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[elpa] externals/beardbolt 627dd4c1c9 059/323: Allow for custom asm proc

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/beardbolt 627dd4c1c9 059/323: Allow for custom asm processing functions
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 10:58:16 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/beardbolt
commit 627dd4c1c9650818b587ddb891eefb3b8699819e
Author: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>
Commit: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>

    Allow for custom asm processing functions
    Useful for bytecode
 rmsbolt.el | 185 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rmsbolt.el b/rmsbolt.el
index 702d601af0..f1fb2b288c 100644
--- a/rmsbolt.el
+++ b/rmsbolt.el
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
    :type 'symbol
    :documentation "The object dumper to use if disassembling binary.")
-   "c++filt"
+   nil
    :type 'string
    :documentation "The command of the demangler to use for this source code.")
@@ -247,7 +247,13 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
    :type 'function
-   :documentation "A function which takes in a compile command (could be the 
default) and adds needed args to it."))
+   :documentation "A function which takes in a compile command
+(could be the default) and adds needed args to it.")
+  (process-asm-custom-fn
+   nil
+   :type 'function
+   :documentation "A custom function used for parsing asm lines
+   instead of the default assembly one." ))
 (cl-defun rmsbolt--c-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
@@ -337,6 +343,13 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                          " ")))
+(cl-defun rmsbolt--py-compile-cmd (&key src-buffer)
+  "Process a compile command for rustc."
+  (let* ((cmd (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-command src-buffer)))
+    (mapconcat 'identity
+               (list cmd "-m" "dis" (buffer-file-name)
+                     ">" (rmsbolt-output-filename src-buffer))
+               " ")))
 (defvar rmsbolt--hidden-func-c
   (rx bol (or (and "__" (0+ any))
@@ -371,6 +384,7 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                           :compile-cmd "gcc"
                           :supports-asm t
                           :supports-disass t
+                          :demangler "c++filt"
                           :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.c"
                           :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--c-compile-cmd
                           :disass-hidden-funcs rmsbolt--hidden-func-c))
@@ -379,6 +393,7 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                           :compile-cmd "g++"
                           :supports-asm t
                           :supports-disass t
+                          :demangler "c++filt"
                           :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.cpp"
                           :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--c-compile-cmd
                           :disass-hidden-funcs rmsbolt--hidden-func-c))
@@ -388,7 +403,6 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                           :compile-cmd "ocamlopt"
                           :supports-asm t
                           :supports-disass t
-                          :demangler nil
                           :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.ml"
                           :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--ocaml-compile-cmd
                           :disass-hidden-funcs rmsbolt--hidden-func-ocaml))
@@ -398,7 +412,6 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                           :supports-asm t
                           :supports-disass nil
                           :objdumper 'cat
-                          :demangler nil
                           :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.lisp"
                           :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--lisp-compile-cmd
                           :disass-hidden-funcs nil))
@@ -412,6 +425,15 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
                           :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.rs"
                           :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--rust-compile-cmd
                           :disass-hidden-funcs nil))
+   (python-mode
+    . ,(make-rmsbolt-lang :mode 'python-mode
+                          :compile-cmd "python3"
+                          :supports-asm t
+                          :supports-disass nil
+                          :starter-file-name "rmsbolt.py"
+                          :compile-cmd-function #'rmsbolt--py-compile-cmd
+                          :disass-hidden-funcs nil))
 ;;;; Macros
@@ -561,80 +583,87 @@ Outputs assembly file if ASM."
 (cl-defun rmsbolt--process-asm-lines (src-buffer asm-lines)
   "Process and filter a set of asm lines."
-  (if (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-disassemble src-buffer)
-      (rmsbolt--process-disassembled-lines src-buffer asm-lines)
-    (let ((used-labels (rmsbolt--find-used-labels src-buffer asm-lines))
-          (result nil)
-          (prev-label nil)
-          (source-linum nil)
-          (source-file nil)
-          (skip-file-match
-           ;; Skip file match if we don't have a current filename
-           (not (buffer-file-name src-buffer))))
-      (dolist (line asm-lines)
-        (let* ((raw-match (or (string-match rmsbolt-label-def line)
-                              (string-match rmsbolt-assignment-def line)))
-               (match (when raw-match
-                        (match-string 1 line)))
-               (used-label (cl-find match used-labels :test #'equal)))
-          (cl-tagbody
-           ;; Process file name hints
-           (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-file line)
-             (if (match-string 3 line)
-                 ;; Clang style match
-                 (setq source-file (expand-file-name
-                                    (match-string 3 line)
-                                    (match-string 2 line)))
-               (setq source-file (match-string 2 line))))
