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[elpa] externals/autocrypt 25635d8441 01/94: initial import

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/autocrypt 25635d8441 01/94: initial import
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 07:57:56 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/autocrypt
commit 25635d8441c38c009316bc65197593db39fb9359
Author: Philip K <philip@warpmail.net>
Commit: Philip K <philip@warpmail.net>

    initial import
 autocrypt.el | 595 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 595 insertions(+)

diff --git a/autocrypt.el b/autocrypt.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8d52610a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autocrypt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+;;; autocrypt.el --- Autocrypt implementation -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;; Author: Philip K. <philip@warpmail.net>
+;; Version: 0.4.0
+;; Keywords: comm
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1"))
+;; URL: https://git.sr.ht/~zge/autocrypt
+;; This file is NOT part of Emacs.
+;; This file is in the public domain, to the extent possible under law,
+;; published under the CC0 1.0 Universal license.
+;; For a full copy of the CC0 license see
+;; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Implementation of Autocrypt (https://autocrypt.org/) for various
+;; Emacs MUAs.
+;; Run M-x `autocrypt-create-account' to initialise an autocrypt key,
+;; and add `autocrypt-mode' to your MUA's hooks (`gnus-mode-hook',
+;; `message-mode-hook', ...) to activate it's usage.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'message)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'rx)
+(defgroup autocrypt nil
+  "Autocrypt protocol implementation for Emacs MUAs"
+  :tag "Autocrypt"
+  :group 'mail
+  :link '(url-link "https://autocrypt.org/";)
+  :version "28.1"
+  :prefix "autocrypt-")
+(defcustom autocrypt-accounts nil
+  "Alist of supported Autocrypt accounts.
+All elements have the form (MAIL FINGERPRINT PREFERENCE), where
+FINGERPRINT is the fingerprint of the PGP key that should be used
+by email address MAIL. PREFERENCE must be one of `mutual' or
+`no-preference', `none' (if no preference should be inserted into
+headers), or nil if this account should be temporarily disabled.
+This variable doesn't have to be manually specified, as
+activating the command `autocrypt-mode' should automatically
+configure it, or by calling `autocrypt-create-account'."
+  :type '(alist :key-type string
+                :value-type
+                (group (string :tag "Fingerprint")
+                       (choice :tag "Encryption Preference"
+                               (const :tag "None" none)
+                               (const :tag "No Preference" no-preference)
+                               (const :tag "Mutual" mutual)
+                               (const :tag "Disable this Account" nil)))))
+(defcustom autocrypt-do-gossip t
+  "Enable Autocrypt gossiping.
+This will inject \"Autocrypt-Gossip\" headers when required, and
+process \"Autocrypt-Gossip\" headers when received."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Enable Gossip" t)
+                 (const :tag "Only receive" 'only-receive)
+                 (const :tag "Only send" 'only-send)
+                 (const :tag "Disable Gossip" nil)))
+(defcustom autocrypt-save-file
+  (expand-file-name "autocrypt-data.el" user-emacs-directory)
+  "File where Autocrypt peer data should be saved."
+  :type '(file :must-match t))
+;; https://autocrypt.org/level1.html#communication-peers
+(cl-defstruct autocrypt-peer
+  last-seen
+  timestamp
+  pubkey
+  preference
+  gossip-timestamp
+  gossip-key
+  deactivated)
+(defvar autocrypt-peers nil
+  "List of known autocrypt peers.
+Every member of this list has to be an instance of the
+`autocrypt-peer' structure.")
+(defconst autocrypt-save-variables '(autocrypt-peers)
+  "List of variables to save to `autocrypt-save-data'.")
+(defconst autocrypt-mua-func-alist
+  '((gnus
+     :install autocrypt-gnus-install
+     :uninstall autocrypt-gnus-uninstall
+     :header autocrypt-gnus-header)
+    (rmail
+     :install autocrypt-rmail-install
+     :uninstall autocrypt-rmail-uninstall
+     :header autocrypt-rmail-header)
+    (mu4e
+     :install autocrypt-mu4e-install
+     :uninstall autocrypt-mu4e-uninstall
+     :header autocrypt-mu4e-header)
+    (message
+     :install autocrypt-message-install
+     :uninstall autocrypt-message-uninstall))
+  "Alist for all MUA specific functions.
+The value of each record is a plist. The value of each property
+is the symbol of the function that should be called, when
+refereed to by the property (see `autocrypt-mua-call').
+Valid properties and their associated messages are:
+:install - called when `autocrypt-mode' is activated in the
+current buffer. Should only install hooks.
