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[elpa] externals/beardbolt 082cbc7b1c 048/323: Add new tests

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/beardbolt 082cbc7b1c 048/323: Add new tests
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 10:58:02 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/beardbolt
commit 082cbc7b1cab76be13529143579de010ccf12b8a
Author: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>
Commit: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>

    Add new tests
 .ert-runner            |   1 +
 .gitlab-ci.yml         |   9 +
 test/rmsbolt-c-post1.s |  47 +++
 test/rmsbolt-c-post2.s | 916 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/rmsbolt-c-post3.s | 117 +++++++
 test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s  | 916 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/rmsbolt-test.el   |  45 +++
 7 files changed, 2051 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.ert-runner b/.ert-runner
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47007910fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ert-runner
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-l rmsbolt.el
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa4856f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - build
+  image: jgkamat/emacs:25.2-cask
+  stage: build
+  script:
+    - cask
+    - cask exec ert-runner
diff --git a/test/rmsbolt-c-post1.s b/test/rmsbolt-c-post1.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b100d724b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rmsbolt-c-post1.s
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+       push    rbp
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       mov     DWORD PTR -4[rbp], edi
+       mov     eax, DWORD PTR -4[rbp]
+       cmp     eax, 82
+       je      .L3
+       cmp     eax, 83
+       je      .L4
+       cmp     eax, 77
+       je      .L5
+       jmp     .L7
+       mov     eax, 1
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 2
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 3
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 200
+       pop     rbp
+       ret
+       .string "%c\n"
+       push    rbp
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       sub     rsp, 16
+       mov     BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 2
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     edi, eax
+       call    isRMS
+       test    eax, eax
+       je      .L9
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     esi, eax
+       lea     rdi, .LC0[rip]
+       mov     eax, 0
+       call    printf@PLT
+       mov     eax, 0
+       leave
+       ret
diff --git a/test/rmsbolt-c-post2.s b/test/rmsbolt-c-post2.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c539d24771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rmsbolt-c-post2.s
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+       .file   "rmsbolt.c"
+       .intel_syntax noprefix
+       .text
+       .globl  isRMS
+       .type   isRMS, @function
+       .file 1 "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK/rmsbolt.c"
+       .loc 1 11 0
+       .cfi_startproc
+       push    rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset 6, -16
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
+       mov     DWORD PTR -4[rbp], edi
+       .loc 1 12 0
+       mov     eax, DWORD PTR -4[rbp]
+       cmp     eax, 82
+       je      .L3
+       cmp     eax, 83
+       je      .L4
+       cmp     eax, 77
+       je      .L5
+       jmp     .L7
+       .loc 1 14 0
+       mov     eax, 1
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 16 0
+       mov     eax, 2
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 18 0
+       mov     eax, 3
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 20 0
+       mov     eax, 200
+       .loc 1 22 0
+       pop     rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
+       ret
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .size   isRMS, .-isRMS
+       .section        .rodata
+       .string "%c\n"
+       .text
+       .globl  main
+       .type   main, @function
+       .loc 1 24 0
+       .cfi_startproc
+       push    rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset 6, -16
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
+       sub     rsp, 16
+       .loc 1 25 0
+       mov     BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 2
+       .loc 1 26 0
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     edi, eax
+       call    isRMS
+       test    eax, eax
+       je      .L9
+       .loc 1 27 0
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     esi, eax
+       lea     rdi, .LC0[rip]
+       mov     eax, 0
+       call    printf@PLT
+       mov     eax, 0
+       .loc 1 28 0
+       leave
+       .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
+       ret
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .size   main, .-main
+       .file 2 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h"
+       .file 3 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
+       .file 4 "/usr/include/libio.h"
+       .file 5 "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+       .file 6 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h"
+       .section        .debug_info,"",@progbits
+       .long   0x358
+       .value  0x4
+       .long   .Ldebug_abbrev0
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .long   .LASF56
+       .byte   0xc
+       .long   .LASF57
+       .long   .LASF58
+       .quad   .Ltext0
+       .quad   .Letext0-.Ltext0
+       .long   .Ldebug_line0
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF7
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0xd8
+       .long   0x38
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   .LASF1
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF2
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF3
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x6
+       .long   .LASF4
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0x5
+       .long   .LASF5
+       .uleb128 0x4
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x5
+       .string "int"
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x5
+       .long   .LASF6
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF8
+       .byte   0x3
+       .byte   0x83
+       .long   0x69
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF9
+       .byte   0x3
+       .byte   0x84
+       .long   0x69
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF10
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x6
+       .long   .LASF11
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .long   .LASF41
+       .byte   0xd8
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf1
+       .long   0x21e
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF12
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf2
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF13
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf7
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF14
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf8
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x10
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF15
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf9
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x18
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF16
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfa
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x20
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF17
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfb
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x28
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF18
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfc
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x30
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF19
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfd
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x38
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF20
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfe
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x40
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF21
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x100
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x48
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF22
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x101
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x50
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF23
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x102
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x58
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF24
