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[elpa] externals/beardbolt 715f132d0e 263/323: Started rewriting. Too ma

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/beardbolt 715f132d0e 263/323: Started rewriting. Too many changes to mention.
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 10:58:37 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/beardbolt
commit 715f132d0ebb56a8ee7ac9fc77047297df7498ed
Author: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
Commit: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>

    Started rewriting.  Too many changes to mention.
 beardbolt-java.el |  137 -----
 beardbolt.el      | 1598 +++++++++++------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 1406 deletions(-)

diff --git a/beardbolt-java.el b/beardbolt-java.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c22bbe9b58..0000000000
--- a/beardbolt-java.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-;;; beardbolt-java.el --- An Elisp library to parse javap output -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018 Jay Kamat
-;; Author: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>
-;; Version: 0.1.0
-;; Keywords: compilation, tools
-;; URL: http://gitlab.com/jgkamat/beardbolt
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; The java bytecode disassembler format is rather obtuse. This library tries
-;; to make a programatic layer for interacting with it. It's main aim is
-;; correlating lines in source code to the generated output.
-;; This library takes in the output of `javap -c -l` split into a list by 
-;; which is the same format beardbolt uses.
-;;; Requires:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Regexes
-(defvar bb-java-code-start  (rx bol (1+ space)
-                                     (group "Code:")))
-(defvar bb-java-line-table-start  (rx bol (1+ space)
-                                           (group "LineNumberTable:")))
-(defvar bb-java-local-table-start  (rx bol (1+ space)
-                                            (group "LocalVariableTable:")))
-(defvar bb-java-code (rx bol (group (1+ space)) (group (1+ digit))
-                              ":" (1+ space) (group (1+ any)) eol))
-(defvar bb-java-line-table (rx bol (1+ space) "line" (1+ space) (group (1+ 
-                                    ":" (1+ space) (group (1+ digit))))
-;;;; Functions
-(defun bb-java-process-bytecode (asm-lines &optional filter)
-  "Process ASM-LINES to add properties refrencing the source code.
-Also FILTER \"useless\" lines out, optionally."
-  (let (result state result-hold  code-block code-linum in-bracket)
-    (dolist (line asm-lines)
-      (pcase state
-        ('nil ;; We haven't found any special blocks, so look for them and 
copy to output
-         (when (string-match-p bb-java-code-start line)
-           (setq state 'code-found)
-           (push line result)))
-        ('code-found ;; We are past Code: so begin parsing instructions
-         (if (string-match-p bb-java-line-table-start line)
-             (setq state 'linum-found)
-           (if (and (string-match bb-java-code line)
-                    (match-string 1 line)
-                    (match-string 2 line)
-                    (match-string 3 line)
-                    (not in-bracket))
-               (progn (push (cons (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))
-                                  line)
-                            code-block)
-                      (when (string-match-p "{" line)
-                        (setq in-bracket t)))
-             ;; Assume we have a continuation line
-             (push (cons (cl-first (car code-block))
-                         line)
-                   code-block)
-             (when (string-match-p "}" line)
-               (setq in-bracket nil))
-             )))
-        ('linum-found ;; We are past LineNumberTable, so begin generating the 
src->code table
-         (if (string-match-p bb-java-local-table-start line)
-             (progn
-               (setq state 'localvar-found)
-               ;; Get everything ready for agg
-               (setq code-block (nreverse code-block))
-               (setq code-linum (nreverse code-linum)))
-           (if (and (string-match bb-java-line-table line)
-                    (match-string 1 line)
-                    (match-string 2 line))
-               (push (cons (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))
-                           (string-to-number (match-string 1 line)))
-                     code-linum)
-             (error "Unexpected output inside LineNumberTable: block of 
-        ('localvar-found ;; Agg results if they exist
-         ;; TODO can we assume there is an empty line after LocalVar?
-         (if (string-empty-p line)
-             (setq state nil)
-           (when (and code-linum code-block)
-             (let (current-mapping current-line)
-               (dolist (l code-block)
-                 (when (and code-linum
-                            (>= (car l)
-                                (car (cl-first code-linum))))
-                   ;; We are at (or passed) the line at the top of code-linum 
mapping, let's use the mapping
-                   (setq current-mapping (pop code-linum)))
-                 (setq current-line (cdr l))
-                 (when (and current-mapping
-                            (numberp (cdr current-mapping)))
-                   (add-text-properties 0 (length current-line)
-                                        `(bb-src-line ,(cdr current-mapping)) 
-                 (push current-line result)))
-             ;; Don't keep agging
-             (setq code-linum nil
-                   code-block nil)))))
-      (if (not state)
-          (progn
-            (when result-hold
-              ;; We have leftovers in result-hold, let's flush them
-              (setq result (append result-hold result))
-              (setq result-hold nil))
-            (push line result))
-        (when (and (not filter)
-                   ;; Never output code, that's handled above.
-                   ;; Code: is handled on transition
-                   (not (eq state 'code-found)))
-          (push line result-hold))))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(provide 'beardbolt-java)
-;;; beardbolt-java.el ends here
-;; Local Variables:
-;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("bb-" . "beardbolt-"))
-;; End:
diff --git a/beardbolt.el b/beardbolt.el
index 075449c35d..53932a91fb 100644
--- a/beardbolt.el
+++ b/beardbolt.el
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
 ;; change compiler and beardbolt options simply by editing a local variable 
 ;; Notable options:
-;; `beardbolt-command': determines the prefix of the compilation command to 
-;; `beardbolt-default-directory': determines the default-drectory to compile 
-;; `beardbolt-disassemble': disassemble from a compiled binary with objdump, 
if supported.
+;; `beardbolt-command': prefix of the compilation command to use.
+;; `beardbolt-default-directory': default-drectory to compile from.
+;; `beardbolt-disassemble': disassemble from compiled binary with objdump
 ;; `beardbolt-filter-*': Tweak filtering of binary output.
 ;; `beardbolt-asm-format': Choose between intel att, and other syntax if 
 ;; `beardbolt-demangle': Demangle the output, if supported.
@@ -70,93 +70,41 @@
 (require 'cl-lib)
 (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
 (require 'map)
-(require 'cc-defs)
 (require 'compile)
 (require 'disass)
 (require 'json)
 (require 'color)
-(require 'beardbolt-java)
 ;;; Code:
 ;;;; Customize:
 (defgroup beardbolt nil
   "beardbolt customization options"
   :group 'applications)
-(defcustom bb-use-overlays t
-  "Whether we should use overlays to show matching code."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-goto-match t
-  "Whether we should goto the match in the other buffer if it is non visible."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-mode-lighter " RMS🗲"
-  "Lighter displayed in mode line when function `bb-mode' is active."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-large-buffer-size 500
-  "Number of lines past which a buffer is considred large."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-automatic-recompile t
-  "Whether to automatically save and recompile the source buffer.
-This setting is automatically disabled on large buffers, set to
-`force' to force-enable it.  To only recompile when the buffer is
-manually saved, set to `on-save'."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
-                 (const :tag "On save" on-save)
-                 (const :tag "On" t)
-                 (const :tag "Always" force))
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-;;;;; Buffer Local Tweakables
 (defcustom bb-disassemble nil
   "Whether we should disassemble an output binary."
   :type 'boolean
   :safe 'booleanp
   :group 'beardbolt)
 (defcustom bb-command nil
   "The base command to run beardbolt from."
   :type 'string
   ;; nil means use default command
   :safe (lambda (v) (or (booleanp v) (stringp v)))
   :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-default-directory nil
-  "The default directory to compile from.
-This must be an absolute path if set.
-Some exporters (such as pony) may not work with this set."
-  :type 'string
-  ;; nil means use default command
-  :safe (lambda (v) (or (booleanp v) (stringp v)))
-  :group 'beardbolt)
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'bb-intel-x86
-  'bb-asm-format "bb-0.2"
-  "Sorry about not providing a proper migration for this variable.
-Unfortunately the new options aren't a straightforward mapping.
-Most likely what you want:
-t -> \"intel\"
-nil -> \"att\"
-tool defaults -> nil
-This means that if you had bb-intel-x86 set manually, you
-are now getting tool defaults.")
-(defcustom bb-asm-format "intel"
+(defcustom bb-asm-format 'att
   "Which output assembly format to use.
 The supported values depend highly on the exporter, but typical
-values are: intel, att, <nil/t> (for using tool defaults).
+values are: `intel', `att' or nil (for using tool defaults).
 Invalid values will be passed onto the disassembly tools, which
 may throw errors.
-If you are not on x86, you most likely want to set this to nil.
-Since this defaults to \"intel\", implementers must support this
-being set (at worst falling back to nil if passed \"intel\")."
+If you are not on x86, you most likely want to set this to nil."
