[O] looking for advice on where/how to store org realted files (attachme
Itai kloog
[O] looking for advice on where/how to store org realted files (attachments/images etc)
Thu, 4 Apr 2013 10:16:32 -0400
Hi all
After my first week or so with org im finally starting to switch to it full time. Im also in the process of migrating all my notebooks from all other apps. previous note apps ive used stored attachments/images inside the notes/databases. this made me wonder how i should approach this with org.
I take alot of screenshots and attach alot of PDF's/ scrips to my notes. I would love to hear back from the community on how people organize these "realted" org files. do they go to separate folder per org note file, IE having a research2000.org file and then a research2000 folder for all related files? is it better to just dump all files into one big repository for ALL org notes? are there better solution?