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[O] [bug] "Invalid face" when exporting code block to HTML

From: Sebastien Vauban
Subject: [O] [bug] "Invalid face" when exporting code block to HTML
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 23:06:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.92 (windows-nt)


Not a good day for me, today...

* Summary

Quite "simple": the following block generates an "Invalid face" error when
exported to HTML.

#+begin_src sh
svn checkout http://svn/trunk/dev/ mydev

This worked yesterday. Does it ring a bell to someone? Could some recent
commit be responsible of this?

* Version info

GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2011-12-07 on MARVIN

Org-mode version 7.8.03 (release_7.8.03.31.g28541)

* Backtrace

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid face")
  internal-get-lisp-face-attribute(nil :height nil)
  face-attribute(nil :height)
  (setq h (face-attribute f :height))
  (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not 
(eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq 
h (quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil))
  (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f 
(if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f (quote 
unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq h (quote 
unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--))
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) 
(--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f 
:inherit))) (not (eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f 
:height)) (push (if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq 
--cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--)))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let* ((f nil) (h nil) 
(--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face 
(face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h 
(face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) 
--cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--))))
  (block nil (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while 
(progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f 
(quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq h 
(quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse 
  (loop for f = face then (face-attribute f :inherit) until (eq f (quote 
unspecified)) for h = (face-attribute f :height) collect (if (eq h (quote 
unspecified)) nil h))
  (let ((size-list (loop for f = face then (face-attribute f :inherit) until 
(eq f (quote unspecified)) for h = (face-attribute f :height) collect (if (eq h 
(quote unspecified)) nil h)))) (reduce (quote htmlize-merge-size) (cons nil 
  (let ((size (htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-size fstruct) size)))
  (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs (let* ((font-instance (face-font-instance 
face)) (props (font-instance-properties font-instance))) (when (equalp (cdr 
(assq (quote WEIGHT_NAME) props)) "bold") (setf (htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) 
t)) (when (or (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) "i") (equalp (cdr (assq ... 
props)) "o")) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) t)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-strikep fstruct) (face-strikethru-p face)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face)))) ((fboundp 
(quote face-attribute)) (dolist (attr (quote (:weight :slant :underline 
:overline :strike-through))) (let ((value (if (>= emacs-major-version 22) 
(face-attribute face attr nil t) (let ... ... ...)))) (when (and value (not (eq 
value ...))) (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr fstruct attr value)))) (let ((size 
(htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-size 
fstruct) size)))) (t (when (fboundp (quote face-bold-p)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) (face-bold-p face))) (when (fboundp (quote 
face-italic-p)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) (face-italic-p face))) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face))))
  (let ((fstruct (make-htmlize-fstruct :foreground (htmlize-color-to-rgb 
(htmlize-face-foreground face)) :background (htmlize-color-to-rgb 
(htmlize-face-background face))))) (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs (let* 
((font-instance (face-font-instance face)) (props (font-instance-properties 
font-instance))) (when (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) "bold") (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) t)) (when (or (equalp (cdr ...) "i") (equalp 
(cdr ...) "o")) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) t)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-strikep fstruct) (face-strikethru-p face)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face)))) ((fboundp 
(quote face-attribute)) (dolist (attr (quote (:weight :slant :underline 
:overline :strike-through))) (let ((value (if ... ... ...))) (when (and value 
(not ...)) (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr fstruct attr value)))) (let ((size 
(htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-size 
fstruct) size)))) (t (when (fboundp (quote face-bold-p)) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) (face-bold-p face))) (when (fboundp (quote 
face-italic-p)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) (face-italic-p face))) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face)))) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) (let ((name (downcase (symbol-name face)))) 
(when (string-match "\\`font-lock-" name) (setq name (replace-match "" t t 
