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[Orgmode] [babel] Passing an org table block to Eric Schulte's booktabs

From: Jeff Horn
Subject: [Orgmode] [babel] Passing an org table block to Eric Schulte's booktabs function
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:34:23 -0500

I've recently tried getting pretty tables in LaTeX export using Eric
Schulte's function from Worg:


The problem is that passing the table to the function produces an
error, specifically "wrong type of argument: listp".

Any ideas about what to do differently? Here's a quick example:

* Test Table
Have a look at Table \ref{tab:example}.
#+srcname: es-booktabs
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:head) hline (:body)) :exports none
(flet ((to-tab (tab)
                (mapcar (lambda (lis)
                          (if (listp lis)
                              (mapcar (lambda (el)
                                        (if (stringp el)
                                          (format "%S" el))) lis)
                            lis)) tab)
                (list :lend " \\\\" :sep " & " :hline "\\hline"))))
    (cons "table"
          ;; only use \midrule if it looks like there are column headers
          (if (equal 'hline (second table))
              (concat (to-tab (list (first table)))
                      (to-tab (cddr table)))
            (to-tab table))))))
#+srcname: tab-example
#+begin_src org :results replace :exports none
       ,|            |   | Column Player |     |
       ,| /          | < |               | >   |
       ,|            |   | A             | B   |
       ,| Row Player | A | 1,2           | 3,4 |
       ,|            | B | 5,6           | 7,8 |
#+begin_src latex :noweb yes
   \caption{A test table}

Jeffrey Horn

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