Before I discovered org-mode (and Remember Mode)
I had a small customisation in my .emacs file to open
a "Journal file", go to the end of the file, insert the data
and time, then allow me to enter a note. I would save the buffer
and close it.
Now that I am using org-mode, I made some modifications
to write my notes to a file "" and bind a
key combination to invoke the function.
So when I am using Emacs I can quickly write notes by
entering the command C-c n
I use GNU Emacs 21.3.1 running on Windows XP
Maybe this functionality could be added to org-mode?
Here are the lines from .emacs
(defun journal ()
; customise the following line for your file name
(find-file "c:/homes/charles/")
(insert "\n** Topic: ")
(insert "\n")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c n") 'journal)
(defun insert-datetime-string ()
"Insert a nicely formated date time string."
(insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M" ))
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