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Re: [O] [babel] org mode tables and tangling

From: Eric Schulte
Subject: Re: [O] [babel] org mode tables and tangling
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:55:11 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Andreas Leha <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi all,
> What is the suggested way to use org mode tables in connection with tangling?

Currently there is no support for including table values literally
inline in tangled R code.  While some languages (e.g., the lisps) do
include table values literally, R is not one of those.  You could
customize (read rewrite) the `org-babel-R-assign-elisp' function to use
literal R tables instead of importing values from an external file.

Alternately, if not too many values need to be included into the code,
you may want to simply assign individual cells of the table as scalars
in your R code.

Hope this helps, sorry no pre-built solution exists

> Example: If I tangle this org mode file
> /====<org-file>=====================================\
> | * org-tables and reproducibility                  |
> |   #+name: params                                  |
> |   | number | param |                              |
> |   |--------+-------|                              |
> |   |      0 |     1 |                              |
> |   |      1 |     1 |                              |
> |                                                   |
> |   #+begin_src R :var params=params :tangle test.R |
> |     apply(params, 1, print)                       |
> |   #+end_src                                       |
> \====</org-file>====================================/
> the tangled file looks like
> /====<test.R>===============================================================\
> | params <- read.table("/tmp/babel-19196cip/R-import-19196ILE",             |
> |                        header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE) |
> | attach(params)                                                            |
> | apply(params, 1, print)                                                   |
> \====</test.R>==============================================================/
> which depends on a temporary file.  I could distribute that along with the
> tangled file, of course.
> But I'd like a distributable, ideally self-contained version, that my
> co-workers can work with.
> Something like this, maybe:
> /====<sample.R>=======================================================\
> | # generated with R dput()...                                        |
> | babel_tmp_1238h098 <- structure(list(means = 0:1, sds = c(1L, 1L)), |
> |                                 .Names = c("means", "sds"),         |
> |                                 class = "data.frame",               |
> |                                 row.names = c(NA, -2L))             |
> | params <- dget(textConnection("babel_tmp_1238h098", "r"))           |
> \====</sample.R>======================================================/
> Is such a mode of tangling already available for R?
> Best,
> Andreas

Eric Schulte

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