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Re: [O] [BUG] Hotkeys defined in org-tag-alist repeated in agenda filter

From: Viktor Rosenfeld
Subject: Re: [O] [BUG] Hotkeys defined in org-tag-alist repeated in agenda filter dispatcher
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:01:32 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Bastian,

Bastien wrote:

> Hi Viktor,
> Viktor Rosenfeld <address@hidden> writes:
> > If I hit the =/= key in the agenda to filter the agenda by tag, the
> > hotkeys defined in the list above are repeated multiple times.
> Can you test this patch against latest maint or master branch?

The problem still remains with the patch. However, I was able to narrow
the problem to a specific line and can provide a minimal example:

Consider the following configuration (which is loaded in init.el via

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'org-agenda)

(setq org-agenda-files '(

(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgroup . nil)
                                 ("@home" . ?h)
                                 ("@comp" . ?c)
                                 ("@otg" . ?o)
                                 ("@fon" . ?f)
                                 ("@agenda" . ?a) 
                                 ("@read" . ?r)
                                 ("@write" . ?w)
                                 (:endgroup . nil)
                                 (:startgroup . nil)
                                 ("IMPORTANT" . ?*)
                                 ("SOMEDAY" . ??)
                                 (:endgroup . nil)))

The four agenda files are as follows: The first file, "dokumente.org"
caontains a single headline and a #+TAGS: definition:

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle dokumente.org
#+TAGS: foo

* 1996

The other three files only contain a heading and no #+TAGS: definition:

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle openloops.org
* Inbox

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle routine.org
* Review

#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle arbeit.org
* 1996

With this setup the tag hotkeys are repeated three times, one time for
each file with no tags definition. If I remove the #+TAGS definition in
dokumente.org, the bug disappears. If I add a #+TAGS definition to every
other file, then no tag hotkeys are printed, which is another unexpected
behavior. In other words, the presence of #+TAGS in a file causes the
tag hotkeys to repeated once for every file which does not have a #+TAGS
definition. To achieve the correct behavior, either no #+TAGS:
definition must appear anywhere or there must be exactly one file
without a #+TAGS definition.

Note that the number of repetions also depends on where the file with
the #+TAGS definition is located in the org-agenda-files list. Using the
four files above, if I move the file dokumente.org with the #+TAGS
definition to the end of the list then there are no repetitions.


> Thanks,

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