%% beamercolorthemeorg.sty %% %% Copyright 2007 by Till Tantau and 2013 by Marcin Borkowski %% %% This beamer theme is based on Till Tantau's default Beamer theme, %% with modifications by Marcin Borkowski. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c, % found in the file lppl.txt. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Marcin Borkowski . % % This work consists of the files: % beamercolorthemeorg.sty % beamerfontthemeorg.sty % beamerinnerthemeorg.sty % beamerouterthemeorg.sty % beamerthemeorg.sty % beamerthemeorg-demo.tex \ProvidesPackage{beamercolorthemeorg}[2013/05/18 Org-inspired color theme for Beamer] \mode \usecolortheme{rose} address@hidden,0.2431,0.1882} % colour from the UCL Australia logo background \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black,fg=white} \usebeamercolor[fg]{background canvas} \setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=yellow!20!white,bg=black} \setbeamercolor*{alerted address@hidden \setbeamercolor{structure}{bg=black,address@hidden \setbeamercolor{org keywords}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!40!bg} \setbeamercolor{org keywords dimmed}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!80!bg} \setbeamercolor{framesubtitle}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!70!bg} \setbeamercolor{dimmed text}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!40!bg} \setbeamercolor{alerted text}{use=palette secondary,fg=palette secondary.fg} \newcommand<>{\dimmed}[1]{{\usebeamercolor{dimmed text}\color{fg}#1}} \mode %%%%%%%%%%%% Emacs food % Local Variables: % TeX-command-default: "LaTeX" % TeX-master: "beamer-test.tex" % End: