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Re: [O] freemind export?

From: Christof Spitz
Subject: Re: [O] freemind export?
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 10:09:14 +0100

my installation of ox-freemind.el:

- put ox-freemind.el in list/org - directory
- (require 'cl) in init.el
- custom settings in initl.el: 
 '(org-export-backends (quote (ascii beamer html icalendar latex freemind)))
 '(org-freemind-pretty-output t)
 '(org-freemind-style-map-function (quote org-freemind-style-map--automatic))

run C-c C-e f f in org-buffer
open in freemind or freeplane current version (no difference, all branches always placed to the right of main subject).


2013/11/4 Jambunathan K <address@hidden>
Christof Spitz <address@hidden> writes:

> #+AUTHOR: Christof
> #+OPTIONS: H:4
> * Headline 1
> ** Sub 1.1
> ** Sub 1.2
> * Headline 2
> ** Sub 2.1
> ** Sub 2.2
> Branch "Headline 2" should be place to the left of the central SUBJECT
> in Freemind.

It is getting placed rightly.

Here is the screenshot of what I get (with no additional customizations
at my end).  I use freeplane, btw.

As for styles, you need to customize your styles in Freemind exporter
and move over the XML to ox-freemind.el.  If you have a specific
question wrt style, I can help.  But I need to be convinced that you are
using the right exporter i.e., no installation issues etc etc etc.

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