name))) (when (string-match "-face\\'" name) (setq name (replace-match "" t t 
name))) (while (string-match "[^-a-zA-Z0-9]" name) (setq name (replace-match 
"X" t t name))) (when (string-match "\\`[-0-9]" name) (setq name (concat "X" 
name))) (when (equal name "") (setq name "face")) (setq name (concat 
htmlize-css-name-prefix name)) name)) fstruct)
  (if (symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) 
(htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face))
  (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) 
(htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) 
(let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) 
(while (member new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name 
(incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names)))
  (if (gethash face face-map) nil (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names))))
  (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names))))
  (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless 
(gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name 
css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--)))
  (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face 
(car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if 
(symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct 
face)))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member 
new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name ...))) (unless 
(equal new-name css-name) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) 
(push new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr 
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face 
face-map) (let ((fstruct (if ... ... ...))) (setf (gethash face face-map) 
fstruct) (let* ((css-name ...) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member 
new-name css-names) (setq new-name ...)) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf ... new-name)) (push new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr 
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- 
faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) 
(unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct ...)) (setf (gethash face 
face-map) fstruct) (let* (... ... ...) (while ... ...) (unless ... ...) (push 
new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))))))
  (block nil (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- 
(setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let 
((fstruct (if ... ... ...))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* 
((css-name ...) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) 
(setq new-name ...)) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf ... new-name)) 
(push new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr 
  (dolist (face faces) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if 
(symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct 
face)))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member 
new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless 
(equal new-name css-name) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) 
(push new-name css-names)))))
  (let ((face-map (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) css-names) (dolist 
(face faces) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name ...))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name 
css-names))))) face-map)
  htmlize-make-face-map((default (:foreground "black" :background "#FF993F") 
(:foreground "black" :background "#FFF33F") (:foreground "black" :background 
"#B0FF3F") (:foreground "black" :background "#4BFF4B") (:foreground "black" 
:background "#3FFFB0") (:foreground "black" :background "#3FF3FF") (:foreground 
"black" :background "#3F99FF") (:foreground "white" :background "#3F3FFF")))
  (let* ((buffer-faces (htmlize-faces-in-buffer)) (face-map 
(htmlize-make-face-map (adjoin (quote default) buffer-faces))) (htmlbuf 
(generate-new-buffer (if (buffer-file-name) (htmlize-make-file-name 
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))) "*html*"))) (places (quote (nil 
nil))) (title (if (buffer-file-name) (file-name-nondirectory 
(buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name)))) (with-current-buffer htmlbuf 
(buffer-disable-undo) (insert (htmlize-method doctype) 10 (format "<!-- Created 
by htmlize-%s in %s mode. -->\n" htmlize-version htmlize-output-type) "<html>\n 
 ") (plist-put places (quote head-start) (point-marker)) (insert "<head>\n" "   
 <title>" (htmlize-protect-string title) "</title>\n" (if htmlize-html-charset 
(format (concat "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " "content=\"text/html; 
charset=%s\">\n") htmlize-html-charset) "") htmlize-head-tags) (htmlize-method 
insert-head buffer-faces face-map) (insert "  </head>") (plist-put places 
(quote head-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  ") (plist-put places (quote 
body-start) (point-marker)) (insert (htmlize-method body-tag face-map) "\n    
") (plist-put places (quote content-start) (point-marker)) (insert "<pre>\n")) 
(let ((insert-text-method (htmlize-method-function (quote insert-text))) 
next-change text face-list fstruct-list trailing-ellipsis) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (setq next-change (htmlize-next-change (point) 
(quote face))) (setq face-list (htmlize-faces-at-point) fstruct-list (delq nil 
(mapcar (lambda (f) (gethash f face-map)) face-list))) (setq text 
(htmlize-buffer-substring-no-invisible (point) next-change)) (when 
trailing-ellipsis (setq text (htmlize-trim-ellipsis text))) (when (> (length 
text) 0) (setq trailing-ellipsis (get-text-property (1- (length text)) (quote 