-           ;; Process any line number hints
-           (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-tag line)
-             (if (or skip-file-match
-                     (file-equal-p (buffer-file-name src-buffer) source-file))
-                 (setq source-linum (string-to-number
-                                     (match-string 2 line)))
-               (setq source-linum nil)))
-           (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-stab line)
-             (pcase (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
-               ;; http://www.math.utah.edu/docs/info/stabs_11.html
-               (68
-                (setq source-linum (match-string 2 line)))
-               ((or 100 132)
-                (setq source-linum nil))))
-           ;; End block, reset prev-label and source
-           (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-endblock line)
-             (setq prev-label nil))
-           (when (and (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-comment-only 
-                      (string-match-p rmsbolt-comment-only line))
-             (go continue))
-           ;; continue means we don't add to the ouptut
-           (when match
-             (if (not used-label)
-                 ;; Unused label
-                 (when (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-labels src-buffer)
-                   (go continue))
-               ;; Real label, set prev-label
-               (setq prev-label raw-match)))
-           (when (and (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-directives 
-                      (not match))
-             (if  (and (string-match-p rmsbolt-data-defn line)
-                       prev-label)
-                 ;; data is being used
-                 nil
-               (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-directive line)
-                 (go continue))))
-           ;; Add line numbers to mapping
-           (when (and source-linum
-                      (rmsbolt--has-opcode-p line))
-             (add-text-properties 0 (length line)
-                                  `(rmsbolt-src-line ,source-linum) line))
-           ;; Add line
-           (push line result)
-           continue)))
-      (nreverse result))))
+  (let* ((lang (with-current-buffer src-buffer
+                 (rmsbolt--get-lang)))
+         (process-asm-fn (rmsbolt-l-process-asm-custom-fn lang)))
+    (cond
+     (process-asm-fn
+      (funcall process-asm-fn src-buffer asm-lines))
+     ((buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-disassemble src-buffer)
+      (rmsbolt--process-disassembled-lines src-buffer asm-lines))
+     (t
+      (let ((used-labels (rmsbolt--find-used-labels src-buffer asm-lines))
+            (result nil)
+            (prev-label nil)
+            (source-linum nil)
+            (source-file nil)
+            (skip-file-match
+             ;; Skip file match if we don't have a current filename
+             (not (buffer-file-name src-buffer))))
+        (dolist (line asm-lines)
+          (let* ((raw-match (or (string-match rmsbolt-label-def line)
+                                (string-match rmsbolt-assignment-def line)))
+                 (match (when raw-match
+                          (match-string 1 line)))
+                 (used-label (cl-find match used-labels :test #'equal)))
+            (cl-tagbody
+             ;; Process file name hints
+             (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-file line)
+               (if (match-string 3 line)
+                   ;; Clang style match
+                   (setq source-file (expand-file-name
+                                      (match-string 3 line)
+                                      (match-string 2 line)))
+                 (setq source-file (match-string 2 line))))
+             ;; Process any line number hints
+             (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-tag line)
+               (if (or skip-file-match
+                       (file-equal-p (buffer-file-name src-buffer) 
+                   (setq source-linum (string-to-number
+                                       (match-string 2 line)))
+                 (setq source-linum nil)))
+             (when (string-match rmsbolt-source-stab line)
+               (pcase (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
+                 ;; http://www.math.utah.edu/docs/info/stabs_11.html
+                 (68
+                  (setq source-linum (match-string 2 line)))
+                 ((or 100 132)
+                  (setq source-linum nil))))
+             ;; End block, reset prev-label and source
+             (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-endblock line)
+               (setq prev-label nil))
+             (when (and (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-comment-only 
+                        (string-match-p rmsbolt-comment-only line))
+               (go continue))
+             ;; continue means we don't add to the ouptut
+             (when match
+               (if (not used-label)
+                   ;; Unused label
+                   (when (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-labels src-buffer)
+                     (go continue))
+                 ;; Real label, set prev-label
+                 (setq prev-label raw-match)))
+             (when (and (buffer-local-value 'rmsbolt-filter-directives 
+                        (not match))
+               (if  (and (string-match-p rmsbolt-data-defn line)
+                         prev-label)
+                   ;; data is being used
+                   nil
+                 (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-directive line)
+                   (go continue))))
+             ;; Add line numbers to mapping
+             (when (and source-linum
+                        (rmsbolt--has-opcode-p line))
+               (add-text-properties 0 (length line)
+                                    `(rmsbolt-src-line ,source-linum) line))
+             ;; Add line
+             (push line result)
+             continue)))
+        (nreverse result))))))
 ;;;;; Handlers
 (defun rmsbolt--handle-finish-compile (buffer _str)

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