\documentclass[10pt]{exam} % BEGIN exam Defaults \usepackage{palatino} \extrawidth{.5in} \extraheadheight{-.75in} \extrafootheight[-3in]{-.75in} \pagestyle{headandfoot} \NoKey \NumberOfVersions{1} \renewcommand\thequestion{\Roman{question}} \renewcommand\thepartno{\arabic{partno}} \renewcommand\partlabel{\thepartno.} % END exam Defaults \extrawidth{.5in} \extraheadheight[.3in]{-.75in} \extrafootheight{-.25in} \raggedright \author{Robert Klein} \date{\today} \title{} \begin{document} \renewcommand\thequestion{\Roman{question}} \renewcommand\thepartno{\arabic{partno}} \renewcommand\partlabel{\thepartno.} \firstpageheader{Name:\enspace\makebox[3in]{\hrulefill}\\Exam 1\\}{}{Theo 001 -- Rakestraw\\February 14, 2013\\} \begin{coverpages} this is just some text \end{coverpages} \begin{questions} % Meaningless header \label{sec-1} \question % \label{sec-1-1} \textbf{Identification of Terms}. Identify/define and give the significance of \textbf{six} of the following. If you identify/define more than six without indicating clearly which six you want me to grade, I will grade your first six answers (18 points). \begin{parts} % Terms \label{sec-1-1-1} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-1} term 1 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-2} term 2 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-3} term 3 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-4} term 4 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-5} term 5 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-6} term 6 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-7} term 7 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-8} term 8 \vspace*{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-1-1-9} term 9 \newpage \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \end{parts} \question % \label{sec-1-2} \textbf{Short Answer}. Answer \textbf{two} of the following in a paragraph. If you attempt to answer more than two without indicating clearly which two you intend me to grade I will grade your first two answers (36 points). \begin{parts} % Questions \label{sec-1-2-1} \part % \label{sec-1-2-1-1} Question one goes on for more than one line. (I mention that because I want to be clear that I can't put a question in a heading.) \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-2-1-2} Question 2 goes here. \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \part % \label{sec-1-2-1-3} Question 3 goes here. \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \part % \label{sec-1-2-1-4} Question 4 goes here. \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \end{parts} \question % \label{sec-1-3} \textbf{Essay Question}. Answer \textbf{one} of the following as fully as you are able. If you attempt to answer more than one without indicating clearly which one you intend me to grade I will grade your first answer (40 points). \begin{parts} % Questions \label{sec-1-3-1} \part % \label{sec-1-3-1-1} here's the first essay question. \part % \label{sec-1-3-1-2} here's the second essay question. \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \newpage \fillwithdottedlines{\fill} \end{parts} \end{questions} \end{document}