+:uninstall - inverse of :install, and should reverse it's
+effects, ie. usually removing hooks.
+:header - a MUA viewer (Gnus, Rmail, ...) must provide such a
+message to let autocrypt query headers. The function must accept
+one argument, and return the value as a string.
+:part - a MUA viewer might provide such a message to let
+autocrypt query parts. The function must accept a index (as
+in IDX'th part) and return either a buffer, string or
+cons-cell of the form (file . PATH), where PATH points to where
+the part contents can be found.")
+(defsubst autocrypt-get-mua ()
+  "Return key for MUA based on major mode.
+The key should identify a record in the
+`autocrypt-mua-func-alist' alist."
+  (cond
+   ((derived-mode-p 'gnus-mode)
+    'gnus)
+   ((derived-mode-p 'rmail-mode)
+    'rmail)
+   ((derived-mode-p 'message-mode)
+    'message)
+   (t (user-error "MUA not supported"))))
+(defsubst autocrypt-mua-func (msg)
+  "Return function behind MSG for major mode."
+  (plist-get (cdr (assq (autocrypt-get-mua)
+                        autocrypt-mua-func-alist))
+             msg))
+(defun autocrypt-mua-call (msg &rest args)
+  "Call function behind MSG with ARGS for major mode."
+  (let ((func (autocrypt-mua-func msg)))
+    (and func (apply func args))))
+;; https://autocrypt.org/level1.html#e-mail-address-canonicalization
+(defsubst autocrypt-canonicalise (addr)
+  "Return a canonical form of email address ADDR."
+  ;; "[...] Other canonicalization efforts are considered for later
+  ;; specification versions."
+  (save-match-data
+    (let ((parts (mail-extract-address-components addr)))
+      (downcase (cadr parts)))))
+(defun autocrypt-load-data ()
+  "Load peer data if exists from `autocrypt-save-file'."
+  (when (file-exists-p autocrypt-save-file)
+    (load autocrypt-save-file t t t)))
+(defun autocrypt-save-data ()
+  "Write peer data save-file to `autocrypt-save-file'."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert ";; generated by autocrypt.el.\n"
+            ";; do not modify by hand\n")
+    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+      (dolist (var autocrypt-save-variables)
+        (print
+         `(unless ,var
+            (setq ,var ',(symbol-value var))))))
+    (write-file autocrypt-save-file)))
+(defun autocrypt-single-recommentation (sender recipient)
+  "Calculate autocrypt recommendation for a single RECIPIENT.
+SENDER is a string containing the value of the From field."
+  (let ((self (cdr (assoc (autocrypt-canonicalise sender) autocrypt-accounts)))
+        (peer (cdr (assoc (autocrypt-canonicalise recipient) 
+    ;; TODO: check if keys are revoked, expired or unusable
+    (cond
+     ((not (and peer (autocrypt-peer-pubkey peer)))
+      'disabled)
+     ((and (eq (autocrypt-peer-preference peer) 'mutual)
+           (eq (cadr self) 'mutual))
+      'encrypt)
+     ((or (eq (autocrypt-peer-preference peer) 'mutual)
+          (> (- (time-to-days (current-time))
+                (time-to-days (autocrypt-peer-last-seen peer)))
+             35))
+      'discourage)
+     (t 'available))))
+(defun autocrypt-recommendation (sender recipients)
+  "Calculate a autocrypt recommendation for RECIPIENTS.
+SENDER is a string containing the value of the From field."
+  (let ((res (mapcar (apply-partially #'autocrypt-single-recommentation sender)
+                     recipients)))
+    (cond
+     ((or (null res) (memq 'disabled res)) 'disabled)
+     ((memq 'discourage res) 'discourage)
+     ((null (delq 'encrypt res)) 'encrypt)
+     (t 'available))))
+;; https://autocrypt.org/level1.html#the-autocrypt-header
+(defun autocrypt-parse-header (string)
+  "Destruct Autocrypt header from STRING.
+Returns list with address, preference and key data if
+well-formed, otherwise returns just nil."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (save-excursion
+      (insert string))
+    (let (addr pref keydata)
+      (save-match-data
+        (while (looking-at (rx (group (+ (any alnum ?_ ?-)))
+                               (* space) "=" (* space)
+                               (group (* (not (any ";"))))
+                               (? ";" (* space))))
+          (cond
+           ((string= (match-string 1) "addr")
+            (setq addr (autocrypt-canonicalise (match-string 2))))
+           ((string= (match-string 1) "prefer-encrypt")
+            (setq pref (cond
+                        ((string= (match-string 2) "mutual")
+                         'mutual)
+                        ((string= (match-string 2) "nopreference")
+                         'no-preference))))
+           ((string= (match-string 1) "keydata")
+            (setq keydata (base64-decode-string (match-string 2))))
+           ((string-prefix-p "_" (match-string 1)) ; ignore
+            nil)
+           (t (error "Unsupported Autocrypt key")))
+          (goto-char (match-end 0))))
+      (and addr keydata (list addr pref keydata)))))
+(defun autocrypt-process-gossip (date)
+  "Update internal autocrypt gossip state."
