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[O] new exporter and plain text table export alignment

From: maxco . tr
Subject: [O] new exporter and plain text table export alignment
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 07:51:49 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.9; emacs 24.2.1

Hi all

I use org tables to estimate construction projects.  I frequently use
simple math within a table cell to help me remember what I was
thinking when I entered the data.

It seems that the new exporter does not align plain text exports in
some of these situations.  I only use plain text and html exports;
html is working perfectly.

example tables and the results I see.

* table I - good
|         |         |    |       |
| apples  |       3 |  8 |  24.0 |
| oranges | 1.2+2.8 |  9 |  36.0 |
| plums   |       5 | 10 |  50.0 |
|         |         |    | 110.0 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$2*$3;%.1f::@5$4=vsum(@address@hidden);%.1f

table I - good
   apples         3   8   24.0 
   oranges  1.2+2.8   9   36.0 
   plums          5  10   50.0 

* table II
|         |             |    |       |
| apples  |           3 |  8 |  24.0 |
| oranges | 1.1+1.2+1.7 |  9 |  36.0 |
| plums   |           5 | 10 |  50.0 |
|         |             |    | 110.0 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$2*$3;%.1f::@5$4=vsum(@address@hidden);%.1f

table II
   apples         3          8   24.0 
   oranges  1.1+1.2+1.7   9   36.0 
   plums          5         10   50.0 

* table III
|        |                  |     |      |
| apples |                3 |   8 | 24.0 |
| are    |                4 |   9 | 36.0 |
| good   | 1.87995654654654 |  10 | 18.8 |
|        |                  |     | 78.8 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$2*$3;%.1f::@5$4=vsum(@address@hidden);%.1f

table III
   apples              3          8  24.0 
   are                 4          9  36.0 
   good    1.87995654654654  10  18.8 

Tracy Helms

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