htmlize-ellipsis) text))) (setq text (htmlize-untabify text (current-column))) 
(setq text (htmlize-protect-string text)) (when (> (length text) 0) (funcall 
insert-text-method text fstruct-list htmlbuf)) (goto-char next-change))) 
(with-current-buffer htmlbuf (insert "</pre>") (plist-put places (quote 
content-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  </body>") (plist-put places (quote 
body-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n</html>\n") (when 
htmlize-generate-hyperlinks (htmlize-make-hyperlinks)) 
(htmlize-defang-local-variables) (when htmlize-replace-form-feeds (goto-char 
(point-min)) (let ((source (htmlize-protect-string "\n\f")) (replacement (if 
(stringp htmlize-replace-form-feeds) htmlize-replace-form-feeds "</pre><hr 
/><pre>"))) (while (search-forward source nil t) (replace-match replacement t 
t)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when htmlize-html-major-mode (funcall 
htmlize-html-major-mode)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
htmlize-buffer-places)) places) (run-hooks (quote htmlize-after-hook)) 
(buffer-enable-undo)) htmlbuf)
  (save-excursion (save-excursion (run-hooks (quote htmlize-before-hook))) 
(htmlize-ensure-fontified) (clrhash htmlize-extended-character-cache) (clrhash 
htmlize-memoization-table) (let* ((buffer-faces (htmlize-faces-in-buffer)) 
(face-map (htmlize-make-face-map (adjoin (quote default) buffer-faces))) 
(htmlbuf (generate-new-buffer (if (buffer-file-name) (htmlize-make-file-name 
(file-name-nondirectory ...)) "*html*"))) (places (quote (nil nil))) (title (if 
(buffer-file-name) (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name)))) 
(with-current-buffer htmlbuf (buffer-disable-undo) (insert (htmlize-method 
doctype) 10 (format "<!-- Created by htmlize-%s in %s mode. -->\n" 
htmlize-version htmlize-output-type) "<html>\n  ") (plist-put places (quote 
head-start) (point-marker)) (insert "<head>\n" "    <title>" 
(htmlize-protect-string title) "</title>\n" (if htmlize-html-charset (format 
(concat "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " "content=\"text/html; 
charset=%s\">\n") htmlize-html-charset) "") htmlize-head-tags) (htmlize-method 
insert-head buffer-faces face-map) (insert "  </head>") (plist-put places 
(quote head-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  ") (plist-put places (quote 
body-start) (point-marker)) (insert (htmlize-method body-tag face-map) "\n    
") (plist-put places (quote content-start) (point-marker)) (insert "<pre>\n")) 
(let ((insert-text-method (htmlize-method-function (quote insert-text))) 
next-change text face-list fstruct-list trailing-ellipsis) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (setq next-change (htmlize-next-change (point) 
(quote face))) (setq face-list (htmlize-faces-at-point) fstruct-list (delq nil 
(mapcar (lambda ... ...) face-list))) (setq text 
(htmlize-buffer-substring-no-invisible (point) next-change)) (when 
trailing-ellipsis (setq text (htmlize-trim-ellipsis text))) (when (> (length 
text) 0) (setq trailing-ellipsis (get-text-property (1- ...) (quote 
htmlize-ellipsis) text))) (setq text (htmlize-untabify text (current-column))) 
(setq text (htmlize-protect-string text)) (when (> (length text) 0) (funcall 
insert-text-method text fstruct-list htmlbuf)) (goto-char next-change))) 
(with-current-buffer htmlbuf (insert "</pre>") (plist-put places (quote 
content-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  </body>") (plist-put places (quote 
body-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n</html>\n") (when 
htmlize-generate-hyperlinks (htmlize-make-hyperlinks)) 
(htmlize-defang-local-variables) (when htmlize-replace-form-feeds (goto-char 
(point-min)) (let ((source (htmlize-protect-string "\n\f")) (replacement (if 
... htmlize-replace-form-feeds "</pre><hr /><pre>"))) (while (search-forward 
source nil t) (replace-match replacement t t)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when 
htmlize-html-major-mode (funcall htmlize-html-major-mode)) (set 
(make-local-variable (quote htmlize-buffer-places)) places) (run-hooks (quote 
htmlize-after-hook)) (buffer-enable-undo)) htmlbuf))
  (save-restriction (narrow-to-region beg end) (htmlize-buffer-1))
  (let ((htmlbuf (save-restriction (narrow-to-region beg end) 
(htmlize-buffer-1)))) (when (interactive-p) (switch-to-buffer htmlbuf)) htmlbuf)
  htmlize-region(1 42)
  (let* ((htmlize-output-type org-export-htmlize-output-type) 
(htmlize-css-name-prefix org-export-htmlize-css-font-prefix) (htmlbuf 
(htmlize-region beg end))) (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer htmlbuf 
(buffer-substring (plist-get htmlize-buffer-places (quote content-start)) 
(plist-get htmlize-buffer-places (quote content-end)))) (kill-buffer htmlbuf)))
  org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste(1 42)
  (progn (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) (fundamental-mode)) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region 
(point-min) (point-max)) (org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste (point-min) (point-max)))
  (unwind-protect (progn (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) 
(fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer 
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (insert 
rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) (fundamental-mode)) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region 
(point-min) (point-max)) (org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste (point-min) (point-max))) (and 
(buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (insert rtn) (if 
