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Re: [O] [babel] Bugs for Emacs Lisp code blocks

From: Eric Schulte
Subject: Re: [O] [babel] Bugs for Emacs Lisp code blocks
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 13:42:26 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

"Sebastien Vauban" <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> Eric Schulte wrote:
>> Emacs Lisp is an exception in terms of colname processing, it has
>> default header arguments set to pass column names through to the code
>> block, where the processing may be done trivially in Emacs Lisp.
> OK, but I don't understand the precedence of header arguments. I thought that
> a header argument given on the code block preempted all the other values
> (system-wide default for all languages, language defaults, file-wide
> arguments, and subtree arguments).
> Why isn't this true here as well?

That is what is happening here, although combinations of :hlines and
:colnames can be tricky.  Especially weird, is that if you want to
*unset* a header argument which is set at a higher level, you need to
set it to '(), as in ":colnames '()".


>>> * Call at export time
>>> #+call: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)
>>> I get:
>>> | id   | var1 |
>>> | id   | var1 |
>>> | obs1 | foo  |
>>> | obs2 | bar  |
>>> Not at all what I was expecting...
>> Agreed, I've just pushed up a fix, so the following now works.
>>     #+name: input
>>     | id   | var1 |
>>     |------+------|
>>     | obs1 | foo  |
>>     | obs2 | bar  |
>>     #+name: ELisp-echo-1
>>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=input :exports results
>>     data
>>     #+end_src
>>     #+call: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)
>>     #+RESULTS: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)
>>     | id   | var1 |
>>     |------+------|
>>     | obs1 | foo  |
>>     | obs2 | bar  |
>> Thanks for pointing this out.
> Here, I understand that the #+call line uses the default header argument set
> on the language. So, that seems right to me as well...
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
>   Seb

Eric Schulte

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