+  (let ((recip (autocrypt-list-recipients))
+        (root (autocrypt-mua-call :part 0))
+        (re (rx bol "Autocrypt-Gossip:" (* space)
+                (group (+ (or nonl (: "\n "))))
+                eol))
+        gossip)
+    (when root
+      (catch 'unsupported
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          ;; The MUA interface should have the flexibility to return
+          ;; different kinds of part containers. Currently
+          ;; buffers, strings and a cons-cell of the form '(file . PATH)
+          ;; are supported, where PATH is a string describing where to
+          ;; find the part.
+          (cond
+           ((bufferp root)
+            (insert (with-current-buffer root (buffer-string))))
+           ((stringp root)
+            (insert root))
+           ((eq (car root) 'file)
+            (insert-file-contents (cdr root)))
+           (t
+            ;; If unsupported, then the gossip processing should fail
+            ;; SILENTLY. Autocrypt should not annoy the user.
+            (throw 'unsupported nil)))
+          (ietf-drums-narrow-to-header)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (save-match-data
+            (while (search-forward-regexp re nil t)
+              (push (autocrypt-parse-header (match-string 1))
+                    gossip))))
+        (dolist (datum (delq nil gossip))
+          (let* ((addr (car datum))
+                 (peer (cdr (assoc addr recip))))
+            (if (and peer (time-less-p (autocrypt-peer-gossip-timestamp peer)
+                                       date))
+                (setf (autocrypt-peer-gossip-timestamp date)
+                      (autocrypt-peer-gossip-key (caddr datum)))
+              (push (cons addr (make-autocrypt-peer
+                                :gossip-timestamp date
+                                :gossip-key (caddr datum)))
+                    autocrypt-peers))))))))
+;; https://autocrypt.org/level1.html#updating-autocrypt-peer-state
+(defun autocrypt-process-header ()
+  "Update internal autocrypt state."
+  (let* ((from (autocrypt-canonicalise (autocrypt-mua-call :header "From")))
+         (date (mail-header-parse-date (autocrypt-mua-call :header "Date")))
+         (header (autocrypt-mua-call :header "Autocrypt"))
+         parse addr preference keydata peer)
+    (when header
+      (when (setq parse (autocrypt-parse-header header))
+        (setq addr (autocrypt-canonicalise (car parse))
+              preference (cadr parse)
+              keydata (caddr parse)
+              peer (or (cdr (assoc addr autocrypt-peers))
+                       (make-autocrypt-peer
+                        :last-seen date
+                        :timestamp date
+                        :pubkey keydata
+                        :preference preference)))))
+    (when autocrypt-do-gossip
+      (autocrypt-process-gossip date))
+    (when (string= from addr)
+      (unless (time-less-p date (autocrypt-peer-timestamp peer))
+        (when (time-less-p (autocrypt-peer-last-seen peer) date)
+          (setf (autocrypt-peer-last-seen peer) date))
+        (if keydata                         ; has "Autocrypt" header
+            (setf (autocrypt-peer-preference peer) (or preference 'none)
+                  (autocrypt-peer-deactivated peer) nil
+                  (autocrypt-peer-timestamp peer) date
+                  (autocrypt-peer-pubkey peer) keydata)
+          (setf (autocrypt-peer-deactivated peer) t))
+        (unless (assoc addr autocrypt-peers)
+          (push (cons addr peer) autocrypt-peers))))))
+(defun autocrypt-insert-keydata (data)
+  "Insert raw keydata DATA as base64 at point."
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (insert data)
+    (base64-encode-region start (point))
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region start (point))
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (not (eobp))
+          (insert " ")
+          (forward-line))))))
+(defun autocrypt-get-keydata (acc)
+  "Generate key for ACC to insert into header."
+  (let* ((ctx (epg-make-context))
+         (keys (epg-list-keys ctx (cadr acc) 'secret)))
+    (epg-export-keys-to-string ctx keys)))
+(defun autocrypt-generate-header (addr &optional gossip-p)
+  "Generate header value for address ADDR.