(functionp mode) (funcall mode) (fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer 
  (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (with-current-buffer 
temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall 
mode) (fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer 
  (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) 
(fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max)))
  (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) 
(fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max))))
  (let* ((lang-m (when lang (or (cdr (assoc lang org-src-lang-modes)) lang))) 
(mode (and lang-m (intern (concat (if (symbolp lang-m) (symbol-name lang-m) 
lang-m) "-mode")))) (org-inhibit-startup t) (org-startup-folded nil)) (setq rtn 
(with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) 
(fundamental-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
(org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste 
(point-min) (point-max)))) (if (string-match "<pre\\([^>]*\\)>\n*" rtn) (setq 
rtn (concat (if caption (concat "<div class=\"org-src-container\">" (format 
"<label class=\"org-src-name\">%s</label>" caption)) "") (replace-match (format 
"<pre class=\"src src-%s\">\n" lang) t t rtn) (if caption "</div>" "")))))
  (if lang (let* ((lang-m (when lang (or (cdr (assoc lang org-src-lang-modes)) 
lang))) (mode (and lang-m (intern (concat (if ... ... lang-m) "-mode")))) 
(org-inhibit-startup t) (org-startup-folded nil)) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer 
(insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) (fundamental-mode)) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region 
(point-min) (point-max)) (org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste (point-min) (point-max)))) (if 
(string-match "<pre\\([^>]*\\)>\n*" rtn) (setq rtn (concat (if caption (concat 
"<div class=\"org-src-container\">" (format "<label 
class=\"org-src-name\">%s</label>" caption)) "") (replace-match (format "<pre 
class=\"src src-%s\">\n" lang) t t rtn) (if caption "</div>" ""))))) (if 
textareap (setq rtn (concat (format "<p>\n<textarea cols=\"%d\" rows=\"%d\">" 
cols rows) rtn "</textarea>\n</p>\n")) (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[<>&]" nil t) (replace-match 
(cdr (assq (char-before) (quote ...))) t t)) (setq rtn (buffer-string))) (setq 
rtn (concat "<pre class=\"example\">\n" rtn "</pre>\n"))))
  (cond (backend-formatter (funcall backend-formatter rtn lang caption 
textareap cols rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) ((eq org-export-current-backend 
(quote docbook)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl 
fmt)) (concat "<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when lang (if (featurep (quote 
xemacs)) (require (quote htmlize)) (require (quote htmlize) nil t)) (when (not 
(fboundp (quote htmlize-region-for-paste))) (setq lang nil) (message 
"htmlize.el 1.34 or later is needed for source code formatting"))) (if lang 
(let* ((lang-m (when lang (or ... lang))) (mode (and lang-m (intern ...))) 
(org-inhibit-startup t) (org-startup-folded nil)) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer 
(insert rtn) (if (functionp mode) (funcall mode) (fundamental-mode)) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region 
(point-min) (point-max)) (org-src-mode) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste (point-min) (point-max)))) (if 
(string-match "<pre\\([^>]*\\)>\n*" rtn) (setq rtn (concat (if caption ... "") 
(replace-match ... t t rtn) (if caption "</div>" ""))))) (if textareap (setq 
rtn (concat (format "<p>\n<textarea cols=\"%d\" rows=\"%d\">" cols rows) rtn 
"</textarea>\n</p>\n")) (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(while (re-search-forward "[<>&]" nil t) (replace-match (cdr ...) t t)) (setq 
rtn (buffer-string))) (setq rtn (concat "<pre class=\"example\">\n" rtn 
"</pre>\n")))) (unless textareap (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 1 1 num 
cont rpllbl fmt))) (if (string-match "\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn 
(replace-match "\\1" t nil rtn))) rtn) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
latex)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond 
((and lang org-export-latex-listings) (flet ((make-option-string (pair) (concat 
... ...))) (let* ((lang-sym ...) (minted-p ...) (listings-p ...) (backend-lang 
...) (custom-environment ...)) (concat (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (cond ... 
... ...))))) (t (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr 
org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap))))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
ascii)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
(concat caption "\n" (concat (mapconcat (lambda (l) (concat "  " l)) 
(org-split-string rtn "\n") "\n") "\n"))) (t (error "Don't know how to markup 
source or example block in %s" (upcase backend-name))))
  (setq rtn (cond (backend-formatter (funcall backend-formatter rtn lang 
caption textareap cols rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote docbook)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines 
rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat "<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn 
"]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when 
lang (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (require (quote htmlize)) (require (quote 
htmlize) nil t)) (when (not (fboundp (quote htmlize-region-for-paste))) (setq 
lang nil) (message "htmlize.el 1.34 or later is needed for source code 
formatting"))) (if lang (let* ((lang-m (when lang ...)) (mode (and lang-m ...)) 
