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Re: [O] [Out-of-Thread] Re: [RFC] Org syntax (draft)

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: [O] [Out-of-Thread] Re: [RFC] Org syntax (draft)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:48:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130002 (Ma Gnus v0.2) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Carsten Dominik <address@hidden> writes:

> can you show an example on how you use it? Maybe we can find a better way.
> Nicolas is right that portability is compromised by customizable emphasis.

> On 18.3.2013, at 00:02, zeltak <address@hidden> wrote:

>> I find the ability to add custom emphasise with custom faces invaluable. i
>> find it very easy to add and very useful for me since i use ALOT of color
>> highlights in my academic work.

Here is an excerpt from my .emacs, actually stolen from Fabrice Nielson
(http://www.mygooglest.com/fni/), that might give some hints how to do
interactive color highlighting without any changes to Org-mode:

| ;; *** 14.13 (info "(emacs)Highlight Interactively")
| ;; You can use `hi-lock-mode' to highlight words:
| ;;     `M-x hi-lock-mode RET'
| ;;     `C-x w h <match> RET hi-blue RET'
| ;; You can also write your settings to the buffer you're using with
| ;; `C-x w b', and read them back in again next time with `C-x w i'.
| ;; TODO Have a look at http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/color-moccur.el for
| ;; searching regexp in buffer
| (GNUEmacs
|     ;; "identical token highlighting" commands
|     (when (try-require 'highlight)
|         (defface hlt-1 '((t (:background "#FFFFA0"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-2 '((t (:background "#A0FFA0"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-3 '((t (:background "#A0FFFF"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-4 '((t (:background "#FFA0FF"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-5 '((t (:background "#FFA0A0"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-6 '((t (:background "#FFFFA0"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-7 '((t (:background "#A0FFA0"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-8 '((t (:background "#A0FFFF"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-9 '((t (:background "#FFA0FF"))) nil)
|         (defface hlt-10 '((t (:background "#FFA0A0"))) nil)
|         (global-set-key (kbd "C-S-p") 'hlt-previous-highlight)
|         (global-set-key (kbd "C-S-n") 'hlt-next-highlight)
|         (defun hlt-highlight-current-word ()
|           (interactive)
|           (let ((var_name (current-word t)))
|             (when var_name
|               (save-excursion
|                 (hlt-highlight-regexp-region
|                  (point-min)
|                  (point-max)
|                  (regexp-quote var_name))))))
|         ;; emulation of Vim's `*' search
|         (global-set-key (kbd "C-*") 'hlt-highlight-current-word)
|         ))
| ;; ;; bind the hi-lock commands to more finger-friendly sequences
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z i") 'hi-lock-find-patterns)
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z p") 'highlight-phrase)
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z r") 'unhighlight-regexp)
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z h") 'highlight-regexp)
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z C-h") 'highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
| ;; (define-key hi-lock-map (kbd "C-z b") 'hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns)
| ;; Highlight based on regexps
| (global-set-key [M-f1] 'highlight-regexp)
| (global-set-key [M-f2] 'highlight-lines-matching-regexp)
| (global-set-key [M-f3] 'hi-lock-mode)
| (global-set-key [M-f4] 'hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns)
| ;; highlight current symbol
| (when (try-require 'light-symbol)
|   (light-symbol-mode))
| ;; highlight current symbol
| (setq highlight-symbol-idle-delay 0.5)
| (when (try-require 'highlight-symbol)
|   (highlight-symbol-mode))


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