   :type 'string
-  :safe (lambda (v) (or (booleanp v) (stringp v)))
+  :safe (lambda (v) (or (booleanp v) (symbolp v) (stringp v)))
   :group 'beardbolt)
 (defcustom bb-filter-directives t
   "Whether to filter assembly directives."
@@ -196,15 +144,6 @@ Note that basic flags to ensure basic usage are always 
   :safe 'booleanp
   :group 'beardbolt)
-(defcustom bb-after-parse-hook nil
-  "Hook after all parsing is done, but before compile command is run.
-Exercise caution when setting variables in this hook - doing so
-can disrupt beardbolt state and cause issues. Variables set here
-may not be cleared to default as variables are usually."
-  :group 'beardbolt
-  :type 'hook)
 ;;;; Faces
 (defface bb-current-line-face
@@ -212,28 +151,34 @@ may not be cleared to default as variables are usually."
   "Face to fontify the current line for showing matches."
   :group 'beardbolt)
-;;;; Variables:
-(defvar bb-output-buffer "*bb-output*")
-;; whether bb-mode is enabled.
-(defvar bb-mode)
+;;;; Basic model
+(defvar-local bb--output-buffer nil)
+(defvar-local bb--source-buffer nil)
+(defvar-local bb--dump-file nil "Temporary file")
+(defvar-local bb-line-mappings nil "Maps source lines -> asm regions")
+(defvar-local bb--relation-overlays nil "Overlays relating source to asm.")
+(defvar-local bb--rainbow-overlays nil "Rainbow overlays.")
+(defun bb--output-buffer (src-buffer)
+  "Get/create output buffer for current source file."
+  (with-current-buffer src-buffer
+    (or (and (buffer-live-p bb--output-buffer) bb--output-buffer)
+        (setq bb--output-buffer
+              (with-current-buffer
+                  (generate-new-buffer (format "*bb-output for %s*" 
+                (asm-mode)
+                (setq bb--source-buffer src-buffer)
+                (bb--output-mode)
+                (current-buffer))))))
+;; whether bb-mode is enabled.
 (defvar bb-hide-compile t)
 (defvar bb-binary-asm-limit 10000)
-(defvar-local bb-line-mapping nil
-  "Line mapping hashtable from source lines -> asm lines")
-(defvar-local bb-current-line nil
-  "Current line for fontifier.")
-(defvar-local bb--last-point nil
-  "Used to detect when the point has moved.")
-(defvar bb-overlays nil
-  "List of overlays to use.")
-(defvar-local bb--rainbow-overlays nil
-  "List of rainbow overlays to use.")
 (defvar bb-compile-delay 0.4
   "Time in seconds to delay before recompiling if there is a change.")
-(defvar bb--automated-compile nil
-  "Whether this compile was automated or not.")
 (defvar bb--shell "bash"
   "Which shell to prefer if available.
 Used to work around inconsistencies in alternative shells.")
@@ -252,18 +197,6 @@ Used to work around inconsistencies in alternative 
 (when load-file-name
   (setq bb-dir (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
-(defvar-local bb-src-buffer nil)
-(defvar-local bb--real-src-file nil
-  "If set, the real filename that we compiled from,
-probably due to a copy from this file.")
-;; FIXME should we be unbinding the list here, or is setting nil good enough.
-(defvar-local bb--default-variables nil
-  "A list of the buffer-local variables we filled in with defaults.
-Useful for determining if the user overrode things like `bb-command'.
-This list of variables will automatically be restored to nil.")
 (defvar-local bb-objdump-binary "objdump"
   "A binary to use for objdumping when using `bb-disassemble'.
 Useful if you have multiple objdumpers and want to select between them")
@@ -348,70 +281,21 @@ This function does NOT quote the return value for use in 
inferior shells."
 (cl-defstruct (bb-lang
                (:constructor make-beardbolt-lang)
-               (:conc-name bb-l-))
-  (supports-disass
-   nil
-   :type 'bool
-   :documentation "If we support assembly directly. If nil, we must use other 
-  (supports-asm
-   nil
-   :type 'bool
-   :documentation "If we support disassembling from binaries. If nil, we must 
use other methods.")
+               (:conc-name bb--lang-))
-   'objdump
-   :type 'symbol
-   :documentation "The object dumper to use if disassembling binary.")
+   nil :documentation "Object dumper to use if disassembling binary.")
-   nil
-   :type 'string
-   :documentation "The command of the demangler to use for this source code.
-If nil, don't demangle.")
-  (disass-hidden-funcs
-   nil
-   :type 'string
-   :documentation "Functions that are hidden when disassembling.")
-  (compile-cmd
-   nil
-   :type 'string
-   :documentation "Default compilation command to use if none is provided.
-If provided a function, call that function with the source buffer to determine
-the compile command.")
-  (default-directory
-    nil
-    :type 'string
-    :documentation "Default directory to run compilation in. By default, use 
-If provided a function, call that function with the source buffer to determine
-the default directory.")
+   nil :documentation "If non-nil, demangler to use for this source code")
+  (base-cmd
+   nil :documentation "")
-   nil
-   :type 'function
-   :documentation "A function which takes in a compile command
-(could be the default) and adds needed args to it.")
-  (process-asm-custom-fn
-   nil
-   :type 'function
-   :documentation "A custom function used for parsing asm lines
-   instead of the default assembly one." )
-  (elisp-compile-override
-   nil
-   :type 'function
-   :documentation "A custom function to run instead of running any compilation 
-Generally not useful with the sole exception of the emacs lisp disassembler.
-This function is responsible for calling `bb--handle-finish-compile'
-Please be careful when setting this, as it bypasses most logic and is
-generally not useful."))
-;;;; Helper Functions
-(defmacro bb--with-files (src-buffer &rest body)
-  "Execute BODY with `src-filename' and `output-filename' defined.
-Args taken from SRC-BUFFER.
-Return value is quoted for passing to the shell."
-  `(let ((src-filename (shell-quote-argument
-                        (buffer-file-name)))
-         (output-filename
-          (shell-quote-argument
-           (bb-output-filename ,src-buffer))))
-     ,@body))
+   nil :documentation "")
+  (asm-function
+   nil :documentation "Function to operate on an assembly listing")
+  (disass-function
+   nil :documentation "Function to operate on a binary")
+  (disass-hidden-funcs
+   nil :documentation "Regexp recognizing non-user assembly rountines."))
 (defmacro bb--set-local (var val)
   "Set unquoted variable VAR to value VAL in current buffer."
@@ -437,320 +321,29 @@ Return value is quoted for passing to the shell."
 ;;;; Language Functions
 ;;;;; Compile Commands
-(defun bb--c-quirks (cmd &key src-buffer)
-  "Handle quirks in CMD, and return unchanged or modified CMD.
-Use SRC-BUFFER as buffer for local variables."
-  (if (and (buffer-local-value 'bb-flag-quirks src-buffer)
-           (string-match-p (rx "-save-temps") cmd)
-           (string-match-p (rx "-P") cmd))
-      (bb-split-rm-single cmd "-save-temps")
-    cmd))
-(cl-defun bb--c-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
+(cl-defun bb--c-compile-cmd ()
   "Process a compile command for gcc/clang."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ( ;; Turn off passing the source file if we find compile_commands
-          (no-src-filename (bb--handle-c-compile-cmd src-buffer))
-          (asm-format (buffer-local-value 'bb-asm-format src-buffer))
-          (disass (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                (if disass
-                                    "-c"
-                                  "-S")
-                                (if no-src-filename
-                                    ""
-                                  src-filename)
-                                "-o" output-filename
-                                (when (and (not (booleanp asm-format))
-                                           (not disass))
-                                  (concat "-masm=" asm-format)))
-                          " "))
-          (cmd (bb--c-quirks cmd :src-buffer src-buffer)))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--ocaml-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for ocaml.
-  Needed as ocaml cannot output asm to a non-hardcoded file"
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((diss (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer))
-          (predicted-asm-filename (shell-quote-argument
-                                   (concat (file-name-sans-extension 
(buffer-file-name)) ".s")))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                (if (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble 
-                                    ""
-                                  "-S")
-                                src-filename
-                                (mapconcat #'identity
-                                           (cond
-                                            (diss
-                                             (list "-o" output-filename))
-                                            ((equal predicted-asm-filename 
-                                             nil)
-                                            (t
-                                             (list "&&" "mv"
-                                                   predicted-asm-filename
-                                                   output-filename)))
-                                           " "))
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--lisp-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for common lisp.
