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[O] Including setupfile settings during subtree export (new exporter)

From: John Hendy
Subject: [O] Including setupfile settings during subtree export (new exporter)
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 10:19:33 -0500

In the past, exporting a subtree seemed to pull options from my
#+setupfile line.

I've updated the line to the proper new syntax (#+include:
"/path/to/setupfile.org"), but subtree export doesn't seem to be using
the options set there (using =C-c C-e C-s l p= for LaTeX/PDF export).

I tried using =#+include: "file"= as well as =#+setupfile: file=
inside the subtree properties drawer without success.

If I mark the same subtree with :export: tag (no other trees are
marked), it works properly and uses my setupfile options.

Any suggestions? If this was an oversight, my vote would be that a
buffer-set setupfile would apply to subtree exports unless overridden
by a property-drawer setting (even though I don't currently know that
the property draw setting is for a setupfile).


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