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Re: [O] a4paper to execute latex src block

From: David Belohrad
Subject: Re: [O] a4paper to execute latex src block
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 10:41:05 +0100
User-agent: Notmuch/0.15.2+109~g47a419a (http://notmuchmail.org) Emacs/23.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Fiddling a bit more I have achieved it, but it is solution for all src
blocks. By redefining variable org-format-latex-header:

(setq org-format-latex-header "\\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}

So I have removed settings which I don't need, and I ordered it to
obligatory use a4paper and 12pt, which I use anyways. 

Still, how could I change this locally is not clear to me...


David Belohrad <address@hidden> writes:

> Dear All,
> I have following latex src block (see bellow), which I'd like to use to
> generate box. When I press C-c C-c and execute the block, it does
> exactly what is wanted, i.e. generates cps_fbct_box_btp10.pdf file with
> some fancy graphics. The problem is, that I've found, that resulting PDF
> graphics does not have expected dimensions. Tracing that back I've
> found, that I have to use
> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
> and not 
> \documentclass{article}
> as is generated by execution of the src block. Now, I have tried
> everything I know to generate tex file out of this thing, which would
> modify the default (no) options to include a4 paper. Nothing works.
> This:
> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,twocolumn]
> in front of src block does not include these options into resulting Tex
> file
> Adding 'second' document class in :headers does not work either as latex
> is complaining that I have specified two classes.
> How can I setup the src block such, that it will generate for me in the
> latex preamble article class with a4paper option?
> many thanks
> .d.
> *** Prepare front panel to be sticked on each FBCT
> Each FBCT is equipped with a sticker, which is sticked on the FR4 box
> with connectors. This identifies which of the connectors is FBCT
> output and which of them is calibration input. It adds information
> about what FBCT is it and who is responsible (me).
> Script to generate it:
> #+begin_src latex :file cps_fbct_box_btp10.pdf :headers 
> '("\\usepackage{tikz}" 
> "\\usepackage[top=5mm,bottom=5mm,left=5mm,right=5mm]{geometry}")
> \newcommand{\fbct}{BTP-BCT10 (\#3044)}
> \begin{tikzpicture}[thick]
> \draw (0,0) -- (136mm,0) -- (136mm,80mm) -- (0,80mm) -- (0,0);
> % two main holes
> \draw (40mm,40mm) circle (8.5mm);
> \draw (96mm,40mm) circle (8.5mm);
> % screws around holes for first connector 
> \draw (30.85mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (49.15mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (30.85mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (49.15mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
> % screws around holes for second connector
> \draw (86.85mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (105.15mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (86.85mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
> \draw (105.15mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
> % holes around the box
> \draw (4mm,4mm) circle (1.75mm);
> \draw (132mm,4mm) circle (1.75mm);
> \draw (132mm,76mm) circle (1.75mm);
> \draw (4mm,76mm) circle (1.75mm);
> % text messages
> \node[color=red,text width=4cm,align=center] at (4cm,1.5cm)
> {\LARGE\texttt{Calibration input}};
> \node[color=blue,text width=3cm,align=center] at (96mm,1.5cm)
> {\LARGE\texttt{FBCT output}};
> \node[color=black,text width=120mm,align=center] at (68mm,7cm)
> {\Huge \texttt{\textbf{\fbct}}};
> \node[color=black,text width=120mm,align=center] at (68mm,6.3cm)
> {Resp: \textbf{David Belohrad} (address@hidden)};
> \end{tikzpicture}
> #+end_src
> [[file:cps_fbct_box_btp10.pdf]]
> #+END_LaTeX

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