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[Orgmode] [respun PATCH 2/3] Support last-line specializers.

From: jason
Subject: [Orgmode] [respun PATCH 2/3] Support last-line specializers.
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:36:50 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Each of lstart, lend, and lfmt permits a last-line specialization
called llstart, etc. with corresponding heading versions.

Signed-off-by: Jason Riedy <address@hidden>
  Argh.  Already found one problem: I didn't fall back to non-last-line
  properties when appropriate.

 org.el |   34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org.el b/org.el
index 64121c9..f38f6ae 100644
--- a/org.el
+++ b/org.el
@@ -11792,9 +11792,13 @@ First element has index 0, or I0 if given."
 (defun orgtbl-format-section (section-stopper)
   "Format lines until the first occurrence of SECTION-STOPPER."
-  (progn
-    (while (not (eq (car table) section-stopper))
-      (orgtbl-format-line (pop table)))))
+  (let (prevline)
+    (progn
+      (while (not (eq (car table) section-stopper))
+       (if prevline (orgtbl-format-line prevline))
+       (setq prevline (pop table)))
+      (if prevline (let ((lstart llstart) (lend llend) (lfmt llfmt))
+                    (orgtbl-format-line prevline))))))
 (defun orgtbl-to-generic (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to some other format.
@@ -11818,17 +11822,20 @@ Valid parameters are
             May be nil to ignore hlines.
 :lstart     String to start a new table line.
+:llstart    String to start the last table line, defaults to :lstart.
 :lend       String to end a table line
+:llend      String to end the last table line, defaults to :lend.
 :sep        Separator between two fields
 :lfmt       Format for entire line, with enough %s to capture all fields.
             If this is present, :lstart, :lend, and :sep are ignored.
+:llfmt      Format for the entire last line, defaults to :lfmt.
 :fmt        A format to be used to wrap the field, should contain
             %s for the original field value.  For example, to wrap
             everything in dollars, you could use :fmt \"$%s$\".
             This may also be a property list with column numbers and
             formats. For example :fmt (2 \"$%s$\" 4 \"%s%%\")
-:hlstart :hlend :hsep :hlfmt :hfmt
+:hlstart :hllstart :hlend :hllend :hsep :hlfmt :hllfmt :hfmt
             Same as above, specific for the header lines in the table.
             All lines before the first hline are treated as header.
             If any of these is not present, the data line value is used.
@@ -11847,8 +11854,11 @@ directly by `orgtbl-send-table'.  See manual."
         (sep (plist-get params :sep))
         (efmt (plist-get params :efmt))
         (lstart (plist-get params :lstart))
+        (llstart (or (plist-get params :llstart) lstart))
         (lend (plist-get params :lend))
+        (llend (or (plist-get params :llend) lend))
         (lfmt (plist-get params :lfmt))
+        (llfmt (or (plist-get params :llfmt) lfmt))
         (fmt (plist-get params :fmt))
@@ -11860,10 +11870,15 @@ directly by `orgtbl-send-table'.  See manual."
     ;; trailing hline.
     (if (and (not splicep) (listp (car table)) (memq 'hline table))
-         (let* ((lstart (or (plist-get params :hlstart) lstart))
-                (lend (or (plist-get params :hlend) lend))
-                (lfmt (or (plist-get params :hlfmt) lfmt))
-                (fmt (or (plist-get params :hfmt) fmt)))
+         (let ((lstart (or (plist-get params :hlstart) lstart))
+               (llstart (or (plist-get params :hllstart) llstart))
+               (lend (or (plist-get params :hlend) lend))
+               (llend (or (plist-get params :hllend)
+                          (plist-get params :hlend) llend))
+               (lfmt (or (plist-get params :hlfmt) lfmt))
+               (llfmt (or (plist-get params :hllfmt)
+                          (plist-get params :hlfmt) llfmt))
+               (fmt (or (plist-get params :hfmt) fmt)))
            (orgtbl-format-section 'hline))
          (if hline (push hline rtn))
          (pop table)))
@@ -11897,6 +11912,9 @@ LaTeX are:
            example \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\".  LaTeX default is \"%s\\\\,(%s)\".
            This may also be a property list with column numbers and formats.
+:llend     If you find too much space below the last line of a table,
+           pass a value of \"\" for :llend to suppress the final \\\\.
 The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been applied when
 this function is called."
   (let* ((alignment (mapconcat (lambda (x) (if x "r" "l"))

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