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[O] Including multiple plots resulting from a loop of R code in LaTeX

From: John Hendy
Subject: [O] Including multiple plots resulting from a loop of R code in LaTeX
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:41:11 -0500

I'm conducting some neural network analysis, and the results are
highly dependent on the random seed set prior to creating the model. I
loop through seeds 1-500, storing the predicted values in one data
frame and a table of mean sum of squared errors in another table.

Then, I use ggplot to create only the 10 or so plots with the lowest
error. The loop is something like this:

for(i in 1:10) {

filename <- paste("neuralnet-","-seed-",as.character(mse[i,1]),".pdf", sep="")

pdf(filename, width=12, height=8)

[ggplot code]


What I want to know is how to include the resultant files in LaTeX
export. Since my model runs and then sorts by error, I don't know
which seeds produce the best files beforehand, so I'd have to look at
the error table and manually insert the plot names by hand. Changing
results means changing file names by hand again.

Any suggestions for things like this where the output of a babel block
is not a single file?


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