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[Orgmode] [PATCH] org-agenda: simplify start/stop/duration time computin

From: Julien Danjou
Subject: [Orgmode] [PATCH] org-agenda: simplify start/stop/duration time computing
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 17:55:46 +0100

* org-agenda.el (org-format-agenda-item): Simplify time comuting.

Signed-off-by: Julien Danjou <address@hidden>
 lisp/org-agenda.el |   31 +++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 1cdaaa0..8f597f5 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -5165,7 +5165,7 @@ Any match of REMOVE-RE will be removed from TXT."
                           (if (stringp dotime) dotime "")
                           (and org-agenda-search-headline-for-time txt))))
           (time-of-day (and dotime (org-get-time-of-day ts)))
-          stamp plain s0 s1 s2 t1 t2 rtn srp l
+          stamp plain s0 s1 s2 rtn srp l
           duration thecategory)
       (and (org-mode-p) buffer-file-name
           (add-to-list 'org-agenda-contributing-files buffer-file-name))
@@ -5192,26 +5192,17 @@ Any match of REMOVE-RE will be removed from TXT."
        ;; Normalize the time(s) to 24 hour
        (if s1 (setq s1 (org-get-time-of-day s1 'string t)))
        (if s2 (setq s2 (org-get-time-of-day s2 'string t)))
+       ;; Try to set s2 if s1 and `org-agenda-default-appointment-duration' 
are set
+       (when (and s1 (not s2) org-agenda-default-appointment-duration)
+         (setq s2
+               (org-minutes-to-hh:mm-string
+                (+ (org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes s1) 
        ;; Compute the duration
-       (when s1
-         (setq t1 (+ (* 60 (string-to-number (substring s1 0 2)))
-                     (string-to-number (substring s1 3)))
-               t2 (cond
-                   (s2 (+ (* 60 (string-to-number (substring s2 0 2)))
-                          (string-to-number (substring s2 3))))
-                   (org-agenda-default-appointment-duration
-                    (+ t1 org-agenda-default-appointment-duration))
-                   (t nil)))
-         (setq duration (if t2 (- t2 t1)))))
-      (when (and s1 (not s2) org-agenda-default-appointment-duration
-                (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" s1))
-       (let ((m (+ (string-to-number (match-string 2 s1))
-                   (* 60 (string-to-number (match-string 1 s1)))
-                   org-agenda-default-appointment-duration))
-             h)
-         (setq h (/ m 60) m (- m (* h 60)))
-         (setq s2 (format "%02d:%02d" h m))))
+       (when s2
+         (setq duration (- (org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes s2)
+                           (org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes s1)))))
       (when (string-match (org-re "\\([ 
\t]+\\)\\(:[[:alnum:address@hidden:]+:\\)[ \t]*$")

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