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x104
+       .long   0x256
+       .byte   0x60
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF25
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x106
+       .long   0x25c
+       .byte   0x68
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF26
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x108
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x70
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF27
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x10c
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x74
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF28
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x10e
+       .long   0x70
+       .byte   0x78
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF29
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x112
+       .long   0x46
+       .byte   0x80
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF30
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x113
+       .long   0x54
+       .byte   0x82
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF31
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x114
+       .long   0x262
+       .byte   0x83
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF32
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x118
+       .long   0x272
+       .byte   0x88
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF33
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x121
+       .long   0x7b
+       .byte   0x90
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF34
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x129
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0x98
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF35
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12a
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xa0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF36
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12b
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xa8
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF37
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12c
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xb0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF38
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12e
+       .long   0x2d
+       .byte   0xb8
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF39
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12f
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0xc0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF40
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x131
+       .long   0x278
+       .byte   0xc4
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .long   .LASF59
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x96
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .long   .LASF42
+       .byte   0x18
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .long   0x256
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF43
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9d
+       .long   0x256
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF44
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9e
+       .long   0x25c
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF45
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xa2
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x10
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x225
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0xa1
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x95
+       .long   0x272
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .long   0x86
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x21e
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x95
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .long   0x86
+       .byte   0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .long   .LASF60
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF46
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13b
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF47
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13c
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF48
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13d
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x9c
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x2b1
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF49
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xaa
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF50
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xab
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF51
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xac
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF52
+       .byte   0x6
+       .byte   0x1a
+       .long   0x62
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x2b7
+       .long   0x2f3
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x2e8
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF53
+       .byte   0x6
+       .byte   0x1b
+       .long   0x2f3
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .long   .LASF54
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x18
+       .long   0x62
+       .quad   .LFB1
+       .quad   .LFE1-.LFB1
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .long   0x331
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .string "a"
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x19
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .byte   0x91
+       .sleb128 -17
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x14
+       .long   .LASF55
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0xb
+       .long   0x62
+       .quad   .LFB0
+       .quad   .LFE0-.LFB0
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .uleb128 0x15
+       .string "a"
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0xb
+       .long   0x62
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .byte   0x91
+       .sleb128 -20
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .section        .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x25
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x1b
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .uleb128 0x17
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x16
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x24
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3e
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x4
+       .uleb128 0x24
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3e
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x26
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x38
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x38
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x16
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .uleb128 0x21
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2f
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x21
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x2e
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x40
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .uleb128 0x2116
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x14
+       .uleb128 0x2e
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x27
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x40
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .uleb128 0x2117
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x15
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .section        .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+       .long   0x2c
+       .value  0x2
+       .long   .Ldebug_info0
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0
+       .value  0
+       .value  0
+       .quad   .Ltext0
+       .quad   .Letext0-.Ltext0
+       .quad   0
+       .quad   0
+       .section        .debug_line,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+       .string "_IO_buf_end"
+       .string "_old_offset"
+       .string "isRMS"
+       .string "sys_nerr"
+       .string "_IO_save_end"
+       .string "short int"
+       .string "size_t"
+       .string "sizetype"
+       .string "_offset"
+       .string "_IO_write_ptr"
+       .string "_flags"
+       .string "_IO_buf_base"
+       .string "_markers"
+       .string "_IO_read_end"
+       .string "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK/rmsbolt.c"
+       .string "stderr"
+       .string "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK"
+       .string "_lock"
+       .string "long int"
+       .string "_cur_column"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stderr_"
+       .string "_IO_FILE_plus"
+       .string "_pos"
+       .string "_sbuf"
+       .string "_IO_FILE"
