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Re: [Orgmode] questions about exporting to latex using beamer documentcl

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] questions about exporting to latex using beamer documentclass
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2009 11:24:55 -0400

Spike Spiegel <address@hidden> wrote:

> > #+LaTeX_HEADER: \titlegraphic{\includegraphics{foo.png}}
> >
> Both answers spot on, thanks, with just a minor problem: adding
> \titlegraphic won't make the spacing between \title \author \data as
> produced by \maketitle shrink so the entire slide is pretty much used
> up and the image doesn't fit in. Is there a way to override that?

Yes - you should read sec. 16.3 (on templates) of the Beamer User Guide.
You can redefine the title page template and format the title page any
way you wish (within limits of course: it all has to fit on one slide).

For example, try adding this to the preamble (note that I made the image 
bigger, but
if it doesn't fit, you can use the same method to make it smaller):

| \titlegraphic{\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=5cm]{foo.png}\end{center}}
| \title{Example presentation}
| \author{Nick Dokos \\ $<$\href{mailto:address@hidden@hp.com}$>$}
| \date{04 July 2009}
| \setbeamertemplate{title page}{
|  \centering{
|   \insertauthor \\
|   \insertdate \\
|   \inserttitlegraphic}}

You might also try asking questions about beamer on comp.text.tex (after
all, this has nothing to do with org-mode). I don't know if Till Tantau
hangs out there any longer, but you are still much more likely to get
answers to such questions there.


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