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Re: [Orgmode] column view bug

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] column view bug
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:40:15 +0100

Hi George,

despite your excellent description (thanks for that) I cannot
reproduce this problem, it works just fine for me.

Could someone else please try as well?  Thanks!

- Carsten

On Sep 13, 2009, at 7:57 PM, George Pearson wrote:

Running org 6.30e and emacs 22.3.1.  Running under fully updated
Windows XP.

Summary:  in column view of a weekly agenda, the rows showing the
days in the week are positioned differently depending on whether
or not there is any item for the day.

For a test file (see below), this is what I see in column view
for the weekly agenda.  (You'll need a fixed-width font to view it

CATE | ITEM                                | E | P | A |
Week-agenda (W37-W38):
Sunday     13 September 2009
Monday     14 September 2009 W38
   | Tuesday    15 September 2009        | . |   |   |
Test | TODO task 1                         |   |   |   |
Wednesday  16 September 2009
   | Thursday   17 September 2009        | . |   |   |
Test | TODO task 2                         |   |   |   |
Friday     18 September 2009
Saturday   19 September 2009

Note the alignment difference between Tuesday and Thursday and
the other dates.

Note also I am including the CATEGORY in the display, via:

(org-columns-default-format "%CATEGORY %35ITEM %Effort{:} %PRIORITY

The problem is *NOT* VISIBLE if the %CATEGORY is removed, so one
MUST include it to view the problem.

This is probably not a issue with a normal agenda, in which there
are tasks to do every day.  I actually discovered this problem using
a custom view, intended to show only appointments for the week.  But
the test file shows that the problem can be seen even without
a custom agenda.

By the way, I couldn't show it in this posting, but the Tuesday and
Thursday lines, along with their TODO items, have a light grey
background, whereas everything else has a white background.  This
shading problem is odd in appearance, and it happens WHETHER OR NOT
%CATEGORY is use, and so would be a separate, but related, fix.

Here's the test .org file I used:

#+STARTUP: odd
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+STARTUP: logdone

* Test
*** TODO task 1
 SCHEDULED: <2009-09-15 Tue>
*** TODO task 2
 SCHEDULED: <2009-09-17 Thu>


To display the result shown at the top of this message, I open
the test.org file in emacs, then type:

C-a < a

Then in the resulting agenda window, switch to weekly if not
already, and get column mode with

C-c C-x C-c

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