+       .string "unsigned char"
+       .string "signed char"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stdin_"
+       .string "unsigned int"
+       .string "_IO_marker"
+       .string "_shortbuf"
+       .string "_IO_write_base"
+       .string "_unused2"
+       .string "_IO_read_ptr"
+       .string "short unsigned int"
+       .string "char"
+       .string "main"
+       .string "_next"
+       .string "__pad1"
+       .string "__pad2"
+       .string "__pad3"
+       .string "__pad4"
+       .string "__pad5"
+       .string "long unsigned int"
+       .string "_IO_write_end"
+       .string "__off64_t"
+       .string "__off_t"
+       .string "_chain"
+       .string "_IO_backup_base"
+       .string "stdin"
+       .string "_flags2"
+       .string "_mode"
+       .string "_IO_read_base"
+       .string "_vtable_offset"
+       .string "_IO_save_base"
+       .string "sys_errlist"
+       .string "_fileno"
+       .string "GNU C11 6.3.0 20170516 -masm=intel -mtune=generic 
-march=x86-64 -g -O0"
+       .string "stdout"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stdout_"
+       .string "_IO_lock_t"
+       .ident  "GCC: (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516"
+       .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
diff --git a/test/rmsbolt-c-post3.s b/test/rmsbolt-c-post3.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87d05796a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rmsbolt-c-post3.s
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+       push    rbp
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       mov     DWORD PTR -4[rbp], edi
+       mov     eax, DWORD PTR -4[rbp]
+       cmp     eax, 82
+       je      .L3
+       cmp     eax, 83
+       je      .L4
+       cmp     eax, 77
+       je      .L5
+       jmp     .L7
+       mov     eax, 1
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 2
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 3
+       jmp     .L6
+       mov     eax, 200
+       pop     rbp
+       ret
+       .string "%c\n"
+       push    rbp
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       sub     rsp, 16
+       mov     BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 2
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     edi, eax
+       call    isRMS
+       test    eax, eax
+       je      .L9
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     esi, eax
+       lea     rdi, .LC0[rip]
+       mov     eax, 0
+       call    printf@PLT
+       mov     eax, 0
+       leave
+       ret
diff --git a/test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s b/test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c539d24771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+       .file   "rmsbolt.c"
+       .intel_syntax noprefix
+       .text
+       .globl  isRMS
+       .type   isRMS, @function
+       .file 1 "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK/rmsbolt.c"
+       .loc 1 11 0
+       .cfi_startproc
+       push    rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset 6, -16
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
+       mov     DWORD PTR -4[rbp], edi
+       .loc 1 12 0
+       mov     eax, DWORD PTR -4[rbp]
+       cmp     eax, 82
+       je      .L3
+       cmp     eax, 83
+       je      .L4
+       cmp     eax, 77
+       je      .L5
+       jmp     .L7
+       .loc 1 14 0
+       mov     eax, 1
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 16 0
+       mov     eax, 2
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 18 0
+       mov     eax, 3
+       jmp     .L6
+       .loc 1 20 0
+       mov     eax, 200
+       .loc 1 22 0
+       pop     rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
+       ret
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .size   isRMS, .-isRMS
+       .section        .rodata
+       .string "%c\n"
+       .text
+       .globl  main
+       .type   main, @function
+       .loc 1 24 0
+       .cfi_startproc
+       push    rbp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+       .cfi_offset 6, -16
+       mov     rbp, rsp
+       .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
+       sub     rsp, 16
+       .loc 1 25 0
+       mov     BYTE PTR -1[rbp], 2
+       .loc 1 26 0
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     edi, eax
+       call    isRMS
+       test    eax, eax
+       je      .L9
+       .loc 1 27 0
+       movsx   eax, BYTE PTR -1[rbp]
+       mov     esi, eax
+       lea     rdi, .LC0[rip]
+       mov     eax, 0
+       call    printf@PLT
+       mov     eax, 0
+       .loc 1 28 0
+       leave
+       .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
+       ret
+       .cfi_endproc
+       .size   main, .-main
+       .file 2 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h"
+       .file 3 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
+       .file 4 "/usr/include/libio.h"
+       .file 5 "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+       .file 6 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h"
+       .section        .debug_info,"",@progbits
+       .long   0x358
+       .value  0x4
+       .long   .Ldebug_abbrev0
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .long   .LASF56
+       .byte   0xc
+       .long   .LASF57
+       .long   .LASF58
+       .quad   .Ltext0
+       .quad   .Letext0-.Ltext0
+       .long   .Ldebug_line0
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF7
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0xd8
+       .long   0x38
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   .LASF1
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF2
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF3
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x6
+       .long   .LASF4
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x2
+       .byte   0x5
+       .long   .LASF5
+       .uleb128 0x4
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x5
+       .string "int"
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x5
+       .long   .LASF6
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF8
+       .byte   0x3
+       .byte   0x83
+       .long   0x69
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .long   .LASF9
+       .byte   0x3
+       .byte   0x84
+       .long   0x69
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0x7
+       .long   .LASF10
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x6
+       .long   .LASF11
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .long   .LASF41
+       .byte   0xd8
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf1
+       .long   0x21e
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF12
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf2
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF13
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf7
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF14
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf8
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x10
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF15
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xf9
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x18
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF16
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfa
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x20
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF17
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfb
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x28
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF18
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfc
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x30
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF19
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfd
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x38
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF20
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xfe
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x40
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF21
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x100
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x48
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF22
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x101
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x50
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF23
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x102
+       .long   0x8f
+       .byte   0x58
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF24
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x104
+       .long   0x256
+       .byte   0x60
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF25