-   Assumes function name to disassemble is \\='main\\='."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (interpreter (cl-first (split-string cmd nil t)))
-          (disass-eval "\"(disassemble 'main)\"")
-          (disass-eval-unquoted "(disassemble 'main)"))
-     (pcase interpreter
-       ("sbcl"
-        (mapconcat #'identity
-                   (list cmd "--noinform" "--load"
-                         src-filename
-                         "--eval" disass-eval "--non-interactive"
-                         ;; Remove leading comments
-                         "|" "sed" "'s/^;\s//'" ">"
-                         output-filename)
-                   " "))
-       ("clisp"
-        (mapconcat #'identity
-                   (list cmd "-q" "-x"
-                         (concat
-                          "\"(load \\\"" src-filename "\\\") " 
disass-eval-unquoted "\"")
-                         ">" output-filename)
-                   " "))
-       (_
-        (error "This Common Lisp interpreter is not supported"))))))
-(cl-defun bb--rust-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for rustc."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((asm-format (buffer-local-value 'bb-asm-format src-buffer))
-          (disass (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                "--emit"
-                                (if disass
-                                    "link"
-                                  "asm")
-                                src-filename
-                                "-o" output-filename
-                                (when (and (not (booleanp asm-format))
-                                           (not disass))
-                                  (concat "-Cllvm-args=--x86-asm-syntax=" 
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--go-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for go."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "tool" "compile"
-                                "-S"
-                                "-o" output-filename
-                                src-filename)
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--d-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for d"
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((compiler (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat
-                #'identity
-                (list compiler "-g" "-output-s" src-filename "-of" 
-                " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--pony-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for ponyc."
-  (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-         (dir (expand-file-name "pony/" (bb--temp-dir)))
-         (_ (make-directory dir t))
-         ;; (base-filename (file-name-sans-extension
-         ;;                 (file-name-nondirectory
-         ;;                  (buffer-file-name))))
-         (base-filename "pony")
-         (base-filename (expand-file-name base-filename dir))
-         (asm-filename (shell-quote-argument (concat base-filename ".s")))
-         (object-filename (shell-quote-argument (concat base-filename ".o")))
-         ;; TODO should we copy this in lisp here, or pass this to the 
compilation command?
-         (_ (copy-file (buffer-file-name)
-                       (expand-file-name dir) t))
-         (dis (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer))
+  (let* ((cmd (or bb-command
+                  (bb--lang-base-cmd (bb--get-lang))))
          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                         (list
-                          "cd" dir "&&"
-                          cmd
-                          "-g"
-                          ;; FIXME: test this properly and use bb-asm-format 
to expose it.
-                          (if dis
-                              "-r=obj"
-                            "-r=asm")
-                          dir
-                          "&&" "mv"
-                          (if dis object-filename asm-filename)
-                          (shell-quote-argument
-                           (bb-output-filename src-buffer)))
-                         " ")))
-    (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-      (setq bb--real-src-file
-            (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory
-                               (buffer-file-name))
-                              dir)))
+                         (list cmd
+                               "-g"
+                               (if bb-disassemble "-c" "-S")
+                               (cond ((derived-mode-p 'c++-mode) "-x c++")
+                                     (t "-x c"))
+                               "-"
+                               "-o" (shell-quote-argument (bb-output-filename
+                                                           (current-buffer)))
+                               (when (and bb-asm-format
+                                          (not bb-disassemble))
+                                 (format "-masm=%s" bb-asm-format)))
+                         " "))
+         (cmd (if (and bb-flag-quirks
+                       (string-match-p (rx "-save-temps") cmd)
+                       (string-match-p (rx "-P") cmd))
+                  (bb-split-rm-single cmd "-save-temps")
+                cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--py-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for python3."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer)))
-     (mapconcat #'identity
-                (list cmd "-m" "dis" src-filename
-                      ">" output-filename)
-                " "))))
-(defun bb--hack-p (src-buffer)
-  "Return non-nil if SRC-BUFFER should should use hhvm instead of php."
-  (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (re-search-forward (rx "<?hh") nil t))))
-(defun bb--php-default-compile-cmd (src-buffer)
-  "Return the default php compile command for SRC-BUFFER."
-  (if (bb--hack-p src-buffer)
-      "hh_single_compile"
-    "php"))
-(cl-defun bb--php-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for PHP.
-In order to disassemble opcdoes, we need to have the vld.so
-extension to php on.
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (if (bb--hack-p src-buffer)
-       (concat (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer)
-               " " src-filename " > " output-filename)
-     (concat (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer)
-             " -dvld.active=1 -dvld.execute=0 -dvld.verbosity=1 "
-             src-filename " 2> " output-filename " > /dev/null"))))
-(cl-defun bb--hs-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for ghc."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                (if (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble 
-                                    ""
-                                  "-S")
-                                src-filename
-                                "-o" output-filename)
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--java-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for ocaml.
-  Needed as ocaml cannot output asm to a non-hardcoded file"
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((class-filename (shell-quote-argument
-                           (concat (file-name-sans-extension 
(buffer-file-name)) ".class")))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                src-filename
-                                "&&"
-                                "javap"
-                                "-c" "-l"
-                                class-filename
-                                ">"
-                                output-filename)
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--elisp-compile-override (&key src-buffer)
-  (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (bb--disassemble-file file-name (current-buffer))
-      (bb--handle-finish-compile src-buffer nil :override-buffer 
-(cl-defun bb--nim-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for nim."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-         (cmd
-          (let* ((outdir (expand-file-name "nim-cache" (bb--temp-dir))))
-                 (string-join
-                  (list cmd
-                        "--debugger:native"
-                        "--noLinking"
-                        "--colors:off"
-                        (concat "--nimcache:" outdir)
-                        src-filename
-                        (concat "&& cp "
-                                (expand-file-name (concat "@m"
(file-name-nondirectory src-filename)
-                                                          (if (string-match 
(rx "nim cpp") cmd) ".cpp.o" ".c.o"))
-                                                          outdir)
-                                " " output-filename))
-                  " "))))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--zig-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for zig."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((disass (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (string-join
-                (list cmd
-                      src-filename
-                      "--cache-dir" (expand-file-name "zig-cache" 
-                      (concat (if disass
-                                  "-femit-bin="
-                                "-fno-emit-bin -femit-asm=")
-                              output-filename))
-                " ")))
-     cmd)))
-(cl-defun bb--swift-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
-  "Process a compile command for swiftc."
-  (bb--with-files
-   src-buffer
-   (let* ((asm-format (buffer-local-value 'bb-asm-format src-buffer))
-          (cmd (buffer-local-value 'bb-command src-buffer))
-          (cmd (mapconcat #'identity
-                          (list cmd
-                                "-g"
-                                "-emit-assembly"
-                                src-filename
-                                "-o" output-filename
-                                (when (not (booleanp asm-format))
-                                  (concat "-Xllvm --x86-asm-syntax=" 
-                          " ")))
-     cmd)))
 ;;;;; Hidden Function Definitions
@@ -762,229 +355,23 @@ https://github.com/derickr/vld";
               (and ".plt" (0+ any)))
-(defvar bb--hidden-func-ocaml
-  (rx bol
-      (or (and "__" (0+ any))
-          (and "_" (or "init" "start" "fini"))
-          (and (opt "de") "register_tm_clones")
-          (and ".plt" (0+ any))
-          (and "camlCamlinternalFormat" (0+ any))
-          (and (1+ (not (any "@"))) "@plt")
-          (and (or "caml_" "camlStd_") (0+ any))
-          (and "caml" (or "Pervasives" "List" "Bytes"
-                          "String" "Buffer" "Printf"
-                          "Char" "Sys") "__" (0+ any))
-          ;; Ocaml likes to make labels following camlModule__,
-          ;; filter out any lowercase
-          (and (1+ (1+ lower) (opt (or "64" "32" "8" "16")) (opt "_"))))
-      eol))
-(defvar bb--hidden-func-zig
-  (rx bol (or (and "_" (0+ any))
-              (and (opt "de") "register_tm_clones")
-              "call_gmon_start"
-              "frame_dummy"
-              (and (0+ any) "@plt" (0+ any)))
-      eol))
-;;;;; Demangling Functions
-(defun bb--path-to-swift-demangler ()
-  "Return the path to the configured Swift demangler, depending
-  on the active toolchain."
-  (bb--path-to-swift-tool "swift-demangle"))
-;;;;; Language Integrations
-(defun bb--path-to-swift-compiler ()
-  "Return the path to the configured Swift compiler, depending on
-  the active toolchain."
-  (bb--path-to-swift-tool "swiftc"))
-(defun bb--path-to-swift-tool (swift-tool)
-  "Return the path to SWIFT-TOOL, depending on the active
-  (let* ((swift-tool-binary swift-tool)
-         (swift-tool-toolchain-path (shell-command-to-string (format "echo -n 
`xcrun --find %s`" swift-tool-binary))))
-    ;; If we have the Swift tool in PATH, just return it (this is the
-    ;; typical case in Linux systems). If it's not in PATH, look for a
-    ;; toolchain-specific path.