(org-inhibit-startup t) (org-startup-folded nil)) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer 
(insert rtn) (if ... ... ...) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) 
(org-remove-formatting-on-newlines-in-region ... ...) (org-src-mode) 
(set-buffer-modified-p nil) (org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste ... ...))) (if 
(string-match "<pre\\([^>]*\\)>\n*" rtn) (setq rtn (concat ... ... ...)))) (if 
textareap (setq rtn (concat (format "<p>\n<textarea cols=\"%d\" rows=\"%d\">" 
cols rows) rtn "</textarea>\n</p>\n")) (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[<>&]" nil t) (replace-match 
... t t)) (setq rtn (buffer-string))) (setq rtn (concat "<pre 
class=\"example\">\n" rtn "</pre>\n")))) (unless textareap (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 1 1 num cont rpllbl fmt))) (if (string-match 
"\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn (replace-match "\\1" t nil rtn))) rtn) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote latex)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines 
rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond ((and lang org-export-latex-listings) (flet 
((make-option-string ... ...)) (let* (... ... ... ... ...) (concat ... ... 
...)))) (t (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr 
org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap))))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
ascii)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
(concat caption "\n" (concat (mapconcat (lambda (l) (concat "  " l)) 
(org-split-string rtn "\n") "\n") "\n"))) (t (error "Don't know how to markup 
source or example block in %s" (upcase backend-name)))))
  (let* ((backend-name (symbol-name org-export-current-backend)) 
(backend-formatter (intern (format "org-%s-format-source-code-or-example" 
backend-name))) (backend-feature (intern (concat "org-" backend-name))) 
(backend-formatter (and (require (intern (concat "org-" backend-name)) nil) 
(fboundp backend-formatter) backend-formatter)) num cont rtn rpllbl keepp 
textareap preserve-indentp cols rows fmt) (setq opts (or opts "") num 
(string-match "[-+]n\\>" opts) cont (string-match "\\+n\\>" opts) rpllbl 
(string-match "-r\\>" opts) keepp (string-match "-k\\>" opts) textareap 
(string-match "-t\\>" opts) preserve-indentp (or org-src-preserve-indentation 
(string-match "-i\\>" opts)) cols (if (string-match "-w[  ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) 
(string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) 80) rows (if (string-match "-h[  
]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) (org-count-lines 
code)) fmt (if (string-match "-l[       ]+\"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"" opts) 
(match-string 1 opts))) (when (and textareap (eq org-export-current-backend 
(quote html))) (setq num nil cont nil lang nil)) (if keepp (setq rpllbl (quote 
keep))) (setq rtn (if preserve-indentp code (org-remove-indentation code))) 
(when (string-match "^," rtn) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^," nil t) (if (or (equal 
lang "org") (save-match-data ...)) (replace-match "")) (end-of-line 1)) 
(buffer-string)))) (setq rtn (cond (backend-formatter (funcall 
backend-formatter rtn lang caption textareap cols rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
((eq org-export-current-backend (quote docbook)) (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat 
"<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when lang (if (featurep (quote 
xemacs)) (require (quote htmlize)) (require (quote htmlize) nil t)) (when (not 
(fboundp ...)) (setq lang nil) (message "htmlize.el 1.34 or later is needed for 
source code formatting"))) (if lang (let* ((lang-m ...) (mode ...) 
