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Re: [O] [PATCH] Improve configurability of ox-koma-letter

From: Alan Schmitt
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] Improve configurability of ox-koma-letter
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:06:36 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1

Viktor Rosenfeld writes:

> Hi Alan,
> Alan Schmitt wrote:
>> A couple notes about the patch:
>> - Could you create it using "git format-patch"? This way we'll have
>> more metadata in the commit.
> I actually did that first and liked it more because then the patch was
> split into more logical blocks (nine patches in total). However, I did
> not add correct changelog entries to the commits. Should I resend the
> individual patches nevertheless? I could add/change the commit message
> manually in the email, I suppose.

Or you could do a git rebase interactive to merge all the commits

>> - I think there is an issue with the handling of signatures. I tried
>> with an old letter that uses a LCO with a graphical signature in it, but
>> it gets overridden upon export. Here is the generated TeX.
>> #+BEGIN_SRC latex
>> \LoadLetterOption{InriaRennesFR}
>> \setkomavar{signature}{\usekomavar{fromname}}
>> #+END_SRC
> Have you tried clearing the signature?
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (setq org-koma-letter-signature nil)

Yes, I changed it globally and I still get the same thing. I also
tried doing a

#+signature: ""

and it inserts it in the LaTeX file as such, after my LCO declaration.


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