+If ADDR is a local account, it's key will be used. Otherwise it
+attempts to look up ADDR in the peer data. If nothing was found
+OR the header is too large, return nil."
+  (let (acc peer pref keydata)
+    (cond
+     ((setq acc (assoc addr autocrypt-accounts))
+      (setq keydata (autocrypt-get-keydata acc)
+            pref (cadr acc)))
+     ((setq peer (assoc addr autocrypt-peers))
+      (setq keydata (autocrypt-peer-pubkey peer)
+            pref (autocrypt-peer-preference peer))))
+    (when (and (not (and peer (autocrypt-peer-deactivated peer)))
+               pref keydata)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert "addr=" addr "; ")
+        (cond
+         (gossip-p
+          ;; Key Gossip Injection [...] SHOULD NOT include a
+          ;; prefer-encrypt attribute.
+          nil)
+         ((eq pref 'no-preference)
+          (insert "prefer-encrypt=nopreference; "))
+         ((eq pref 'mutual)
+          (insert "prefer-encrypt=mutual; ")))
+        (insert "keydata=")
+        (autocrypt-insert-keydata keydata)
+        (and (< (buffer-size) (* 10 1024))
+             (buffer-string))))))
+(defun autocrypt-create-account (name email expire pass)
+  "Create a GPG key for Autocrypt."
+  (interactive (list (read-string "Name: " user-full-name)
+                     (read-string "Email: " user-mail-address)
+                     (read-string "Expire Date (date or <n>{d,w,m,y}): ")
+                     (let ((prompt "Passphrase (must be non-empty): ") pass)
+                       (while (eq (setq pass (read-passwd prompt t t)) t))
+                       pass)))
+  (let ((ctx (epg-make-context)))
+    (epg-generate-key-from-string
+     ctx
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       ;; 
+       ;; 
+       (insert "Key-Type: eddsa\n")
+       (insert "Key-Curve: Ed25519\n")
+       (insert "Key-Usage: sign\n")
+       (insert "Subkey-Type: ecdh\n")
+       (insert "Subkey-Curve: Curve25519\n")
+       (insert "Subkey-Usage: encrypt\n")
+       (insert "Name-Real: " name "\n")
+       (insert "Name-Email: " email "\n")
+       (insert "Name-Comment: generated by autocrypt.el\n")
+       (insert "Passphrase: " pass "\n")
+       (insert "Expire-Date: " (if (string= "" expire) "0" expire) "\n")
+       (insert "%commit")
+       (buffer-string)))
+    (let ((res (epg-context-result-for ctx 'generate-key)))
+      (unless res
+        (error "Could not determine fingerprint"))
+      (customize-set-variable
+       'autocrypt-accounts
+       (cons (list email (cdr (assq 'fingerprint (car res))) 'none)
+             autocrypt-accounts)
+       "Customized by autocrypt.el"))
+    (message "Successfully generated key for %s, and added to key chain."
+             email)))
+(with-eval-after-load 'gnus
+  ;; setup with (add-hook 'gnus-load-hook #'autocrypt-mode)
+  (defun autocrypt-gnus-install ()
+    "Install autocrypt hooks for Gnus."
+    (add-hook 'gnus-view-mode-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-gnus-uninstall ()
+    "Remove autocrypt hooks for Gnus."
+    (remove-hook 'gnus-view-mode-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-gnus-header (field)
+    "Ask Gnus to return header FIELD."
+    (gnus-fetch-original-field field)))
+(with-eval-after-load 'rmail
+  ;; setup with (add-hook 'rmail-mode-hook #'autocrypt-mode)
+  (defun autocrypt-rmail-install ()
+    "Install autocrypt hooks for Rmail."
+    (add-hook 'rmail-show-message-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-rmail-uninstall ()
+    "Remove autocrypt hooks for Rmail."
+    (remove-hook 'rmail-show-message-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-rmail-header (field)
+    "Ask Rmail to return header field."
+    (rmail-apply-in-message
+     rmail-current-message
+     (lambda () (mail-fetch-field field)))))
+(with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
+  ;; setup with (advice-add 'mu4e :after (lambda (&rest _) (autocrypt-mode)))
+  (defun autocrypt-mu4e-install ()
+    "Install autocrypt hooks for mu4e."
+    (add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-mu4e-uninstall ()
+    "Remove autocrypt hooks for mu4e."
+    (remove-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook #'autocrypt-process-header))
+  (defun autocrypt-mu4e-header (field)
+    "Ask mu4e to return header field."
