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Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into s

From: Eric Schulte
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 07:04:23 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Christian,

I agree generalizing this function over all block types would be very
useful.  When I find the time I will make this change.

Thanks -- Eric

Christian Moe <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm late to this discussion, but just a lateral thought:
> Would you consider rewriting this as `org-demarcate-block' or similar,
> to operate on all #+begin_...end blocks, not just src?
> If generalized this function could be equally useful for non-src
> blocks as well. Example blocks come immediately to mind, but there are
> non-coding applications too.
> For instance, I store many notes with quotes from various texts,
> sometimes in fairly long =#+begin_quote= blocks, which I then need to
> split up when I want to write an extended discussion of a passage,
> quoting a few lines at a time.
> For those who use verse blocks (I all too seldom have the need...), it
> may be even more useful.
> For personal use, I already have a little org-insert-block utility
> function to insert/wrap [q]uote, [s]rc, e[x]ample, [v]erse or [o]ther
> blocks at a keystroke. This works for me since I use at least the
> first two more or less equally often. A generalized demarcate-block
> function would be a nice complement.
> Yours,
> CM
>>> I've just added this to the org-mode repo.
>>>> Not in the babel key map - in the org key map (I use it most in normal
>>>> non src org entries to mark a block of elisp as src for samples/examples).
>>> For now it still lives in the babel keymap behind (C-c C-v d) since it
>>> is fundamentally code-block related,
>> For me, "fundamentally code-block related", in the absence of
>> execution-related functionality, points to org-src.el rather than
>> org-babel, so I suggest naming this function
>> org-src-demarcate-block. The babel keymap is still a good place for a
>> binding -- I think it's reasonable for the babel keymap to accomodate
>> pure code block stuff in addition to execution/tangling stuff.
>> Dan
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