(org-inhibit-startup t) (org-startup-folded nil)) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer 
... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (if (string-match "<pre\\([^>]*\\)>\n*" rtn) 
(setq rtn ...))) (if textareap (setq rtn (concat ... rtn 
"</textarea>\n</p>\n")) (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (goto-char ...) (while 
... ...) (setq rtn ...)) (setq rtn (concat "<pre class=\"example\">\n" rtn 
"</pre>\n")))) (unless textareap (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 1 1 num 
cont rpllbl fmt))) (if (string-match "\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn 
(replace-match "\\1" t nil rtn))) rtn) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
latex)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond 
((and lang org-export-latex-listings) (flet (...) (let* ... ...))) (t (concat 
(car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr 
org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap))))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
ascii)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
(concat caption "\n" (concat (mapconcat (lambda ... ...) (org-split-string rtn 
"\n") "\n") "\n"))) (t (error "Don't know how to markup source or example block 
in %s" (upcase backend-name))))) (setq rtn (concat "\n#+BEGIN_" backend-name 
"\n" (org-add-props rtn (quote (org-protected t org-example t org-native-text 
t))) "\n#+END_" backend-name "\n")) (org-add-props rtn nil (quote 
original-indentation) indent))
  (progn (let* ((backend-name (symbol-name org-export-current-backend)) 
(backend-formatter (intern (format "org-%s-format-source-code-or-example" 
backend-name))) (backend-feature (intern (concat "org-" backend-name))) 
(backend-formatter (and (require (intern (concat "org-" backend-name)) nil) 
(fboundp backend-formatter) backend-formatter)) num cont rtn rpllbl keepp 
textareap preserve-indentp cols rows fmt) (setq opts (or opts "") num 
(string-match "[-+]n\\>" opts) cont (string-match "\\+n\\>" opts) rpllbl 
(string-match "-r\\>" opts) keepp (string-match "-k\\>" opts) textareap 
(string-match "-t\\>" opts) preserve-indentp (or org-src-preserve-indentation 
(string-match "-i\\>" opts)) cols (if (string-match "-w[   ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" 
opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) 80) rows (if (string-match "-h[  
]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) (org-count-lines 
code)) fmt (if (string-match "-l[       ]+\"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"" opts) 
(match-string 1 opts))) (when (and textareap (eq org-export-current-backend 
(quote html))) (setq num nil cont nil lang nil)) (if keepp (setq rpllbl (quote 
keep))) (setq rtn (if preserve-indentp code (org-remove-indentation code))) 
(when (string-match "^," rtn) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^," nil t) (if (or ... ...) 
(replace-match "")) (end-of-line 1)) (buffer-string)))) (setq rtn (cond 
(backend-formatter (funcall backend-formatter rtn lang caption textareap cols 
rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote docbook)) 
(setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat 
"<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when lang (if (featurep ...) (require 
...) (require ... nil t)) (when (not ...) (setq lang nil) (message "htmlize.el 
1.34 or later is needed for source code formatting"))) (if lang (let* (... ... 
... ...) (setq rtn ...) (if ... ...)) (if textareap (setq rtn ...) 
(with-temp-buffer ... ... ... ...) (setq rtn ...))) (unless textareap (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 1 1 num cont rpllbl fmt))) (if (string-match 
"\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn (replace-match "\\1" t nil rtn))) rtn) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote latex)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines 
rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond ((and lang org-export-latex-listings) (flet 
... ...)) (t (concat ... rtn ...)))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
ascii)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
(concat caption "\n" (concat (mapconcat ... ... "\n") "\n"))) (t (error "Don't 
know how to markup source or example block in %s" (upcase backend-name))))) 
(setq rtn (concat "\n#+BEGIN_" backend-name "\n" (org-add-props rtn (quote 
(org-protected t org-example t org-native-text t))) "\n#+END_" backend-name 
"\n")) (org-add-props rtn nil (quote original-indentation) indent)))
  (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((backend-name (symbol-name 
org-export-current-backend)) (backend-formatter (intern (format 
"org-%s-format-source-code-or-example" backend-name))) (backend-feature (intern 
(concat "org-" backend-name))) (backend-formatter (and (require (intern ...) 
nil) (fboundp backend-formatter) backend-formatter)) num cont rtn rpllbl keepp 
textareap preserve-indentp cols rows fmt) (setq opts (or opts "") num 
(string-match "[-+]n\\>" opts) cont (string-match "\\+n\\>" opts) rpllbl 
(string-match "-r\\>" opts) keepp (string-match "-k\\>" opts) textareap 
(string-match "-t\\>" opts) preserve-indentp (or org-src-preserve-indentation 
(string-match "-i\\>" opts)) cols (if (string-match "-w[    ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" 
opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) 80) rows (if (string-match "-h[  
]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) (org-count-lines 
code)) fmt (if (string-match "-l[       ]+\"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"" opts) 
(match-string 1 opts))) (when (and textareap (eq org-export-current-backend 
(quote html))) (setq num nil cont nil lang nil)) (if keepp (setq rpllbl (quote 
keep))) (setq rtn (if preserve-indentp code (org-remove-indentation code))) 
(when (string-match "^," rtn) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^," nil t) (if ... ...) 
