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Re: [O] [WORG] How to ediff folded Org files?

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: [O] [WORG] How to ediff folded Org files?
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 23:32:05 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130002 (Ma Gnus v0.2) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Marc-Oliver Ihm <address@hidden> writes:


> if I need to ediff two org-files, I just switch their buffers back to
> fundamental mode temporarily. Not elegant, but works.

the problem is, if I call e (ediff) from Magit and want to merge (e.g.)
my branch with the master branch, I don't really have access to both
versions - only to the version from the checked out branch.

ediff then gives me both versions in an ediff session (folded), but if I
try to change major-mode to fundamental I break the ediff session. 

> Am 06.04.2013 11:47, schrieb Thorsten Jolitz:
>> Hi List,
>> many files on Worg have this startup option:
>> ,--------------------------
>> | +STARTUP:    ... fold ...
>> `--------------------------
>> what leads to trouble when there is a merge-conflict in (Ma)git to be
>> resolved manually with e(diff), because the different versions of the
>> Org-file are then presented in folded state in the ediff session, so the
>> diffs are invisible.
>> But when I call 'show-all' or so on them, it breaks the ediff session.
>> Is there a simple trick to avoid this problem?
>> PS
>> I don't recieve any new messages from my gmane groups any more since
>> yesterday - am I the only one?


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