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[elpa] externals/async 9c0bad496b 3/6: test: add buttercup test suite

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/async 9c0bad496b 3/6: test: add buttercup test suite
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:57:21 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/async
commit 9c0bad496be137b73acfd33ce2249a6cc33c0869
Author: Matus Goljer <matus.goljer@gmail.com>
Commit: Matus Goljer <matus.goljer@gmail.com>

    test: add buttercup test suite
 tests/test-async.el | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 229 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/test-async.el b/tests/test-async.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bc9ef0e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-async.el
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+(require 'buttercup)
+(require 'async)
+(describe "Async Core"
+  (describe "Running emacs lisp in a subprocess"
+    (it "should execute function in subprocess and pass result back to parent 
through a callback"
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (push "Starting async-test-1..." messages)
+        (async-start
+         ;; What to do in the child process
+         (lambda ()
+           (message "This is a test")
+           (sleep-for 0.5)
+           222)
+         ;; What to do when it finishes
+         (lambda (result)
+           (push (format "Async process done, result should be 222: %s" 
result) messages)))
+        (push "Starting async-test-1...done" messages)
+        (sleep-for 1)
+        (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                :to-equal "Starting async-test-1...\nStarting 
async-test-1...done\nAsync process done, result should be 222: 222")))
+    (it "should let the user do work while subprocess runs and then wait for 
the result"
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (push "Starting async-test-2..." messages)
+        (let ((proc (async-start
+                     ;; What to do in the child process
+                     (lambda ()
+                       (message "This is a test")
+                       (sleep-for 0.5)
+                       222))))
+          (push "I'm going to do some work here" messages)
+          ;; ....
+          (push (format "Async process done, result should be 222: %s" 
(async-get proc)) messages))
+        (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                :to-equal "Starting async-test-2...\nI'm going to do some work 
here\nAsync process done, result should be 222: 222")))
+    (xit "should allow both a callback and async-get for the same future"
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (push "Starting async-test..." messages)
+        (let ((proc (async-start
+                     ;; What to do in the child process
+                     (lambda ()
+                       (sleep-for 0.5)
+                       222)
+                     (lambda (result)
+                       (push (format "%s" result) messages)))))
+          (push "I'm going to do some work here" messages)
+          (push (format "async-get: %s" (async-get proc)) messages))
+        (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                :to-equal "Starting async-test...\nI'm going to do some work 
here\n222\nasync-get: 222")))
+    (it "should handle errors in the child process"
+      (expect (progn
+                (let ((messages nil))
+                  (push "Starting async-test-3..." messages)
+                  (async-start
+                   ;; What to do in the child process
+                   (lambda ()
+                     (message "This is a test")
+                     (sleep-for 0.5)
+                     (error "Error in child process")
+                     222)
+                   ;; What to do when it finishes
+                   (lambda (result)
+                     (push (format "Async process done, result should be 222: 
%s" result) messages)))
+                  (push "Starting async-test-3...done" messages)
+                  (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                          :to-equal "Starting async-test-3...\nStarting 
+                (sleep-for 1))
+              :to-throw 'error))
+    (it "should handle unreadable forms in the return value"
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (let ((proc (async-start
+                     ;; What to do in the child process
+                     (lambda ()
+                       (message "This is a test")
+                       (sleep-for 0.1)
+                       (current-buffer))
+                     ;; What to do when it finishes
+                     (lambda (result)
+                       (push (format "Async process done, result should be 
222: %s" result) messages)))))
+          (async-get proc)
+          (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                  :to-equal "Async process done, result should be 222: (buffer 
+  (describe "Starting non-emacs process"
+    (it "should start a process and return a process object"
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (push "Starting async-test-4..." messages)
+        (async-start-process "sleep" "sleep"
+                             ;; What to do when it finishes
+                             (lambda (proc)
+                               (push (format "Sleep done, exit code was %d"
+                                             (process-exit-status proc))
+                                     messages))
+                             "1")
+        (push "Starting async-test-4...done" messages)
+        (sleep-for 1.5)
+        (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                :to-equal "Starting async-test-4...\nStarting 
async-test-4...done\nSleep done, exit code was 0"))))
+  (describe "Interprocess communication"
+    (it "should be possible to send and receive messages between parent and 
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (push "Starting async-test-5..." messages)
+        (let ((proc
+               (async-start
+                ;; What to do in the child process
+                (lambda ()
+                  (message "This is a test, sending message")
+                  (async-send :hello "world")
+                  ;; wait for a message
+                  (let ((msg (async-receive)))
+                    (message "Child got message: %s"
+                             (plist-get msg :goodbye)))
+                  (sleep-for 0.5)
+                  222)
+                ;; What to do when it finishes
+                (lambda (result)
+                  (if (async-message-p result)
+                      (push (format "Got hello from child process: %s" 
(plist-get result :hello))
+                            messages)
+                    (push (format "Async process done, result should be 222: 
%s" result)
+                          messages))))))
+          (async-send proc :goodbye "everyone"))
+        (push "Starting async-test-5...done" messages)
+        (sleep-for 1)
+        (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                :to-equal "Starting async-test-5...\nStarting 
async-test-5...done\nGot hello from child process: world\nAsync process done, 
result should be 222: 222")))
+    (it "child should be able to send really long messages to the parent (1 
+      (let ((messages nil))
+        (let ((proc (async-start
+                     ;; What to do in the child process
+                     (lambda ()
+                       (async-send :hello (make-string 1048576 ?x))
+                       t)
+                     ;; What to do when it finishes
+                     (lambda (result)
+                       (if (async-message-p result)
+                           (push (plist-get result :hello) messages)
+                         (push result messages))))))
+          ;;(sleep-for 0.5)
+          (async-wait proc)
+          )
+        (expect (car messages) :to-equal t)
+        (expect (cadr messages) :to-equal (make-string 1048576 ?x))))
+    ;; windows process performance is horrible so we need to skip
+    ;; this as it takes too much time.
+    (unless (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+                 (version< emacs-version "27"))
+      (it "child should be able to send really long messages to the parent (10 
+        (let ((messages nil))
+          (let ((proc (async-start
+                       ;; What to do in the child process
+                       (lambda ()
+                         (async-send :hello (make-string 10485760 ?x))
+                         t)
+                       ;; What to do when it finishes
+                       (lambda (result)
+                         (if (async-message-p result)
+                             (push (plist-get result :hello) messages)
+                           (push result messages))))))
+            (async-wait proc))
+          (expect (car messages) :to-equal t)
+          (expect (cadr messages) :to-equal (make-string 10485760 ?x))))))
+  (describe "Injecting environment"
+    (it "should construct a form for injecting the current environment"
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (setq-local user-mail-address "hello@gnu.org")
+        (let ((messages nil))
+          (push "Starting async-test-6..." messages)
+          (let ((proc (async-start
+                       ;; What to do in the child process
+                       `(lambda ()
+                          ,(async-inject-variables "\\`user-mail-address\\'")
+                          (format "user-mail-address = %s" user-mail-address))
+                       ;; What to do when it finishes
+                       (lambda (result)
+                         (push (format "Async process done: %s" result) 
+            (async-get proc))
+          (expect (string-join (nreverse messages) "\n")
+                  :to-equal "Starting async-test-6...\nAsync process done: 
user-mail-address = hello@gnu.org"))))))

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