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Re: [O] An HTML Export Observation

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] An HTML Export Observation
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 01:49:14 -0400

Scott Randby <address@hidden> wrote:

> When I look at the "Org Export HTML Group" for customization, I get the
> following:
> Org Export Html Validation Link: Show Value
>    State: UNINITIALIZED, you should not see this.
>    Link to HTML validation service.
> Org Export Html With Timestamp: Hide Value Toggle  off (nil)
>    State: UNINITIALIZED, you should not see this.
>    If non-nil, write timestamp into the exported HTML text. More
> The other variables in this group are also uninitialized. The other org
> export groups (such as "Org Export LaTeX") do not contain uninitialized
> variables. Why is it that the variables I need the most do not work?

I can't answer that question, but if you care to try, the following should
work as a temporary solution, until all this is cleared up: add

(setq org-export-html-postamble "<p class=\"author\">Author: %a (%e)</p>\n<p 
class=\"date\">Date: %d</p>\n<p class=\"creator\">Generated by %c</p>\n")

to your .emacs and either restart emacs or evaluate the form (place the
cursor after the closing paren and press `C-x C-e'); then export
normally. In principle, I think this should work with a file option, but
a few minutes of experimentation have not brought any happiness.

See the documentation for the variable org-export-html-postamble-format
for the %X escapes:

| %a stands for the author.
| %e stands for the email(s).
| %d stands for the date.
| %c will be replaced by information about Org/Emacs.
| %v will be replaced by `org-export-html-validation-link'.
| If you need to use a "%" character, you need to escape it
| like that: "%%".

As for your previous email re. @<b>, the very latest git seems to have
fixed that problem.

But there is obviously some churn in the HTML export area. Your
idea about going back to 7.4 might be the way to go for a little
while until all this is cleared up.


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