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[O] [PATCH 4/5] ox-latex: Treat tikz files as images

From: Aaron Ecay
Subject: [O] [PATCH 4/5] ox-latex: Treat tikz files as images
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 23:02:25 -0500

Unlike other image types, they should be \input into the document –
LaTeX converts the tikz source code into the image as part of the
document’s compilation.
 lisp/ox-latex.el | 22 +++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-latex.el b/lisp/ox-latex.el
index 100de1d..8027ce7 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-latex.el
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ order to reproduce the default set-up:
   :type 'string)
 (defcustom org-latex-inline-image-rules
-  '(("file" . "\\.\\(pdf\\|jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|ps\\|eps\\)\\'"))
+  '(("file" . "\\.\\(pdf\\|jpeg\\|jpg\\|png\\|ps\\|eps\\|tikz\\)\\'"))
   "Rules characterizing image files that can be inlined into LaTeX.
 A rule consists in an association whose key is the type of link
@@ -1797,6 +1797,7 @@ used as a communication channel."
         (path (let ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link)))
                 (if (not (file-name-absolute-p raw-path)) raw-path
                   (expand-file-name raw-path))))
+        (filetype (file-name-extension path))
         (caption (org-latex--caption/label-string parent info))
         ;; Retrieve latex attributes from the element around.
         (attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex parent))
@@ -1824,22 +1825,25 @@ used as a communication channel."
                          ((org-string-nw-p opt) (format "[%s]" opt))
                          ((eq float 'float) "[width=0.7\\textwidth]")
                          ((eq float 'wrap) "[width=0.48\\textwidth]")
-                         (t "")))))
+                         (t ""))))
+        (image-code (if (equal filetype "tikz")
+                        (format "\\input{%s}" path)
+                      (format "\\includegraphics%s{%s}" options path))))
     ;; Return proper string, depending on FLOAT.
     (case float
       (wrap (format "\\begin{wrapfigure}%s
-%s\\end{wrapfigure}" placement comment-include options path caption))
+%s\\end{wrapfigure}" placement comment-include image-code caption))
       (multicolumn (format "\\begin{figure*}%s
-%s\\end{figure*}" placement comment-include options path caption))
+%s\\end{figure*}" placement comment-include image-code caption))
       (figure (format "\\begin{figure}%s
-%s\\end{figure}" placement comment-include options path caption))
-      (t (format "\\includegraphics%s{%s}" options path)))))
+%s\\end{figure}" placement comment-include image-code caption))
+      (t image-code))))
 (defun org-latex-link (link desc info)
   "Transcode a LINK object from Org to LaTeX.

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