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[O] [ANN] New items pushed in into Org Mode Github.

From: Luis Anaya
Subject: [O] [ANN] New items pushed in into Org Mode Github.
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 12:10:55 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)


(2nd try). 

I just came from a business trip and still trying to get my bearings.

I pushed the following into the org-mode this morning which may be of interest:

  1. org-e-groff.el: Pushed a fix to solve the problem of an extra new line
                     in table generation that caused a new row to be written.

  2. ob-tcl.el        : Org Babel script for tclsh execution.  

  3. ob-mathomatic.el : Org Babel script for mathomatic execution. 

  4. ob-eukleides.el  : Org Babel script for eukleides. Eukleides is a 
                        gometry visualitation tool. (www.eukleides.org)

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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