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (with-current-buffer (mu4e-view-raw-message)
+        (prog1 (mail-fetch-field field)
+          (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+(with-eval-after-load 'message
+  ;; setup with (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'autocrypt-mode)
+  (defun autocrypt-message-install ()
+    "Install autocrypt hooks for message-mode."
+    (add-hook 'message-setup-hook #'autocrypt-message-setup)
+    (add-hook 'message-send-hook #'autocrypt-message-pre-send)
+    (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "C-c RET C-a") 
+  (defun autocrypt-message-uninstall ()
+    "Remove autocrypt hooks for message-mode."
+    (remove-hook 'message-setup-hook #'autocrypt-message-setup)
+    (remove-hook 'message-send-hook #'autocrypt-message-pre-send)
+    (define-key message-mode-map (kbd "C-c RET C-a") nil))
+  (defun autocrypt-message-list-recipients ()
+    "Return a list of all recipients to this message."
+    (let (recipients)
+      (dolist (hdr '("To" "Cc" "Reply-To"))
+        (let* ((f (message-field-value hdr))
+               (r (and f (mail-extract-address-components f t))))
+          (setq recipients (nconc (mapcar #'cadr r) recipients))))
+      (delete-dups recipients)))
+  ;; 
+  (defun autocrypt-message-gossip-p (recipients)
+    "Find out if the current message should have gossip headers."
+    (and (mml-secure-is-encrypted-p)
+         (< 1 (length recipients))
+         (cl-every
+          (lambda (rec)
+            (let ((peer (cdr (assoc rec autocrypt-peers))))
+              (and peer (not (autocrypt-peer-deactivated peer)))))
+          recipients)))
+  (defun autocrypt-message-setup ()
+    "Check if Autocrypt is possible, and add pseudo headers."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((recs (autocrypt-message-list-recipients))
+          (from (autocrypt-canonicalise (message-field-value "from"))))
+      ;; encrypt message if applicable
+      (save-excursion
+        (cl-case (autocrypt-recommendation from recs)
+          (available
+           (message-add-header "Do-Autocrypt: no"))
+          (discourage
+           (message-add-header "Do-Discouraged-Autocrypt: no"))))))
+  (defun autocrypt-message-pre-send ()
+    "Insert Autocrypt headers before sending a message.
+Will handle and remove \"Do-(Discourage-)Autocrypt\" if found."
+    (let* ((recs (autocrypt-message-list-recipients))
+           (from (autocrypt-canonicalise (message-field-value "from"))))
+      ;; encrypt message if applicable
+      (when (eq (autocrypt-recommendation from recs) 'encrypt)
+        (mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt "pgpmime"))
+      ;; check for manual autocrypt confirmations
+      (let ((do-autocrypt (message-fetch-field "Do-Autocrypt"))
+            (ddo-autocrypt (message-fetch-field "Do-Discouraged-Autocrypt"))
+            (query "Are you sure you want to use Autocrypt, even though it is 
+        (when (and (not (mml-secure-is-encrypted-p))
+                   (or (and do-autocrypt
+                            (string= (downcase do-autocrypt) "yes"))
+                       (and ddo-autocrypt
+                            (string= (downcase ddo-autocrypt) "yes")
+                            (yes-or-no-p query))))
+          (mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt "pgpmime")))
+      (message-remove-header "Do-Autocrypt")
+      (message-remove-header "Do-Discouraged-Autocrypt")
+      ;; insert gossip data
+      (when (autocrypt-message-gossip-p recs)
+        (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer " *autocrypt gossip*")))
+          (with-current-buffer buf
+            (dolist (addr (autocrypt-message-list-recipients))
+              (let ((header (autocrypt-generate-header addr t)))
+                (insert "Autocrypt-Gossip: " header "\n"))))
+          (mml-attach-buffer buf)
+          (mml-secure-part "pgpmime")
+          (add-hook 'message-send-hook
+                    (lambda () (kill-buffer buf))
+                    nil t)))
+      ;; insert autocrypt header
+      (let ((header (and from (autocrypt-generate-header from))))
+        (when header
+          (message-add-header (concat "Autocrypt: " header)))))))
+(define-minor-mode autocrypt-mode
+  "Enable Autocrypt support in current buffer.
+Behaviour shall adapt to current major mode. Should be added to
+the startup hook of your preferred MUA or mail-related major
+  :group 'autocrypt
+  (if autocrypt-mode
+      (progn
+        (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'autocrypt-save-data)
+        (autocrypt-load-data)
+        (autocrypt-mua-call :install))
+    (autocrypt-save-data)
+    (autocrypt-mua-call :uninstall)))
+(provide 'autocrypt)
+;;; autocrypt.el ends here

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