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Re: [O] Bug: Wrong type argument: Integer or marker-p, nil

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Bug: Wrong type argument: Integer or marker-p, nil
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:50:50 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Bastien <address@hidden> writes:

> Rustom Mody <address@hidden> writes:
>> For the below file, if I place the cursor in the right column
>> and give C-c C-c I get the above error
> I can't reproduce this -- can you send a backtrace?

This form

        (org-element-property :contents-begin context)

seems to be returning nil.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
  (if (org-at-TBLFM-p) (progn (require (quote org-table)) 
(org-table-calc-current-TBLFM)) (goto-char (org-element-property 
:contents-begin context)) (org-call-with-arg (quote org-table-recalculate) (or 
arg t)) (orgtbl-send-table (quote maybe)))
  (save-excursion (if (org-at-TBLFM-p) (progn (require (quote org-table)) 
(org-table-calc-current-TBLFM)) (goto-char (org-element-property 
:contents-begin context)) (org-call-with-arg (quote org-table-recalculate) (or 
arg t)) (orgtbl-send-table (quote maybe))))
  (if (or (eq type (quote table)) (and (eq type (quote table-row)) (= (point) 
(org-element-property :end context)))) (save-excursion (if (org-at-TBLFM-p) 
(progn (require (quote org-table)) (org-table-calc-current-TBLFM)) (goto-char 
(org-element-property :contents-begin context)) (org-call-with-arg (quote 
org-table-recalculate) (or arg t)) (orgtbl-send-table (quote maybe)))) 
(org-table-maybe-eval-formula) (cond (arg (call-interactively (quote 
org-table-recalculate))) ((org-table-maybe-recalculate-line)) (t 
  (let ((org-enable-table-editor t)) (if (or (eq type (quote table)) (and (eq 
type (quote table-row)) (= (point) (org-element-property :end context)))) 
(save-excursion (if (org-at-TBLFM-p) (progn (require (quote org-table)) 
(org-table-calc-current-TBLFM)) (goto-char (org-element-property 
:contents-begin context)) (org-call-with-arg (quote org-table-recalculate) (or 
arg t)) (orgtbl-send-table (quote maybe)))) (org-table-maybe-eval-formula) 
(cond (arg (call-interactively (quote org-table-recalculate))) 
((org-table-maybe-recalculate-line)) (t (org-table-align)))))
  (if (eq (org-element-property :type context) (quote table\.el)) (message "Use 
C-c ' to edit table.el tables") (let ((org-enable-table-editor t)) (if (or (eq 
type (quote table)) (and (eq type (quote table-row)) (= (point) 
(org-element-property :end context)))) (save-excursion (if (org-at-TBLFM-p) 
(progn (require (quote org-table)) (org-table-calc-current-TBLFM)) (goto-char 
(org-element-property :contents-begin context)) (org-call-with-arg (quote 
org-table-recalculate) (or arg t)) (orgtbl-send-table (quote maybe)))) 
(org-table-maybe-eval-formula) (cond (arg (call-interactively (quote 
org-table-recalculate))) ((org-table-maybe-recalculate-line)) (t 
  (cond ((eql type (quote clock)) (org-clock-update-time-maybe)) ((eql type 
(quote dynamic-block)) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property 
:post-affiliated context)) (org-update-dblock))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-definition)) (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated 
context)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((memql 
type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (save-excursion (goto-char 
(org-element-property :begin context)) (call-interactively (quote 
org-set-tags)))) ((eql type (quote item)) (let* ((box (org-element-property 
:checkbox context)) (struct (org-element-property :structure context)) 
(old-struct (copy-tree struct)) (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)) 
(prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (orderedp (org-not-nil (org-entry-get nil 
"ORDERED")))) (org-list-set-checkbox (org-element-property :begin context) 
struct (cond ((equal arg (quote ...)) "[-]") ((and (not box) (equal arg ...)) 