-    (cond
-     ((executable-find swift-tool-binary)
-      swift-tool-binary)
-     ((executable-find swift-tool-toolchain-path)
-      swift-tool-toolchain-path)
-     (t nil))))
-(defun bb--parse-compile-commands (comp-cmds file)
-  "Parse COMP-CMDS and extract a compilation dir and command for FILE."
-  (when-let ((json-object-type 'alist)
-             (json-array-type 'vector)
-             (cmds (json-read-file comp-cmds))
-             (entry (cl-find-if
-                     (lambda (elt)
-                       (file-equal-p
-                        file
-                        (expand-file-name
-                         (alist-get 'file elt "")
-                         (alist-get 'directory elt ""))))
-                     cmds))
-             (dir (alist-get 'directory entry))
-             (cmd (alist-get 'command entry)))
-    (list dir cmd)))
-(defun bb--handle-c-compile-cmd (src-buffer)
-  "Handle compile_commands.json for c/c++ for a given SRC-BUFFER.
-return t if successful."
-  (when-let ((defaults (buffer-local-value 'bb--default-variables src-buffer))
-             (default-dir (cl-find 'bb-default-directory defaults))
-             (default-cmd (cl-find 'bb-command defaults))
-             (ccj "compile_commands.json")
-             (compile-cmd-file
-              (locate-dominating-file
-               (buffer-file-name src-buffer)
-               ccj))
-             (compile-cmd-file (expand-file-name ccj compile-cmd-file))
-             (to-ret (bb--parse-compile-commands
-                      compile-cmd-file (buffer-file-name src-buffer))))
-    (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-      (setq-local bb-default-directory (file-name-as-directory (cl-first 
-      (setq-local bb-command
-                  ;; Remove -c, -S, and -o <arg> if present,
-                  ;; as we will add them back
-                  ;; Remove args starting with -flto, as -flto breaks asm 
-                  (thread-first (cl-second to-ret)
-                    (bb-split-rm-single "-c")
-                    (bb-split-rm-single "-S")
-                    (bb-split-rm-single "-flto" #'string-prefix-p)
-                    (bb-split-rm-double "-o")))
-      t)))
 ;;;; Language Definitions
-(defvar bb-languages)
- bb-languages
- `((c-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "gcc"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :demangler "c++filt"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--c-compile-cmd
-                            :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-c))
-   (c++-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "g++"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :demangler "c++filt"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--c-compile-cmd
-                            :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-c))
-   (d-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "ldc2"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :demangler "ddemangle"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--d-compile-cmd))
-   ;; In order to parse ocaml files, you need the emacs ocaml mode, tuareg
-   (tuareg-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "ocamlopt"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--ocaml-compile-cmd
-                            :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-ocaml))
-   (lisp-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "sbcl"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :objdumper 'cat
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--lisp-compile-cmd))
-   (rust-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "rustc"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :demangler "rustfilt"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--rust-compile-cmd))
-   ;; Copy of above
-   (rustic-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "rustc"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :demangler "rustfilt"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--rust-compile-cmd))
-   (ponylang-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "ponyc"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--pony-compile-cmd))
-   (php-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd #'bb--php-default-compile-cmd
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--php-compile-cmd
-                            :process-asm-custom-fn #'bb--process-php-bytecode))
-   (python-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "python3"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--py-compile-cmd
-                            :process-asm-custom-fn 
-   (haskell-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "ghc"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :demangler "haskell-demangler"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--hs-compile-cmd))
-   (java-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "javac"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :objdumper 'cat
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--java-compile-cmd
-                            :process-asm-custom-fn 
-   (emacs-lisp-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            ;; Nop
-                            :process-asm-custom-fn (lambda (_src-buffer lines)
-                                                     lines)
-                            :elisp-compile-override 
-   (nim-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "nim c"
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :demangler "c++filt"
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--nim-compile-cmd
-                            :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-c))
-   (zig-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "zig build-obj -O ReleaseFast"
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass t
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--zig-compile-cmd
-                            :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-zig))
-   (go-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd "go"
-                           :supports-asm nil
-                           :supports-disass t
-                           :objdumper 'go-objdump
-                           :compile-cmd-function #'bb--go-compile-cmd
-                           :process-asm-custom-fn #'bb--process-go-asm-lines))
-   (swift-mode
-    . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd (bb--path-to-swift-compiler)
-                            :supports-asm t
-                            :supports-disass nil
-                            :objdumper 'objdump
-                            :demangler (bb--path-to-swift-demangler)
-                            :compile-cmd-function #'bb--swift-compile-cmd))
-   ))
-(make-obsolete-variable 'bb-languages
-                        'bb-language-descriptor "bb-0.2")
-(defvar-local bb-language-descriptor nil
-  ;; FIXME: Major modes can't set this without calling `make-bb-lang',
-  ;; so it forces them to require `beardbolt', which is a bummer.
-  "Description of the language tools of current buffer for use by beardbolt.
-This should be an object of type `bb-lang', normally set by the major mode")
+(defvar bb-languages
+  `((c-mode
+     . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd-function #'bb--c-compile-cmd
+                             :objdumper 'objdump
+                             :asm-function #'bb--process-src-asm-lines
+                             :disass-function #'bb--process-disassembled-lines
+                             :demangler "c++filt"
+                             :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-c))
+    (c++-mode
+     . ,(make-beardbolt-lang :compile-cmd-function #'bb--c-compile-cmd
+                             :objdumper 'objdump
+                             :asm-function #'bb--process-src-asm-lines
+                             :disass-function #'bb--process-disassembled-lines
+                             :demangler "c++filt"
+                             :disass-hidden-funcs bb--hidden-func-c))))
 ;;;; Macros
@@ -997,7 +384,6 @@ This should be an object of type `bb-lang', normally set by 
the major mode")
 ;;;; Functions
 ;; Functions to parse and lint assembly were lifted almost directly from the 
@@ -1011,38 +397,10 @@ This should be an object of type `bb-lang', normally set 
by the major mode")
         (setq pos (match-end 0)))
-;; Prevent byte-compilation warnings for cl-print-compiled, which is imported
-;; from cl-print
-(defvar cl-print-compiled)
-(defun bb--disassemble-file (filename out-buffer)
-  "Disassemble an elisp FILENAME into elisp bytecode in OUT-BUFFER.
-Lifted from 
-  (if (not (require 'cl-print nil 'noerror))
-      (error "Package cl-print or Emacs 26+ are required for the Emacs 
-    (byte-compile-file filename)
-    ;; .el -> .elc
-    (setq filename (concat filename "c"))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert-file-contents filename)
-      (let ((inbuf (current-buffer)))
-        (goto-char (point-min))
-        (with-current-buffer out-buffer
-          (erase-buffer)
-          (setq-local cl-print-compiled 'disassemble)
-          (condition-case ()
-              (cl-loop for expr = (read inbuf)
-                       do
-                       (pcase expr
-                         (`(byte-code ,(pred stringp) ,(pred vectorp) ,(pred 
-                          (princ "TOP-LEVEL byte code:\n" (current-buffer))
-                          (disassemble-1 expr 0))
-                         (_ (cl-prin1 expr (current-buffer))))
-                       do (terpri (current-buffer)))
-            (end-of-file nil)))))))
 ;;;;; Filter Functions
-;; Filtering functions were more or less lifted from the godbolt compiler 
explorer to maintain compatiblity.
+;; Filtering functions were more or less lifted from the godbolt
+;; compiler explorer to maintain compatiblity.
 ;; https://github.com/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer/blob/master/lib/asm.js
 (defun bb--has-opcode-p (line)
@@ -1112,25 +470,17 @@ Lifted from 
 (defun bb--user-func-p (src-buffer func)
   "Return t if FUNC is a user function.
 Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer."
-  (let* ((lang (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-                 (bb--get-lang)))
-         (regexp (bb-l-disass-hidden-funcs lang)))
-    (if regexp
-        (not (string-match-p regexp func))
-      t)))
+  (let* ((lang (with-current-buffer src-buffer (bb--get-lang)))
+         (regexp (bb--lang-disass-hidden-funcs lang)))
+    (if regexp (not (string-match-p regexp func)) t)))
 ;; TODO godbolt does not handle disassembly with filter=off, but we should.
 (cl-defun bb--process-disassembled-lines (src-buffer asm-lines)
   "Process and filter disassembled ASM-LINES from SRC-BUFFER."
-  (let* ((src-file-name
-          (or (buffer-local-value 'bb--real-src-file src-buffer)
-              (buffer-file-name src-buffer)))
+  (let* ((src-file-name "<stdin>")
          (result nil)
          (func nil)
-         (source-linum nil)
-         (def-dir (or (buffer-local-value 'bb-default-directory src-buffer)
-                      (and src-file-name
-                           (file-name-directory src-file-name)))))
+         (source-linum nil))
     (dolist (line asm-lines)
       (catch 'continue
         (when (and (> (length result) bb-binary-asm-limit)
@@ -1139,14 +489,10 @@ Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer."
