#+Title: Names test #+Options: ^:nil Define a named code block. #+name: namecode #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports both 321 #+end_src The above *does* export the value. Technically a named value would be as follows. #+name: nameval : 456 Define a value in emacs-lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports both (setq lispval 123) #+end_src The above *does* export the value Inline evaluation of lispval equals src_emacs-lisp[:results raw]{lispval} The above *does* export the value. This should now work with both to LaTeX-pdf and to html. I would like a way which would allow me to use the value of the name =namecode= inline. You can do this with the following src_sh[:var it=namecode]{echo $it}.