"[ ]") ((or (not box) (equal arg ...)) nil) ((eq box (quote on)) "[ ]") (t 
"[X]"))) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs) 
(org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (let ((block-item 
(org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs orderedp))) (if (and box (equal 
struct old-struct)) (if (equal arg (quote ...)) (message "Checkboxes already 
reset") (user-error "Cannot toggle this checkbox: %s" (if ... "all subitems 
checked" "unchecked subitems"))) (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct 
old-struct) (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe)) (if block-item (progn (message 
"Checkboxes were removed due to empty box at line %d" (org-current-line 
block-item))))))) ((eql type (quote keyword)) (let 
((org-inhibit-startup-visibility-stuff t) (org-startup-align-all-tables nil)) 
(if (boundp (quote org-table-coordinate-overlays)) (progn (mapc (quote 
delete-overlay) org-table-coordinate-overlays) (setq 
org-table-coordinate-overlays nil))) (let ((--data (org-outline-overlay-data 
(quote use-markers))) --rtn) (unwind-protect (progn (setq --rtn (progn ...)) 
(org-set-outline-overlay-data --data)) (if (quote use-markers) (progn (mapc ... 
--data)))) --rtn)) (message "Local setup has been refreshed")) ((eql type 
(quote plain-list)) (let* ((begin (org-element-property :contents-begin 
context)) (beginm (move-marker (make-marker) begin)) (struct 
(org-element-property :structure context)) (old-struct (copy-tree struct)) 
(first-box (save-excursion (goto-char begin) (looking-at org-list-full-item-re) 
(match-string-no-properties 3))) (new-box (cond ((equal arg ...) "[-]") ((equal 
arg ...) (if first-box nil "[ ]")) ((equal first-box "[X]") "[ ]") (t "[X]")))) 
(cond (arg (mapc (function (lambda ... ...)) (org-list-get-all-items begin 
struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))) ((and first-box (eq (point) begin)) 
(org-list-set-checkbox begin struct new-box))) (org-list-write-struct struct 
(org-list-parents-alist struct) old-struct) (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) 
(save-excursion (goto-char beginm) (org-list-send-list (quote maybe))))) 
((memql type (quote (property-drawer node-property))) (call-interactively 
(quote org-property-action))) ((memql type (quote (radio-target target))) 
(call-interactively (quote org-update-radio-target-regexp))) ((eql type (quote 
statistics-cookie)) (call-interactively (quote org-update-statistics-cookies))) 
((memql type (quote (table table-cell table-row))) (if (eq 
(org-element-property :type context) (quote table\.el)) (message "Use C-c ' to 
edit table.el tables") (let ((org-enable-table-editor t)) (if (or (eq type 
(quote table)) (and (eq type ...) (= ... ...))) (save-excursion (if 
(org-at-TBLFM-p) (progn ... ...) (goto-char ...) (org-call-with-arg ... ...) 
(orgtbl-send-table ...))) (org-table-maybe-eval-formula) (cond (arg 
(call-interactively ...)) ((org-table-maybe-recalculate-line)) (t 
(org-table-align))))))) ((eql type (quote timestamp)) (org-timestamp-change 0 
(quote day))) (t (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) (user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at 
this location"))))
  (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[        ]*$")) (or 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) 
(user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location")) (cond ((eql type 
(quote link)) (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)) (setq type 
(org-element-type context))) ((memql type (quote (bold code entity 
export-snippet inline-babel-call inline-src-block italic latex-fragment 
line-break macro strike-through subscript superscript underline verbatim))) 
(while (and (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)) (not (memq 
(setq type ...) (quote ...))))))) (if (eq type (quote paragraph)) (progn (let 
((parent (org-element-property :parent context))) (if (and (eq 
(org-element-type parent) (quote item)) (= (point-at-bol) (org-element-property 
:begin parent))) (progn (setq context parent type (quote item))))))) (cond 
((eql type (quote clock)) (org-clock-update-time-maybe)) ((eql type (quote 
dynamic-block)) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property 
:post-affiliated context)) (org-update-dblock))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-definition)) (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated 
context)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((memql 
type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (save-excursion (goto-char 
(org-element-property :begin context)) (call-interactively (quote 
org-set-tags)))) ((eql type (quote item)) (let* ((box (org-element-property 
:checkbox context)) (struct (org-element-property :structure context)) 
(old-struct (copy-tree struct)) (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)) 
(prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (orderedp (org-not-nil (org-entry-get nil 
"ORDERED")))) (org-list-set-checkbox (org-element-property :begin context) 
struct (cond ((equal arg ...) "[-]") ((and ... ...) "[ ]") ((or ... ...) nil) 
((eq box ...) "[ ]") (t "[X]"))) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs) 
(org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (let ((block-item 
(org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs orderedp))) (if (and box (equal 
struct old-struct)) (if (equal arg ...) (message "Checkboxes already reset") 
(user-error "Cannot toggle this checkbox: %s" ...)) 