(end-of-line 1)) (buffer-string)))) (setq rtn (cond (backend-formatter (funcall 
backend-formatter rtn lang caption textareap cols rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
((eq org-export-current-backend (quote docbook)) (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat 
"<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when lang (if ... ... ...) (when ... 
... ...)) (if lang (let* ... ... ...) (if textareap ... ... ...)) (unless 
textareap (setq rtn ...)) (if (string-match "\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn 
...)) rtn) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote latex)) (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond (... ...) (t 
...))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote ascii)) (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat caption "\n" 
(concat ... "\n"))) (t (error "Don't know how to markup source or example block 
in %s" (upcase backend-name))))) (setq rtn (concat "\n#+BEGIN_" backend-name 
"\n" (org-add-props rtn (quote (org-protected t org-example t org-native-text 
t))) "\n#+END_" backend-name "\n")) (org-add-props rtn nil (quote 
original-indentation) indent))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote 
  (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* 
((backend-name (symbol-name org-export-current-backend)) (backend-formatter 
(intern (format "org-%s-format-source-code-or-example" backend-name))) 
(backend-feature (intern (concat "org-" backend-name))) (backend-formatter (and 
(require ... nil) (fboundp backend-formatter) backend-formatter)) num cont rtn 
rpllbl keepp textareap preserve-indentp cols rows fmt) (setq opts (or opts "") 
num (string-match "[-+]n\\>" opts) cont (string-match "\\+n\\>" opts) rpllbl 
(string-match "-r\\>" opts) keepp (string-match "-k\\>" opts) textareap 
(string-match "-t\\>" opts) preserve-indentp (or org-src-preserve-indentation 
(string-match "-i\\>" opts)) cols (if (string-match "-w[      ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" 
opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) 80) rows (if (string-match "-h[  
]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) (org-count-lines 
code)) fmt (if (string-match "-l[       ]+\"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"" opts) 
(match-string 1 opts))) (when (and textareap (eq org-export-current-backend 
(quote html))) (setq num nil cont nil lang nil)) (if keepp (setq rpllbl (quote 
keep))) (setq rtn (if preserve-indentp code (org-remove-indentation code))) 
(when (string-match "^," rtn) (setq rtn (with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) 
(goto-char ...) (while ... ... ...) (buffer-string)))) (setq rtn (cond 
(backend-formatter (funcall backend-formatter rtn lang caption textareap cols 
rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) ((eq org-export-current-backend ...) (setq rtn ...) 
(concat "<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend ...) (when lang ... ...) (if lang ... ...) (unless 
textareap ...) (if ... ...) rtn) ((eq org-export-current-backend ...) (setq rtn 
...) (cond ... ...)) ((eq org-export-current-backend ...) (setq rtn ...) 
(concat caption "\n" ...)) (t (error "Don't know how to markup source or 
example block in %s" ...)))) (setq rtn (concat "\n#+BEGIN_" backend-name "\n" 
(org-add-props rtn (quote ...)) "\n#+END_" backend-name "\n")) (org-add-props 
rtn nil (quote original-indentation) indent))) (set-match-data 
save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate))))
  (save-match-data (let* ((backend-name (symbol-name 
org-export-current-backend)) (backend-formatter (intern (format 
"org-%s-format-source-code-or-example" backend-name))) (backend-feature (intern 
(concat "org-" backend-name))) (backend-formatter (and (require (intern (concat 
"org-" backend-name)) nil) (fboundp backend-formatter) backend-formatter)) num 
cont rtn rpllbl keepp textareap preserve-indentp cols rows fmt) (setq opts (or 
opts "") num (string-match "[-+]n\\>" opts) cont (string-match "\\+n\\>" opts) 
rpllbl (string-match "-r\\>" opts) keepp (string-match "-k\\>" opts) textareap 
(string-match "-t\\>" opts) preserve-indentp (or org-src-preserve-indentation 
(string-match "-i\\>" opts)) cols (if (string-match "-w[         
]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 opts)) 80) rows (if 
(string-match "-h[  ]+\\([0-9]+\\)" opts) (string-to-number (match-string 1 
opts)) (org-count-lines code)) fmt (if (string-match "-l[       
]+\"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"" opts) (match-string 1 opts))) (when (and textareap (eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html))) (setq num nil cont nil lang nil)) (if 
keepp (setq rpllbl (quote keep))) (setq rtn (if preserve-indentp code 
(org-remove-indentation code))) (when (string-match "^," rtn) (setq rtn 
(with-temp-buffer (insert rtn) (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward "^," nil t) (if (or ... ...) (replace-match "")) 
(end-of-line 1)) (buffer-string)))) (setq rtn (cond (backend-formatter (funcall 
backend-formatter rtn lang caption textareap cols rows num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
((eq org-export-current-backend (quote docbook)) (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (concat 
"<programlisting><![CDATA[" rtn "]]></programlisting>\n")) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote html)) (when lang (if (featurep ...) (require 
...) (require ... nil t)) (when (not ...) (setq lang nil) (message "htmlize.el 
1.34 or later is needed for source code formatting"))) (if lang (let* (... ... 