             '("Aborting processing due to exceeding the binary limit.")))
         (when (string-match bb-disass-line line)
           ;; Don't add linums from files which we aren't inspecting
-          ;; If we get a non-absolute .file path, check to see if we
-          ;; have a default dir. If not, treat it like we are in the
-          ;; src directory.
-          (let ((default-directory def-dir))
-            (if (file-equal-p src-file-name
-                              (match-string 1 line))
-                (setq source-linum (string-to-number (match-string 2 line)))
-              (setq source-linum nil)))
+          (if (equal src-file-name
+                     (file-name-base (match-string 1 line)))
+              (setq source-linum (string-to-number (match-string 2 line)))
+            (setq source-linum nil))
           ;; We are just setting a linum, no data here.
           (throw 'continue t))
@@ -1171,15 +517,11 @@ Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer."
 (cl-defun bb--process-src-asm-lines (src-buffer asm-lines)
   (let* ((used-labels (bb--find-used-labels src-buffer asm-lines))
-         (src-file-name (or (buffer-local-value 'bb--real-src-file src-buffer)
-                            (buffer-file-name src-buffer)))
+         (src-file-name "<stdin>")
          (result nil)
          (prev-label nil)
          (source-linum nil)
-         (source-file-map (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-         (def-dir (or (buffer-local-value 'bb-default-directory src-buffer)
-                      (and src-file-name
-                           (file-name-directory src-file-name)))))
+         (source-file-map (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (dolist (line asm-lines)
       (let* ((raw-match (or (string-match bb-label-def line)
                             (string-match bb-assignment-def line)))
@@ -1200,17 +542,12 @@ Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer."
            ;; Process any line number hints
            ((string-match bb-source-tag line)
-            (if (or (not src-file-name) ;; Skip file match if we don't have a 
current filename
-                    ;; If we get a non-absolute .file path, check to see if we
-                    ;; have a default dir. If not, treat it like we are in the
-                    ;; src directory.
-                    (let ((default-directory def-dir))
-                      (file-equal-p src-file-name
-                                    (gethash
-                                     (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
-                                     source-file-map
-                                     ;; Assume we never will compile dev null 
-                                     "/dev/null"))))
+            (if (equal src-file-name
+                       (gethash
+                        (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
+                        source-file-map
+                        ;; Assume we never will compile dev null :P
+                        "/dev/null"))
                 (setq source-linum (string-to-number
                                     (match-string 2 line)))
               (setq source-linum nil)))
@@ -1254,117 +591,6 @@ Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer."
           (push line result))))
     (nreverse result)))
-(cl-defun bb--process-php-bytecode (src-buffer asm-lines)
-  (if (bb--hack-p src-buffer)
-      asm-lines
-    (let ((state 'useless)
-          (current-line nil)
-          (result nil))
-      (dolist (line asm-lines)
-        (cl-case state
-          ((text)
-           (push line result)
-           (when (string-match "^-+$" line)
-             (setq state 'asm)))
-          ((asm)
-           (cond
-            ((string-empty-p line) (setq state 'useless))
-            ((string-match "^ *\\([0-9]+\\) +[0-9]+" line)
-             (setq current-line (string-to-number (match-string 1 line)))
-             (add-text-properties 0 (length line) `(bb-src-line ,current-line) 
-            (t
-             (add-text-properties 0 (length line) `(bb-src-line ,current-line) 
-           (push line result))
-          (otherwise
-           (when (string-match "^filename:" line)
-             (setq state 'text)))))
-      (nreverse result))))
-(cl-defun bb--process-python-bytecode (_src-buffer asm-lines)
-  (let ((source-linum nil)
-        (result nil))
-    (dolist (line asm-lines)
-      (if (not (string-match (rx bol (repeat 3 (opt space))
-                                 (group (opt (1+ digit))) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (opt "-->")) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (opt ">>")) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (1+ digit)) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (1+ (or letter "_"))) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (opt (1+ digit))) (0+ space)
-                                 (group (opt (0+ any))))
-                             line))
-          ;; just push the var with no linum
-          (push line result)
-        ;; Grab line numbers
-        (unless (string-empty-p (match-string 1 line))
-          (setq source-linum
-                (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))))
-        ;; Reformat line to be more like assembly
-        (setq line (mapconcat #'identity
-                              (list (match-string 5 line)
-                                    (match-string 6 line)
-                                    (match-string 7 line))
-                              "\t"))
-        (when source-linum
-          (add-text-properties 0 (length line)
-                               `(bb-src-line ,source-linum) line))
-        ;; Add line
-        (push line result)))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(defun bb--process-java-bytecode (src-buffer asm-lines)
-  "Wrapper for easy integration into beardbolt.
-Argument SRC-BUFFER source buffer.
-Argument ASM-LINES input lines."
-  (bb-java-process-bytecode
-   asm-lines
-   (buffer-local-value 'bb-filter-directives src-buffer)))
-(cl-defun bb--process-asm-lines (src-buffer asm-lines)
-  "Process and filter a set of asm lines."
-  (let* ((lang (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-                 (bb--get-lang)))
-         (process-asm-fn (when lang
-                           (bb-l-process-asm-custom-fn lang))))
-    (cond
-     (process-asm-fn
-      (funcall process-asm-fn src-buffer asm-lines))
-     ((buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer)
-      (bb--process-disassembled-lines src-buffer asm-lines))
-     (t
-      (bb--process-src-asm-lines src-buffer asm-lines)))))
-(cl-defun bb--process-go-asm-lines (_src-buffer asm-lines)
-  (let ((source-linum nil)
-        (result nil))
-    (dolist (line asm-lines)
-      (if (not
-          (string-match (rx bol (repeat 2 space)
-                            (group (opt (0+ any))) ":"
-                            (group (opt (1+ digit)) (1+ "\t"))
-                            (group (opt "0x" (0+ hex)) (1+ "\t"))
-                            (group (1+ xdigit) (1+ "\t"))
-                            (group (opt (0+ any)) (1+ "\t")))
-                        line))
-          ;; just push the var with no linum
-          (push line result)
-        ;; Grab line numbers
-        (unless (string-empty-p (match-string 2 line))
-          (setq source-linum
-                (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))))
-        ;; Reformat line to be more like assembly
-        (setq line (mapconcat #'identity
-                              (list (match-string 3 line)
-                                    (match-string 4 line)
-                                    (match-string 5 line))
-                              "\t"))
-        (when source-linum
-          (add-text-properties 0 (length line)
-                               `(bb-src-line ,source-linum) line))
-        ;; Add line
-        (push line result)))
-    (nreverse result)))
 (defun bb--rainbowize (line-mappings src-buffer)
   (let* ((background-hsl
           (apply #'color-rgb-to-hsl (color-name-to-rgb (face-background 
@@ -1394,6 +620,7 @@ Argument ASM-LINES input lines."
           (overlay-put asm-ov 'priority 0)
           (push asm-ov all-ovs)
           (overlay-put asm-ov 'face `(:background ,color))
+          (overlay-put asm-ov 'beardbolt t)
           (with-current-buffer src-buffer
@@ -1403,170 +630,118 @@ Argument ASM-LINES input lines."
                                       (1+ (line-end-position)))))
                 (push ov all-ovs)
                 (overlay-put ov 'face `(:background ,color))
+                (overlay-put ov 'beardbolt t)
                 (overlay-put ov 'priority 0)))))))
-    (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-      (mapc #'delete-overlay bb--rainbow-overlays)
-      (setq-local bb--rainbow-overlays all-ovs))))
+ (mapc #'delete-overlay bb--rainbow-overlays)
+    (setq-local bb--rainbow-overlays all-ovs)))
-(defun bb--rainbowize-cleanup ()
+(defun bb--delete-rainbow-overlays ()
   (mapc #'delete-overlay bb--rainbow-overlays)
   (setq bb--rainbow-overlays nil))
+(defun bb--make-line-mappings (lines)
+  (let ((linum 1)
+        (start-match nil)
+        (in-match nil)
+        (ht (make-hash-table)))
+    (dolist (line lines)
+      (let ((property (get-text-property 0 'bb-src-line line)))
+        (progn
+          (cl-tagbody
+           run-conditional
+           (cond
+            ((and in-match (eq in-match property))
+             ;; We are continuing an existing match
+             nil)
+            (in-match
+             ;; We are in a match that has just expired
+             (push (cons start-match (1- linum))
+                   (cl-getf (gethash in-match ht) :lines))
+             (setq in-match nil
+                   start-match nil)
+             (go run-conditional))
+            (property
+             (setq in-match property
+                   start-match linum))))))
+      (cl-incf linum))
+    (maphash (lambda (_k asm-regions)
+             (save-excursion
+               (plist-put
+                asm-regions
+                :positions
+                (cl-loop
+                 for (begl . endl) in (cl-getf asm-regions :lines)
+                 collect (cons (progn
+                                 (goto-char (point-min))
+                                 (forward-line (1- begl))
+                                 (line-beginning-position))
+                               (progn
+                                 (forward-line (- endl begl))
+                                 (line-end-position)))))))
+           ht)
+    ht))
 ;;;;; Handlers
-(cl-defun bb--handle-finish-compile (buffer str &key override-buffer)
-  "Finish hook for compilations.