(org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct) 
(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe)) (if block-item (progn (message "Checkboxes 
were removed due to empty box at line %d" ...)))))) ((eql type (quote keyword)) 
(let ((org-inhibit-startup-visibility-stuff t) (org-startup-align-all-tables 
nil)) (if (boundp (quote org-table-coordinate-overlays)) (progn (mapc (quote 
delete-overlay) org-table-coordinate-overlays) (setq 
org-table-coordinate-overlays nil))) (let ((--data (org-outline-overlay-data 
...)) --rtn) (unwind-protect (progn (setq --rtn ...) 
(org-set-outline-overlay-data --data)) (if (quote use-markers) (progn ...))) 
--rtn)) (message "Local setup has been refreshed")) ((eql type (quote 
plain-list)) (let* ((begin (org-element-property :contents-begin context)) 
(beginm (move-marker (make-marker) begin)) (struct (org-element-property 
:structure context)) (old-struct (copy-tree struct)) (first-box (save-excursion 
(goto-char begin) (looking-at org-list-full-item-re) 
(match-string-no-properties 3))) (new-box (cond (... "[-]") (... ...) (... "[ 
]") (t "[X]")))) (cond (arg (mapc (function ...) (org-list-get-all-items begin 
struct ...))) ((and first-box (eq ... begin)) (org-list-set-checkbox begin 
struct new-box))) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct) 
old-struct) (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) (save-excursion (goto-char 
beginm) (org-list-send-list (quote maybe))))) ((memql type (quote 
(property-drawer node-property))) (call-interactively (quote 
org-property-action))) ((memql type (quote (radio-target target))) 
(call-interactively (quote org-update-radio-target-regexp))) ((eql type (quote 
statistics-cookie)) (call-interactively (quote org-update-statistics-cookies))) 
((memql type (quote (table table-cell table-row))) (if (eq 
(org-element-property :type context) (quote table\.el)) (message "Use C-c ' to 
edit table.el tables") (let ((org-enable-table-editor t)) (if (or (eq type ...) 
(and ... ...)) (save-excursion (if ... ... ... ... ...)) 
(org-table-maybe-eval-formula) (cond (arg ...) (...) (t ...)))))) ((eql type 
(quote timestamp)) (org-timestamp-change 0 (quote day))) (t (or 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) 
(user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location")))))
  (let* ((context (org-element-context)) (type (org-element-type context))) (if 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "[      ]*$")) (or 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) 
(user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location")) (cond ((eql type 
(quote link)) (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)) (setq type 
(org-element-type context))) ((memql type (quote (bold code entity 
export-snippet inline-babel-call inline-src-block italic latex-fragment 
line-break macro strike-through subscript superscript underline verbatim))) 
(while (and (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)) (not (memq 
... ...)))))) (if (eq type (quote paragraph)) (progn (let ((parent 
(org-element-property :parent context))) (if (and (eq ... ...) (= ... ...)) 
(progn (setq context parent type ...)))))) (cond ((eql type (quote clock)) 
(org-clock-update-time-maybe)) ((eql type (quote dynamic-block)) 
(save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated context)) 
(org-update-dblock))) ((eql type (quote footnote-definition)) (goto-char 
(org-element-property :post-affiliated context)) (call-interactively (quote 
org-footnote-action))) ((eql type (quote footnote-reference)) 
(call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((memql type (quote (headline 
inlinetask))) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :begin context)) 
(call-interactively (quote org-set-tags)))) ((eql type (quote item)) (let* 
((box (org-element-property :checkbox context)) (struct (org-element-property 
:structure context)) (old-struct (copy-tree struct)) (parents 
(org-list-parents-alist struct)) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) 
(orderedp (org-not-nil ...))) (org-list-set-checkbox (org-element-property 
:begin context) struct (cond (... "[-]") (... "[ ]") (... nil) (... "[ ]") (t 
"[X]"))) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs) 
(org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (let ((block-item ...)) (if (and box 
...) (if ... ... ...) (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct) 
(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe)) (if block-item (progn ...))))) ((eql type 
(quote keyword)) (let ((org-inhibit-startup-visibility-stuff t) 
(org-startup-align-all-tables nil)) (if (boundp (quote 
org-table-coordinate-overlays)) (progn (mapc ... org-table-coordinate-overlays) 
(setq org-table-coordinate-overlays nil))) (let ((--data ...) --rtn) 
(unwind-protect (progn ... ...) (if ... ...)) --rtn)) (message "Local setup has 
been refreshed")) ((eql type (quote plain-list)) (let* ((begin 
(org-element-property :contents-begin context)) (beginm (move-marker ... 
