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Re: [O] [ox-beamer] Frame subtitles are not handled anymore

From: Sebastien Vauban
Subject: Re: [O] [ox-beamer] Frame subtitles are not handled anymore
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 22:57:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2.93 (windows-nt)

Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban" writes:
>> It took me quite some time, but I'm at the end of converting a 90 slides
>> presentation from the old to the new exporter.
>> In that presentation, there is (just!) one thing which does not work
>> anymore: the frame subtitles.

BTW, it has to be emphasized: just ONE thing for which I could not find a
direct mapping toward a solution; that's pretty excellent!

>> Before, I could write:
>> * News \\ Technology
>> ...
>> and get that exported as:
>> \begin{frame}
>>   \frametitle{News}
>>   \framesubtitle{Technology}
>>   ...
>> \end{frame}
>> (or similar.)
>> Now, such a title is simply cut over 2 lines; hence, the use of a bad font
>> (in LaTeX) for the subtitle (font as big as the one customized for the
>> title itself).
>> How could we write subtitles again in Beamer presentations?
> It was discussed a few months ago.

I must have missed it.

> To sum it up, I don't like that syntax, because it's very close to line
> breaks.

But the advantage was that you could almost not expect that markup as a valid
string. While, would we opt for:

- [Title] Subtitle
- Title > Subtitle

you wouldn't be so sure.

Note that, to be closer to the real Beamer syntax, one could think of:

- {Title} Subtitle
- Title {Subtitle}

Such syntax have the advantage to stay readable and quite explicit, even if
translated "verbatim" in other backends (such as HTML): that was already the
case of the old syntax: in HTML, "Title \\ Subtitle" was very readable, even
if not processed in any particular way (and one could image a CSS-only
solution to even present it more as a real subtitle).

> But I'm not against some easy way to add a subtitle to a frame.
> A special property isn't satisfactory either, because those aren't
> parsed. So
>   :beamer_subtitle: *bold*
> will probably not give you what you expect. Do you have any suggestion
> about it?

No, it would not be really satisfactory, not really for bold (as, anyway,
titles are generally bold), but more for = markups: "Code for =org-agenda=",
for an example of subtitle.

> Meanwhile, doesn't the following work?
>   #+BEAMER: \framesubtitle{Technology}

Yes, meanwhile, that does work.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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