-Argument BUFFER compilation buffer.
+(cl-defun bb--handle-finish-compile (compilation-buffer str &key 
+  "Finish hook for compilations.  Runs in buffer COMPILATION-BUFFER.
 Argument STR compilation finish status.
 Argument OVERRIDE-BUFFER asm src buffer to use instead of reading
-  (when (not (buffer-live-p buffer))
-    (error "Dead buffer passed to compilation-finish-function! beardbolt 
cannot continue."))
-  (let ((compilation-fail
-         (and str
-              (not (string-match "^finished" str))))
-        (default-directory (buffer-local-value 'default-directory buffer))
-        (src-buffer (buffer-local-value 'bb-src-buffer buffer)))
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bb-output-buffer)
+  (delete-file bb--dump-file)
+  (let ((src-buffer bb--source-buffer))
+    (with-current-buffer (bb--output-buffer src-buffer)
       ;; Store src buffer value for later linking
-      (cond ((not compilation-fail)
-             (if (and (not override-buffer)
-                      (not (file-exists-p (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))))
-                 (message "Error reading from output file.")
-               (let ((lines
-                      (bb--process-asm-lines
-                       src-buffer
-                       (or (when override-buffer
-                             (with-current-buffer override-buffer
-                               (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" nil)))
-                           (with-temp-buffer
-                             (insert-file-contents (bb-output-filename 
src-buffer t))
-                             (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" nil)))))
-                     (ht (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-                     (linum 1)
-                     (start-match nil)
-                     (in-match nil)
-                     (output-buffer (current-buffer)))
-                 ;; Add lines to hashtable
-                 (dolist (line lines)
-                   (let ((property
-                          (get-text-property
-                           0 'bb-src-line line)))
-                     (progn
-                       (cl-tagbody
-                        run-conditional
-                        (cond
-                         ((and in-match (eq in-match property))
-                          ;; We are continuing an existing match
-                          nil)
-                         (in-match
-                          ;; We are in a match that has just expired
-                          (push (cons start-match (1- linum))
-                                (cl-getf (gethash in-match ht) :lines))
-                          (setq in-match nil
-                                start-match nil)
-                          (go run-conditional))
-                         (property
-                          (setq in-match property
-                                start-match linum))))))
-                   (cl-incf linum))
-                 (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-                   (setq bb-line-mapping ht))
-                 ;; Replace buffer contents but save point and scroll
-                 (let* ((window (get-buffer-window output-buffer))
-                        (old-point (window-point window))
-                        (old-window-start (window-start window)))
-                   (erase-buffer)
-                   (insert (mapconcat #'identity lines "\n"))
-                   (when window
-                     (set-window-start window old-window-start)
-                     (set-window-point window old-point)))
-                 (asm-mode)
-                 (bb-mode 1)
-                 ;; Enrich bb-line-mapping with actual position information
-                 (maphash (lambda (_k asm-regions)
-                            (save-excursion
-                              (plist-put
-                               asm-regions
-                               :positions
-                               (cl-loop
-                                for (begl . endl) in (cl-getf asm-regions 
-                                collect (cons (progn
-                                                (goto-char (point-min))
-                                                (forward-line (1- begl))
-                                                (line-beginning-position))
-                                              (progn
-                                                (forward-line (- endl begl))
-                                                (line-end-position)))))))
-                          ht)
-                 (bb--rainbowize ht src-buffer)
-                 (setq bb-src-buffer src-buffer)
-                 (display-buffer (current-buffer) '(nil (inhibit-same-window . 
-                 (run-at-time 0 nil #'bb-update-overlays))))
-            (t ; Compilation failed
-             ;; Display compilation buffer
-             (display-buffer buffer '(nil (inhibit-same-window . t)))
-             ;; TODO find a cleaner way to disable overlays.
-             (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-               (setq bb-line-mapping nil))
-             (bb--remove-overlays)))
-      ;; Reset automated recompile
-      (setq bb--automated-compile nil))
-    ;; Clear out default-set variables
-    (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-      (dolist (var bb--default-variables)
-        (bb--set-local var nil))
-      (setq bb--default-variables nil))))
+      (cond
+       ((string-match "^finished" str)
+        (if (and (not override-buffer)
+                 (not (file-exists-p (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))))
+            (message "Error reading from output file.")
+          (let* ((lang (with-current-buffer src-buffer (bb--get-lang)))
+                 (unfiltered-lines
+                  (or (when override-buffer
+                        (with-current-buffer override-buffer
+                          (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" nil)))
+                      (with-temp-buffer
+                        (insert-file-contents (bb-output-filename src-buffer 
+                        (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" nil))))
+                 (lines
+                  (funcall (if (with-current-buffer src-buffer bb-disassemble)
+                               (bb--lang-disass-function lang)
+                             (bb--lang-asm-function lang))
+                           src-buffer unfiltered-lines)))
+            (display-buffer (current-buffer) '(nil (inhibit-same-window . t)))
+            ;; Replace buffer contents but save point and scroll
+            (let* ((window (get-buffer-window))
+                   (old-point (and window (window-point window)))
+                   (old-window-start (and window (window-start window))))
+              (erase-buffer)
+              (insert (mapconcat #'identity lines "\n"))
+              (when window
+                (set-window-start window old-window-start)
+                (set-window-point window old-point)))
+            (setq bb-line-mappings (bb--make-line-mappings lines))
+            (bb--rainbowize bb-line-mappings src-buffer))))
+       (t
+        ;; Display compilation buffer
+        (display-buffer compilation-buffer '(nil (inhibit-same-window . t)))
+        ;; output no longer up-to-date, kill output buffer
+        ;; immediately.  This also tears down relation overlays
+        ;; in the source buffer, if any.
+        (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
 ;;;;; Parsing Options
+(defvar-local bb--language-descriptor nil)
 (defun bb--get-lang ()
   "Helper function to get lang def for LANGUAGE."
-  (or bb-language-descriptor
-      (cdr-safe (assoc major-mode bb-languages))))
-(defun bb--parse-options ()
-  "Parse RMS options from file."
-  (hack-local-variables)
-  (let* ((lang (bb--get-lang))
-         (src-buffer (current-buffer))
-         (cmd bb-command)
-         (dir bb-default-directory)
-         (force-disass (not (bb-l-supports-asm lang)))
-         (force-asm (not (bb-l-supports-disass lang))))
-    ;; If this is non-nil, most likely we are running two compiles at once.
-    ;; This is not exactly ideal, as it causes a race condition.
-    (when bb--default-variables
-      (message "It looks like beardbolt state wasn't cleaned up properly.
-Are you running two compilations at the same time?"))
-    (when (and force-disass force-asm)
-      (error "No disassemble method found for this langauge, please double 
check spec"))
-    (when force-disass
-      (setq-local bb-disassemble t))
-    (when force-asm
-      (setq-local bb-disassemble nil))
-    (when (not dir)
-      (add-to-list 'bb--default-variables 'bb-default-directory)
-      (setq-local bb-default-directory
-                  (let ((new-dir (bb-l-default-directory lang)))
-                    (pcase new-dir
-                      ((pred functionp) (funcall new-dir src-buffer))
-                      (_ new-dir)))))
-    (when (not cmd)
-      (add-to-list 'bb--default-variables 'bb-command)
-      (setq-local bb-command
-                  (let ((new-cmd (bb-l-compile-cmd lang)))
-                    (pcase new-cmd
-                      ((pred functionp) (funcall new-cmd src-buffer))
-                      (_ new-cmd)))))
-    src-buffer))
+  (or bb--language-descriptor
+      (cdr (assoc major-mode bb-languages))))
 (defun bb--demangle-command (existing-cmd lang src-buffer)
   "Append a demangler routine to EXISTING-CMD with LANG and SRC-BUFFER
 and return it."
   (if-let ((to-demangle (buffer-local-value 'bb-demangle src-buffer))
-           (demangler (bb-l-demangler lang))
+           (demangler (bb--lang-demangler lang))
            (demangler-exists (executable-find demangler)))
       (concat existing-cmd " "
@@ -1580,6 +755,11 @@ and return it."
