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Re: [O] Is there a limit to number of entries in org-feed.el?

From: Memnon Anon
Subject: Re: [O] Is there a limit to number of entries in org-feed.el?
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:26:46 +0000 (UTC)

Aditya Mandayam <address@hidden> writes:

> I tried using org-feed:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-feed.html
> and it returns "70 entries" when I try to update. Is there a limit to
> the amount it can pull? Or is it me?

FWIW, with a quick test, I can't reproduce that.
Some more information about your setup would be useful, here is what I
tested with:

ELISP> (emacs-version)
"GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2)\n 
of 2013-04-04 on dex, modified by Debian"
ELISP> (org-version t t)
"Org-mode version 8.0-pre 
 (release_8.0-pre-213-g6caddb @ /home/memnon/bin/elisp/org-latest/lisp/)"
ELISP> org-feed-alist
   "~/test.org" "Alles Entries")
   "~/test.org" "Nachrichten Entries")
   "~/test.org" "Security Entries")
 ("Spiegel Topmeldungen" 
   "~/test.org" "Spiegel Top Entries")
 ("Spiegel Eilmeldungen" 
   "~/test.org" "Spiegel Eil Entries")
 ("Spiegel Alles" 
  "~/test.org" "Spiegel Alles Entries"))

,----[ M-x org-feed-update-all; Example output *Messages* ]
| Contacting host:
| Saving file /home/memnon/test.org...
| Wrote /home/memnon/test.org
| Added 0 new item from feed Alles to file test.org, 
|       heading Alles Entries
| Contacting host:
| Saving file /home/memnon/test.org...
| Wrote /home/memnon/test.org
| Added 0 new item from feed Nachrichten to file test.org, 
|       heading Nachrichten Entries
| Contacting host:
| Saving file /home/memnon/test.org...
| Wrote /home/memnon/test.org
| Added 0 new item from feed Security to file test.org, 
|       heading Security Entries
| Contacting host:
| No new items in feed Spiegel Topmeldungen
| Contacting host:
| No new items in feed Spiegel Eilmeldungen
| Contacting host:
| Clipboard pasted as level 2 subtree [2 times]
| Position saved to mark ring, go back with C-c &.
| Saving file /home/memnon/test.org...
| Wrote /home/memnon/test.org
| Added 2 new items from feed Spiegel Alles to file test.org, 
|       heading Spiegel Alles Entries
| 2 new entries from 6 feeds

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For bug reports, please first try to reproduce the bug with the
latest version of Org available [...]. If the bug persists, prepare 
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