begin)) (struct (org-element-property :structure context)) (old-struct 
(copy-tree struct)) (first-box (save-excursion ... ... ...)) (new-box (cond ... 
... ... ...))) (cond (arg (mapc ... ...)) ((and first-box ...) 
(org-list-set-checkbox begin struct new-box))) (org-list-write-struct struct 
(org-list-parents-alist struct) old-struct) (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) 
(save-excursion (goto-char beginm) (org-list-send-list (quote maybe))))) 
((memql type (quote (property-drawer node-property))) (call-interactively 
(quote org-property-action))) ((memql type (quote (radio-target target))) 
(call-interactively (quote org-update-radio-target-regexp))) ((eql type (quote 
statistics-cookie)) (call-interactively (quote org-update-statistics-cookies))) 
((memql type (quote (table table-cell table-row))) (if (eq 
(org-element-property :type context) (quote table\.el)) (message "Use C-c ' to 
edit table.el tables") (let ((org-enable-table-editor t)) (if (or ... ...) 
(save-excursion ...) (org-table-maybe-eval-formula) (cond ... ... ...))))) 
((eql type (quote timestamp)) (org-timestamp-change 0 (quote day))) (t (or 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) 
(user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location"))))))
  (cond ((or (and (boundp (quote org-clock-overlays)) org-clock-overlays) 
org-occur-highlights org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (and (boundp (quote 
org-clock-overlays)) (org-clock-remove-overlays)) (org-remove-occur-highlights) 
(org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (message "Temporary 
highlights/overlays removed from current buffer")) ((and (local-variable-p 
(quote org-finish-function) (current-buffer)) (fboundp org-finish-function)) 
(funcall org-finish-function)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook))) (t (let* ((context (org-element-context)) (type 
(org-element-type context))) (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) 
(looking-at "[     ]*$")) (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-final-hook)) (user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at 
this location")) (cond ((eql type (quote link)) (setq context 
(org-element-property :parent context)) (setq type (org-element-type context))) 
((memql type (quote ...)) (while (and ... ...)))) (if (eq type (quote 
paragraph)) (progn (let (...) (if ... ...)))) (cond ((eql type (quote clock)) 
(org-clock-update-time-maybe)) ((eql type (quote dynamic-block)) 
(save-excursion (goto-char ...) (org-update-dblock))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-definition)) (goto-char (org-element-property :post-affiliated 
context)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((eql type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (call-interactively (quote org-footnote-action))) ((memql 
type (quote ...)) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) (call-interactively ...))) 
((eql type (quote item)) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ...) (org-list-set-checkbox 
... struct ...) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs) 
(org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (let ... ... ...))) ((eql type (quote 
keyword)) (let (... ...) (if ... ...) (let ... ... --rtn)) (message "Local 
setup has been refreshed")) ((eql type (quote plain-list)) (let* (... ... ... 
... ... ...) (cond ... ...) (org-list-write-struct struct ... old-struct) 
(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) (save-excursion ... ...))) ((memql type 
(quote ...)) (call-interactively (quote org-property-action))) ((memql type 
(quote ...)) (call-interactively (quote org-update-radio-target-regexp))) ((eql 
type (quote statistics-cookie)) (call-interactively (quote 
org-update-statistics-cookies))) ((memql type (quote ...)) (if (eq ... ...) 
(message "Use C-c ' to edit table.el tables") (let ... ...))) ((eql type (quote 
timestamp)) (org-timestamp-change 0 (quote day))) (t (or 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success ...) (user-error "C-c C-c can do nothing 
useful at this location"))))))))


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