                " "))
+(cl-defmacro bb--when-live-buffer (buf &rest body)
+  "Check BUF live, then do BODY in it." (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
+  (let ((b (cl-gensym)))
+    `(let ((,b ,buf)) (if (buffer-live-p ,b) (with-current-buffer ,b 
 (defun bb--compilation-buffer (&rest _)
   (get-buffer-create "*bb-compilation*"))
@@ -1588,83 +768,51 @@ and return it."
   "Run beardbolt on current buffer for LANG.
 Interactively, determine LANG from `major-mode'."
   (interactive (list (bb--get-lang)))
-  ;; Current buffer = src-buffer at this point
-  (cond
-   ((bb-l-elisp-compile-override lang)
-    (with-current-buffer (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))
-      (funcall
-       (bb-l-elisp-compile-override lang)
-       :src-buffer (current-buffer))))
-   (t
-    (bb--stop-running-compilation)
-    (bb--parse-options)
-    (let* ((src-buffer (current-buffer))
-           (func (bb-l-compile-cmd-function lang))
-           ;; Generate command
-           (cmd
-            ;; Compilation commands assume the current buffer is a real file
-            ;; currently - this works around that.
-            (with-current-buffer (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))
-              (funcall func :src-buffer src-buffer)))
-           (asm-format
-            (buffer-local-value 'bb-asm-format src-buffer))
-           (default-directory (or bb-default-directory
-                                  (bb--temp-dir))))
-      (run-hooks 'bb-after-parse-hook)
-      (bb--rainbowize-cleanup)
-      (when (buffer-local-value 'bb-disassemble src-buffer)
-        (pcase
-            (bb-l-objdumper lang)
-          ('objdump
-           (setq cmd
-                 (mapconcat #'identity
-                            (list cmd
-                                  "&&"
-                                  bb-objdump-binary "-d" (bb-output-filename 
-                                  "-C" "--insn-width=16" "-l"
-                                  (when (not (booleanp asm-format))
-                                    (concat "-M " asm-format))
-                                  ">" (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))
-                            " ")))
-          ('go-objdump
-           (setq cmd
-                 (mapconcat #'identity
-                            (list cmd
-                                  "&&"
-                                  "go" "tool"
-                                  "objdump" (bb-output-filename src-buffer)
-                                  ">" (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))
-                            " ")))
-          ('cat
-           (setq cmd
-                 (mapconcat #'identity
-                            (list cmd
-                                  "&&" "mv"
-                                  (bb-output-filename src-buffer)
-                                  (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))
-                            " ")))
-          (_
-           (error "Objdumper not recognized"))))
-      ;; Convert to demangle if we need to
-      (setq cmd (bb--demangle-command cmd lang src-buffer))
-      (with-current-buffer ; With compilation buffer
-          (let ((shell-file-name (or (executable-find bb--shell)
-                                     shell-file-name))
-                (compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error t))
-            ;; TODO should this be configurable?
-            (bb-with-display-buffer-no-window
-             (compilation-start cmd nil #'bb--compilation-buffer)))
-        ;; Only jump to errors, skip over warnings
-        (setq-local compilation-skip-threshold 2)
-        (add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions
-                  #'bb--handle-finish-compile nil t)
-        (setq bb-src-buffer src-buffer))))))
-(defun bb--stop-running-compilation ()
+  (bb--maybe-stop-running-compilation)
+  (let ((noninteractive t)) (hack-local-variables))
+  (let* ((dump-file
+          (make-temp-file "beardbolt-dump-" nil
+                          (concat "." (file-name-extension buffer-file-name))
+                          (buffer-string)))
+         (src-buffer (current-buffer))
+         (func (bb--lang-compile-cmd-function lang))
+         (cmd (concat (funcall func) " < " dump-file)))
+    (when bb-disassemble
+      (pcase (bb--lang-objdumper lang)
+        ('objdump
+         (setq cmd
+               (mapconcat #'identity
+                          (list cmd
+                                "&&"
+                                bb-objdump-binary "-d" (bb-output-filename 
+                                "-C" "--insn-width=16" "-l"
+                                (when (not (booleanp bb-asm-format))
+                                  (concat "-M " bb-asm-format))
+                                ">" (bb-output-filename src-buffer t))
+                          " ")))
+        (_
+         (error "Objdumper not recognized"))))
+    ;; Convert to demangle if we need to
+    (setq cmd (bb--demangle-command cmd lang src-buffer))
+    (with-current-buffer ; With compilation buffer
+        (let ((shell-file-name (or (executable-find bb--shell)
+                                   shell-file-name))
+              (compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error t))
+          ;; TODO should this be configurable?
+          (bb-with-display-buffer-no-window
+           (compilation-start cmd nil #'bb--compilation-buffer)))
+      ;; Only jump to errors, skip over warnings
+      (setq-local compilation-skip-threshold 2)
+      (setq-local inhibit-message t)
+      (add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions
+                #'bb--handle-finish-compile nil t)
+      (setq bb--source-buffer src-buffer)
+      (setq bb--dump-file dump-file))))
+(defun bb--maybe-stop-running-compilation ()
   (let ((buffer (bb--compilation-buffer)))
-    (if-let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer)))
-       (interrupt-process proc)
-      (error "[beardbolt] No compilation to stop"))))
+    (when-let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer)))
+      (interrupt-process proc))))
 ;;;; Keymap
 (defvar bb-mode-map
@@ -1673,30 +821,11 @@ Interactively, determine LANG from `major-mode'."
   "Keymap for function `bb-mode'.")
 ;;;;; Starter Definitions
-;; IIUC, this "starter" business is not a necessary part of beardbolt, but is
-;; a way to provide sample files with which users can try out beardbolt.
 (defvar bb-starter-files
   '(("c" . "beardbolt.c")
-    ("c++" . "beardbolt.cpp")
-    ("ocaml" . "beardbolt.ml")
-    ("cl" . "beardbolt.lisp")
-    ("rust " . "beardbolt.rs")
-    ("python" . "beardbolt.py")
-    ("haskell" . "beardbolt.hs")
-    ("php" . "beardbolt.php")
-    ("pony" . "beardbolt.pony")
-    ("emacs-lisp" . "bb-starter.el")
-    ("d" . "beardbolt.d")
-    ("zig" . "beardbolt.zig")
-    ("go" . "beardbolt.go")
-    ("swift" . "beardbolt.swift")
-    ;; beardbolt is capitalized here because of Java convention of Capitalized
-    ;; class names.
-    ("java" . "beardbolt.java")))
+    ("c++" . "beardbolt.cpp") ))
 (defun bb-starter (lang-name)
@@ -1718,187 +847,118 @@ Interactively, determine LANG from `major-mode'."
       (unless exists
         (copy-file src-file-name file-name))
       (find-file file-name)
-      (unless bb-mode
-        (bb-mode 1)))))
+      (bb-mode 1))))
 ;;;; Overlay Commands
-(defun bb--goto-line (line)
-  "Goto a certain LINE."
-  (when line
-    (let ((cur (line-number-at-pos)))
-      (forward-line (- line cur)))))
-(defun bb--setup-overlay (start end buf)
+(defun bb--make-relation-overlay (start end)
   "Setup overlay with START and END in BUF."
-  (let ((o (make-overlay start end buf)))
+  (let ((o (make-overlay start end)))
     (overlay-put o 'face 'bb-current-line-face)
     (overlay-put o 'priority 1)
+    (overlay-put o 'beardbolt t)
+    (overlay-put o 'beardbolt-relation t)
-(cl-defun bb--point-visible (point)
-  "Check if the current point is visible in a window in the current buffer."
-  (when (cl-find-if (lambda (w)
-                      (and (>= point (window-start w))
-                           (<= point (window-end w))))
-                    (get-buffer-window-list))
-    t))
-(cl-defun bb-update-overlays (&key (force nil))
-  "Update overlays to highlight the currently selected source and asm lines.
-  If FORCE, always scroll overlay, even when one is visible.
-  FORCE also scrolls to the first line, instead of the first line
-  of the last block."
