  + org-self-insert-command                                        91   1%
  + byte-code                                                      85   1%
  + next-line                                                      49   1%
  + previous-line                                                  42   0%
  + minibuffer-complete                                            22   0%
  + execute-extended-command                                       17   0%
  + profiler-report-toggle-entry                                   12   0%
  + org-yank                                                        7   0%
  + kill-ring-save                                                  3   0%
  + org-return                                                      3   0%
    org-kill-line                                                   3   0%
    scroll-up-command                                               2   0%
+ yas--post-command-handler                                       648  13%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                 103   2%
+ ...                                                             100   2%
+ timer-event-handler                                              73   1%
+ clm/log-command                                                  12   0%
+ xselect-convert-to-string                                        10   0%
  internal-timer-start-idle                                         2   0%

Again: in a small test file, it works in a fast way.

Still not possible: org-agenda-list & org-agenda-write to ICS file.
Org-mode is working hard but is in some kind of endless loop. I
assume that this also would work when I would change to a small
Org-mode file. I can test this if it helps.

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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