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[Orgmode] [patch] Sort the sitemap again

From: Sebastian Rose
Subject: [Orgmode] [patch] Sort the sitemap again
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 03:41:15 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Carsten,

here is a patch, that sorts the sitemap-file on html-export.

One my configure the sorting per project, by adding these lines to his

  :sitemap-sort-folders    Set this to one of "first" (default),
                           "last". Any other value will mixe files and
  :sitemap-alphabetically  Set to `t' to sort filenames alphabetically. 
                           Alphatical sorting is the default. Hence you 
                           must set this to nil explicitly.
  :sitemap-ignore-case     If non-nil, alphabetical sorting is done
                           case-insensitive. Default: nil."

I added a variable `org-publish-file-title-cache' to cache absolute
paths and titles of the files. Otherwise, `org-publish-find-title' would
be called twice for each file.
I have to call it when sorting the files, to sort them by title instead
of file name.

Best wishes


diff --git a/lisp/org-publish.el b/lisp/org-publish.el
index 6ef1e24..a455997 100644
--- a/lisp/org-publish.el
+++ b/lisp/org-publish.el
@@ -174,7 +174,17 @@ sitemap of files or summary page for a given project.
                          of the titles of the files involved) or
                          `tree' (the directory structure of the source
                          files is reflected in the sitemap).  Defaults to
-                         `tree'."
+                         `tree'.
+  If you create a sitemap file, adjust the sorting like this:
+  :sitemap-sort-folders    Set this to one of \"first\" (default), \"last\".
+                           Any other value will mixe files and folders.
+  :sitemap-alphabetically  Set to `t' to sort filenames alphabetically.
+                           Alphatical sorting is the default. Hence you
+                           must set this to nil explecitly.
+  :sitemap-ignore-case     If non-nil, alphabetical sorting is done
+                           case-insensitive. Default: nil."
   :group 'org-publish
   :type 'alist)

@@ -287,11 +297,16 @@ Each element of this alist is of the form:
 (defvar org-publish-temp-files nil
   "Temporary list of files to be published.")

+;; Here, so you find the variable right before it's used the first time:
+(defvar org-publish-file-title-cache nil
+  "List of absolute filenames and titles.")
 (defun org-publish-initialize-files-alist (&optional refresh)
   "Set `org-publish-files-alist' if it is not set.
 Also set it if the optional argument REFRESH is non-nil."
   (interactive "P")
   (when (or refresh (not org-publish-files-alist))
+    (setq org-publish-file-title-cache '())
     (setq org-publish-files-alist
          (org-publish-get-files org-publish-project-alist))))

@@ -355,6 +370,32 @@ This splices all the components into the list."
        (push p rtn)))
     (nreverse (org-publish-delete-dups (delq nil rtn)))))

+(defun org-publish-sort-directory-files (a b)
+  "Predicate for `sort', that sorts folders-first/last and
+eventually alphabetically."
+  (let ((retval t))
+    (when (or sitemap-alphabetically sitemap-sort-folders)
+      ;; First we sort alphabetically:
+      (when sitemap-alphabetically
+        (let ((aorg (and (string-match "\\.org$" a) (not (file-directory-p 
+              (borg (and (string-match "\\.org$" b) (not (file-directory-p 
+          (setq retval
+                (if sitemap-ignore-case
+                    (string-lessp (if borg (upcase (org-publish-find-title a)) 
(upcase a))
+                                  (if aorg (upcase (org-publish-find-title b)) 
(upcase b)))
+                  (string-lessp (if borg (org-publish-find-title a) a)
+                                (if aorg (org-publish-find-title b) b))))))
+      ;; Directory-wise wins:
+      (when sitemap-sort-folders
+        ;; a is directory, b not:
+        (cond
+         ((and (file-directory-p a) (not (file-directory-p b)))
+          (setq retval (string= sitemap-sort-folders "first")))
+          ;; a is not a directory, but b is:
+         ((and (not (file-directory-p a)) (file-directory-p b))
+          (setq retval (string= sitemap-sort-folders "last"))))))
+      retval))
 (defun org-publish-get-base-files-1 (base-dir &optional recurse match 
skip-file skip-dir)
   "Set `org-publish-temp-files' with files from BASE-DIR directory.
 If RECURSE is non-nil, check BASE-DIR recursively.  If MATCH is
@@ -374,7 +415,7 @@ matching the regexp SKIP-DIR when recursing through 
                          (not (file-exists-p (file-truename f)))
                          (not (string-match match fnd)))
                (pushnew f org-publish-temp-files)))))
-       (directory-files base-dir t (unless recurse match))))
+       (sort (directory-files base-dir t (unless recurse match)) 

 (defun org-publish-get-base-files (project &optional exclude-regexp)
   "Return a list of all files in PROJECT.
@@ -558,9 +599,18 @@ If :makeindex is set, also produce a file theindex.org."
          (sitemap-function (or (plist-get project-plist :sitemap-function)
+      (sitemap-sort-folders (if (plist-member project-plist 
+                                (plist-get project-plist 
:sitemap-sort-folders) "first"))
+      (sitemap-alphabetically (if (plist-member project-plist 
+                                  (plist-get project-plist 
:sitemap-alphabetically) t))
+      (sitemap-ignore-case (plist-get project-plist :sitemap-ignore-case))
          (preparation-function (plist-get project-plist :preparation-function))
          (completion-function (plist-get project-plist :completion-function))
          (files (org-publish-get-base-files project exclude-regexp)) file)
+      (when (and (not (stringp sitemap-sort-folders))
+                 (not (string= sitemap-sort-folders "first"))
+                 (not (string= sitemap-sort-folders "last")))
+       (setq sitemap-sort-folders nil))
        (when preparation-function (run-hooks 'preparation-function))
        (if sitemap-p (funcall sitemap-function project sitemap-filename))
        (while (setq file (pop files))
@@ -640,6 +690,8 @@ Default for SITEMAP-FILENAME is 'sitemap.org'."

 (defun org-publish-find-title (file)
   "Find the title of file in project."
+  (if (member file org-publish-file-title-cache)
+      (cadr (member file org-publish-file-title-cache))
   (let* ((visiting (find-buffer-visiting file))
         (buffer (or visiting (find-file-noselect file)))
@@ -654,7 +706,9 @@ Default for SITEMAP-FILENAME is 'sitemap.org'."
                  (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension file))))))
     (unless visiting
       (kill-buffer buffer))
-    title))
+    (setq org-publish-file-title-cache
+          (append org-publish-file-title-cache (list file title)))
+    title)))

 ;;; Interactive publishing functions

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