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Re: [Orgmode] Images from R in LaTeX and PDF

From: Erik Iverson
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Images from R in LaTeX and PDF
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 13:45:01 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090812)

And what version of org are you using?

Ben Ward wrote:

#+begin_src R :exports both
full <- read.csv(file="~/Documents/BSc Biology/Third Year/BY6001-40 - Dissertation/Data and Analysis/Evolution Results.csv", head=T)
 ecoli = subset(full, Bacterium=="E.coli")
 edett = subset(ecoli, Cleaner=="Dettol")
 egarl = subset(ecoli, Cleaner=="Garlic")
MIC.mod = lm(MIC. ~ 1+Challenge*Cleaner*Replicate, data=ecoli)

#+begin_src R :file fig1.pdf
xyplot( MIC.+fitted(MIC.mod) ~ Challenge, data=ecoli, xlab="Challenge", ylab="MIC %", auto.key=TRUE)

#+attr_latex: width=0.6\textwidth wrap placement={h}{0.4\textwidth}
#+label: fig:one
#+caption: Linar Plot of real data and fitted model values
#+results: fig1

In the case of this code, actually altering size works, but it keeps putting the image at the end of my document. Then other images, placed with pretty much the same code, give or take for filenames and such, won't increace in size, but will alter their movement. I'm wondering if using pure latex for my images would be an easier solution.


On 07/01/2011 18:30, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Ben,

Can you share an example that doesn't work for you?

All the best,

On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:23 AM, Ben Ward wrote:

Hi All,

I've been doing some work with babel and R to generate graphs that I've then been including useing attr latex.

But when I include images the always appear very very small, even when I mess about with the width settings of the attr latex line and remove the options for wrap and such.

Does anybody else use R with images and org, and could tell me how they handle including R graphics in their documents?

Ben. W

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