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[Orgmode] [babel] Idiomatic handling of quotes

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: [Orgmode] [babel] Idiomatic handling of quotes
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:15:06 -1000

Aloha all,

In the example below, note that the R representation of the directory listing escapes the quotes in the original and encloses it all in a second set of quotes, e.g. "\"theta-1.csv\"".

This must come up a lot.  Is there an idiomatic way to change "\"theta-1.csv\"" to "theta-1.csv" so that it could be assigned to x and the following statement would yield a valid path?

afile <- paste("r/",x,sep="")

I'm aware the answer might be R code, but it is to tightly tied to org-babel I figure it makes sense to ask the question here.

All the best,

--------------- Example -------------------
*** Dated events
#+srcname: thetas()
#+begin_src shell
cd r && ls theta*

#+results: thetas
| "theta-1.csv" |
| "theta-2.csv" |

#+srcname: test-list(x = thetas)
#+begin_src R :session

#+results: test-list
| "theta-1.csv" |
| "theta-2.csv" |

tdye> str(x)
'data.frame': 8 obs. of  1 variable:
 $ V1: chr  "\"theta-1.csv\"" "\"theta-2.csv\"" "\"theta-3.csv\"" "\"theta-4.csv\"" ...

Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D.

T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc.

Phone: (808) 529-0866 Fax: (808) 529-0884


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