-  (when bb-mode
-    (if-let ((should-run bb-use-overlays)
-             (output-buffer (get-buffer bb-output-buffer))
-             (src-buffer (buffer-local-value 'bb-src-buffer output-buffer))
-             (should-run (and (or (eq (current-buffer) src-buffer)
-                                  (eq (current-buffer) output-buffer))
-                              ;; Don't run on unsaved buffers
-                              (not (buffer-modified-p src-buffer))
-                              (buffer-local-value 'bb-mode src-buffer)))
-             (current-line (line-number-at-pos))
-             (src-current-line
-              (if (eq (current-buffer) src-buffer)
-                  current-line
-                (get-text-property (point) 'bb-src-line)))
-             (line-mappings (buffer-local-value 'bb-line-mapping src-buffer))
-             (asm-region-plist (gethash src-current-line line-mappings))
-             (asm-region-lines (plist-get asm-region-plist :lines))
-             (asm-region-positions (plist-get asm-region-plist :positions))
-             ;; TODO also consider asm
-             (src-pts
-              (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-                (save-excursion
-                  (bb--goto-line src-current-line)
-                  (cl-values (c-point 'bol) (c-point 'bonl))))))
-        (let*
-            ;; If nil, output-buffer is scrolled instead
-            ((scroll-src-buffer-p (not (eq (current-buffer) src-buffer)))
-             (line-visible (or (not bb-goto-match)
-                               (when scroll-src-buffer-p
-                                 (with-current-buffer src-buffer
-                                   (bb--point-visible (cl-first src-pts)))))))
-          ;; Remove existing overlays
-          (bb--remove-overlays)
-          (push (bb--setup-overlay (cl-first src-pts) (cl-second src-pts) 
-                bb-overlays)
-          (with-current-buffer output-buffer
-            (cl-loop for (start . end) in asm-region-positions
-                     do (push (bb--setup-overlay start end output-buffer)
-                              bb-overlays))
-            (when (or (not line-visible) force)
-              ;; Scroll buffer to first line
-              (when-let ((scroll-buffer (if scroll-src-buffer-p
-                                            src-buffer
-                                          output-buffer))
-                         (window (get-buffer-window scroll-buffer))
-                         (line-scroll (if scroll-src-buffer-p
-                                          src-current-line
-                                        (car
-                                           ;; If forcing, pick the last region 
-                                           (if force
-                                               (car (last asm-region-lines))
-                                             (cl-first asm-region-lines))))))
-                (with-selected-window window
-                  (bb--goto-line line-scroll)
-                  ;; If we scrolled, recenter
-                  (recenter))))))
-      (bb--remove-overlays))
-    ;; If not in bb-mode, don't do anything
-    ))
-(defun bb--remove-overlays ()
-  "Clean up overlays, assuming they are no longer needed."
-  (mapc #'delete-overlay bb-overlays)
-  (setq bb-overlays nil))
-(defun bb--post-command-hook ()
-  ;; Use (point) instead of (line-number-at-pos) to track movements because
-  ;; the former is faster (constant runtime)
-  (unless (eq (point) bb--last-point)
-    (setq bb--last-point (point))
-    (bb-update-overlays)))
-(defun bb--on-kill-buffer ()
-  (when-let (output-buffer (get-buffer bb-output-buffer))
-    (when (or (eq (current-buffer) output-buffer)
-              (eq (current-buffer) (buffer-local-value 'bb-src-buffer 
-      (bb--remove-overlays))))
-(defun bb--is-active-src-buffer ()
-  (when-let (output-buffer (get-buffer bb-output-buffer))
-    (eq (current-buffer) (buffer-local-value 'bb-src-buffer output-buffer))))
-(defun bb--after-save ()
-  (when (and (bb--is-active-src-buffer)
-             bb-automatic-recompile)
-    (setq bb--automated-compile t)
-    (bb-compile (bb--get-lang))))
-;; Auto-save the src buffer after it has been unchanged for `bb-compile-delay' 
-;; The buffer is then automatically recompiled via `bb--after-save'.
+(defun bb--recenter-maybe (pos)
+  (cl-loop for w in (cl-remove-if (lambda (w)
+                                    (and (>= pos (* 1.1 (window-start w)))
+                                         (<= pos (* 0.9 (window-end w)))))
+                                  (get-buffer-window-list))
+           unless (eq w (selected-window))
+           do (set-window-point w pos)
+           (with-selected-window w (recenter))))
+(defun bb--synch-relation-overlays (mapping source-line)
+  "Update overlays to visually match selected source and asm lines.
+Runs in output buffer.  Sets `bb--relation-overlays'."
+  (bb--delete-relation-overlays)
+  (setq bb--relation-overlays nil)
+  (let (ovs
+        (positions (plist-get (gethash source-line mapping) :positions)))
+    (when positions
+      (bb--when-live-buffer bb--source-buffer
+        (save-excursion
+          (push
+           (progn
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (bb--make-relation-overlay
+              (line-beginning-position source-line)
+              (line-end-position source-line)))
+           ovs))
+        (bb--recenter-maybe (overlay-start (car ovs))))
+      (cl-loop for (start . end) in positions
+               do (push (bb--make-relation-overlay start end) ovs)
+               finally (bb--recenter-maybe (caar positions)))
+      (setq bb--relation-overlays ovs))))
+(defun bb--delete-relation-overlays ()
+  (mapc #'delete-overlay bb--relation-overlays)
+  (setq bb--relation-overlays nil))
+(defun bb--source-buffer-pch ()
+  (let ((linum (line-number-at-pos nil t)))
+    (bb--when-live-buffer bb--output-buffer
+      (bb--delete-relation-overlays)
+      (bb--synch-relation-overlays bb-line-mappings linum))))
+(defun bb--on-kill-source-buffer ()
+  (bb--when-live-buffer bb--output-buffer
+    (kill-buffer bb--output-buffer)))
+(defun bb--on-kill-output-buffer ()
+  (bb--delete-relation-overlays)
+  (bb--delete-rainbow-overlays))
+(defun bb--output-buffer-pch ()
+  (bb--delete-relation-overlays)
+  (bb--synch-relation-overlays
+   bb-line-mappings
+   (get-text-property (point) 'bb-src-line)))
 (defvar bb--change-timer nil)
-(defvar bb--buffer-to-auto-save nil)
 (defun bb--after-change (&rest _)
-  (when (and (bb--is-active-src-buffer)
-             bb-automatic-recompile
-             (not (eq bb-automatic-recompile 'on-save)))
-    (when bb--change-timer
-      (cancel-timer bb--change-timer))
-    (setq bb--buffer-to-auto-save (current-buffer)
-          bb--change-timer (run-with-timer bb-compile-delay nil 
+  (bb--when-live-buffer bb--output-buffer
+    (clrhash bb-line-mappings))
+  (when (timerp bb--change-timer) (cancel-timer bb--change-timer))
+  (setq bb--change-timer (run-with-timer bb-compile-delay nil 
 (defun bb--on-change-timer ()
-  (setq bb--change-timer nil)
-  (when (buffer-live-p bb--buffer-to-auto-save)
-    (with-current-buffer bb--buffer-to-auto-save
-      (setq bb--buffer-to-auto-save nil)
-      (when (or (< (line-number-at-pos (point-max)) bb-large-buffer-size)
-                (eq bb-automatic-recompile 'force))
-        ;; Clear `before-save-hook' to prevent things like whitespace cleanup
-        ;; (e.g., set by spacemacs in `spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup.el`)
-        ;; and aggressive indenting from running (this is a hot recompile).
-        ;; TODO does anyone want before-save-hook to run on a hot recompile?
-        (let ((before-save-hook nil))
-          (save-buffer))))))
+  (bb-compile (bb--get-lang)))
 ;;;; Mode Definition:
-;; TODO handle more modes than c-mode
 (define-minor-mode bb-mode
-  "Toggle bb-mode.
-This mode is enabled in both src and assembly output buffers."
-  :global nil
-  :lighter bb-mode-lighter
-  :keymap bb-mode-map
-  ;; Init
+  "Toggle `beardbolt-mode'.  May be enabled by user in source buffer."
+  :global nil :lighter " ⚡" :keymap bb-mode-map
-    (setq bb--last-point (point))
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--post-command-hook nil t)
-    (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-buffer nil t)
-    (when (and bb-automatic-recompile
-               ;; Only turn on auto-save in src buffers
-               (not (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer bb-output-buffer))))
-      (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'bb--after-save nil t)
-      (when (eq bb-automatic-recompile t)
-        (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'bb--after-change nil t))))
-   (t ;; Cleanup
-    (bb--remove-overlays)
+    (setq-local bb--language-descriptor (bb--get-lang))
+    (add-hook 'after-change-functions #'bb--after-change nil t)
+    (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-source-buffer nil t)
+    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--source-buffer-pch nil t))
+   (t
     (remove-hook 'after-change-functions #'bb--after-change t)
-    (remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'bb--after-save t)
-    (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-buffer t)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--post-command-hook t))))
+    (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-source-buffer t)
+    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--source-buffer-pch t))))
+(define-minor-mode bb--output-mode
+  "Toggle `bearbolt--output-mode', internal mode for asm buffers."
+  :global nil :lighter " ⚡"
+  (cond
+   (bb--output-mode
+    (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-output-buffer nil t)
+    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--output-buffer-pch nil t))
+   (t
+    (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bb--on-kill-output-buffer t)
+    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'bb--output-buffer-pch t))))
 (defun beardbolt ()
   "Start beardbolt compilation, enable `bearbolt-mode'."
-  (unless bb-mode
-    (bb-mode))
+  (unless bb-mode (bb-mode))
   (bb-compile (bb--get-lang)))
 (provide 'beardbolt)

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