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Re: [O] [Out-of-Thread] Re: [RFC] Org syntax (draft)

From: David Engster
Subject: Re: [O] [Out-of-Thread] Re: [RFC] Org syntax (draft)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:29:52 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2.93 (gnu/linux)

Jambunathan K. writes:
> David Engster <address@hidden> writes:
>> Jambunathan K. writes:
>>> I know that.  
>>> But that doesn't answer the question why Carsten will appear in the To
>>> header of a mail that I reply to a mail I receive from Eric S Fraga.
>> Because Carsten started the thread and did not set MFT.
> In this very specific thread - the one I am typing right now, Nicolas
> Goaziou doesn't appear in To - why?  Normally, when I wide reply to a
> Ngz's post it gets sent to him as well as the mailing list.
> If your argument is right, Ngz should appear in To or CC headers of the
> post.  I see only ML address.  So what am I missing?

You didn't do a wide reply in <address@hidden>.


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