... ...) (setq rtn ...) (if ... ...)) (if textareap (setq rtn ...) 
(with-temp-buffer ... ... ... ...) (setq rtn ...))) (unless textareap (setq rtn 
(org-export-number-lines rtn 1 1 num cont rpllbl fmt))) (if (string-match 
"\\(\\`<[^>]*>\\)\n" rtn) (setq rtn (replace-match "\\1" t nil rtn))) rtn) ((eq 
org-export-current-backend (quote latex)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines 
rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) (cond ((and lang org-export-latex-listings) (flet 
... ...)) (t (concat ... rtn ...)))) ((eq org-export-current-backend (quote 
ascii)) (setq rtn (org-export-number-lines rtn 0 0 num cont rpllbl fmt)) 
(concat caption "\n" (concat (mapconcat ... ... "\n") "\n"))) (t (error "Don't 
know how to markup source or example block in %s" (upcase backend-name))))) 
(setq rtn (concat "\n#+BEGIN_" backend-name "\n" (org-add-props rtn (quote 
(org-protected t org-example t org-native-text t))) "\n#+END_" backend-name 
"\n")) (org-add-props rtn nil (quote original-indentation) indent)))
  org-export-format-source-code-or-example("sh" "svn checkout 
http://svn/trunk/dev/ mydev\n" " " 0 nil)
  (setq trans (org-export-format-source-code-or-example lang code opts indent 
  (while (re-search-forward "\\(^\\([   ]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_SRC:?\\([        ]+\\([^ 
]*#\\+END_SRC.*\n?\\)\\|\\(^\\([        ]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE:?\\(?:[  
]+\\(.*\\)\\)?\n\\([^]+?\n\\)[  ]*#\\+END_EXAMPLE.*\n?\\)" nil t) (if 
(match-end 1) (if (not (match-string 4)) (error "Source block missing language 
specification: %s" (let* ((body (match-string 6)) (nothing (message "body:%s" 
body)) (preview (or ... body))) (if (> (length preview) 35) (concat (substring 
preview 0 32) "...") preview))) (setq lang (match-string 4) opts (match-string 
5) code (match-string 6) indent (length (match-string 2)) caption 
(get-text-property 0 (quote org-caption) (match-string 0)))) (setq lang nil 
opts (match-string 9) code (match-string 10) indent (length (match-string 8)) 
caption (get-text-property 0 (quote org-caption) (match-string 0)))) (setq 
trans (org-export-format-source-code-or-example lang code opts indent caption)) 
(replace-match trans t t))
  (let ((case-fold-search t) lang code trans opts indent caption) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "\\(^\\([   ]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_SRC:?\\([     
   ]+\\([^         \n]+\\)\\)?\\(.*\\)\n\\([^]+?\n\\)[     
]*#\\+END_SRC.*\n?\\)\\|\\(^\\([        ]*\\)#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE:?\\(?:[  
]+\\(.*\\)\\)?\n\\([^]+?\n\\)[  ]*#\\+END_EXAMPLE.*\n?\\)" nil t) (if 
(match-end 1) (if (not (match-string 4)) (error "Source block missing language 
specification: %s" (let* ((body ...) (nothing ...) (preview ...)) (if (> ... 
35) (concat ... "...") preview))) (setq lang (match-string 4) opts 
(match-string 5) code (match-string 6) indent (length (match-string 2)) caption 
(get-text-property 0 (quote org-caption) (match-string 0)))) (setq lang nil 
opts (match-string 9) code (match-string 10) indent (length (match-string 8)) 
caption (get-text-property 0 (quote org-caption) (match-string 0)))) (setq 
trans (org-export-format-source-code-or-example lang code opts indent caption)) 
(replace-match trans t t)))

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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