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[Orgmode] org-olpath-completing-read is not friendly with partial-comple

From: Levin Du
Subject: [Orgmode] org-olpath-completing-read is not friendly with partial-completion-mode
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:52:19 +0800

Try this:

(partial-completion-mode t)
(funcall 'org-olpath-completing-read "? "
         nil t nil nil)


It stays on todo1.org/ (Sole completion)

my raw patch:
diff --git a/vendor/org/org.el b/vendor/org/org.el
index d3d886f..f3a02cf 100644
--- a/vendor/org/org.el
+++ b/vendor/org/org.el
@@ -7780,23 +7780,29 @@ from."

 (defun org-icompleting-read (&rest args)
   "Completing-read using `ido-mode' or `iswitchb' speedups if available"
-  (if (and org-completion-use-ido
-          (fboundp 'ido-completing-read)
-          (boundp 'ido-mode) ido-mode
-          (listp (second args)))
-      (let ((ido-enter-matching-directory nil))
-       (apply 'ido-completing-read (concat (car args))
-              (if (consp (car (nth 1 args)))
-                  (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x)) (nth 1 args))
-                (nth 1 args))
-              (cddr args)))
-    (if (and org-completion-use-iswitchb
-            (boundp 'iswitchb-mode) iswitchb-mode
-            (listp (second args)))
-       (apply 'org-iswitchb-completing-read (concat (car args))
-              (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x)) (nth 1 args))
-              (cddr args))
-      (apply 'completing-read args))))
+  (let ((saved-pc-mode partial-completion-mode))
+    (when saved-pc-mode
+      (partial-completion-mode 0))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (if (and org-completion-use-ido
+                 (fboundp 'ido-completing-read)
+                 (boundp 'ido-mode) ido-mode
+                 (listp (second args)))
+            (let ((ido-enter-matching-directory nil))
+              (apply 'ido-completing-read (concat (car args))
+                     (if (consp (car (nth 1 args)))
+                         (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x)) (nth 1 args))
+                       (nth 1 args))
+                     (cddr args)))
+          (if (and org-completion-use-iswitchb
+                   (boundp 'iswitchb-mode) iswitchb-mode
+                   (listp (second args)))
+              (apply 'org-iswitchb-completing-read (concat (car args))
+                     (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x)) (nth 1 args))
+                     (cddr args))
+            (apply 'completing-read args)))
+      (when saved-pc-mode
+        (partial-completion-mode 1)))))

 (defun org-extract-attributes (s)
   "Extract the attributes cookie from a string and set as text property."
@@ -8890,7 +8896,6 @@ See also `org-refile-use-outline-path' and
   (unless org-refile-target-table
     (error "No refile targets"))
   (let* ((cbuf (current-buffer))
-        (partial-completion-mode nil)
         (cfn (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer cbuf)))
         (cfunc (if (and org-refile-use-outline-path

Hope it helps.


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