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x106
+       .long   0x25c
+       .byte   0x68
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF26
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x108
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x70
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF27
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x10c
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x74
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF28
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x10e
+       .long   0x70
+       .byte   0x78
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF29
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x112
+       .long   0x46
+       .byte   0x80
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF30
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x113
+       .long   0x54
+       .byte   0x82
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF31
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x114
+       .long   0x262
+       .byte   0x83
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF32
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x118
+       .long   0x272
+       .byte   0x88
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF33
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x121
+       .long   0x7b
+       .byte   0x90
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF34
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x129
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0x98
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF35
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12a
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xa0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF36
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12b
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xa8
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF37
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12c
+       .long   0x8d
+       .byte   0xb0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF38
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12e
+       .long   0x2d
+       .byte   0xb8
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF39
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x12f
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0xc0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .long   .LASF40
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x131
+       .long   0x278
+       .byte   0xc4
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .long   .LASF59
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x96
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .long   .LASF42
+       .byte   0x18
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .long   0x256
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF43
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9d
+       .long   0x256
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF44
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0x9e
+       .long   0x25c
+       .byte   0x8
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .long   .LASF45
+       .byte   0x4
+       .byte   0xa2
+       .long   0x62
+       .byte   0x10
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x225
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0xa1
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x95
+       .long   0x272
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .long   0x86
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x21e
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x95
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .long   0x86
+       .byte   0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .long   .LASF60
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF46
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13b
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF47
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13c
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .long   .LASF48
+       .byte   0x4
+       .value  0x13d
+       .long   0x288
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .byte   0x8
+       .long   0x9c
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x2b1
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF49
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xaa
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF50
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xab
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF51
+       .byte   0x5
+       .byte   0xac
+       .long   0x25c
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF52
+       .byte   0x6
+       .byte   0x1a
+       .long   0x62
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .long   0x2b7
+       .long   0x2f3
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .long   0x2e8
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .long   .LASF53
+       .byte   0x6
+       .byte   0x1b
+       .long   0x2f3
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .long   .LASF54
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x18
+       .long   0x62
+       .quad   .LFB1
+       .quad   .LFE1-.LFB1
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .long   0x331
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .string "a"
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0x19
+       .long   0x95
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .byte   0x91
+       .sleb128 -17
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x14
+       .long   .LASF55
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0xb
+       .long   0x62
+       .quad   .LFB0
+       .quad   .LFE0-.LFB0
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x9c
+       .uleb128 0x15
+       .string "a"
+       .byte   0x1
+       .byte   0xb
+       .long   0x62
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .byte   0x91
+       .sleb128 -20
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .section        .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x25
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x1b
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .uleb128 0x17
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x16
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x24
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3e
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x4
+       .uleb128 0x24
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3e
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x6
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x26
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x9
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x38
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xa
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x38
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x16
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xc
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xd
+       .uleb128 0x21
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2f
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0xf
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x10
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3c
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x21
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x2e
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x40
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .uleb128 0x2116
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x34
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x14
+       .uleb128 0x2e
+       .byte   0x1
+       .uleb128 0x3f
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0xe
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x27
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x11
+       .uleb128 0x1
+       .uleb128 0x12
+       .uleb128 0x7
+       .uleb128 0x40
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .uleb128 0x2117
+       .uleb128 0x19
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x15
+       .uleb128 0x5
+       .byte   0
+       .uleb128 0x3
+       .uleb128 0x8
+       .uleb128 0x3a
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x3b
+       .uleb128 0xb
+       .uleb128 0x49
+       .uleb128 0x13
+       .uleb128 0x2
+       .uleb128 0x18
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .byte   0
+       .section        .debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+       .long   0x2c
+       .value  0x2
+       .long   .Ldebug_info0
+       .byte   0x8
+       .byte   0
+       .value  0
+       .value  0
+       .quad   .Ltext0
+       .quad   .Letext0-.Ltext0
+       .quad   0
+       .quad   0
+       .section        .debug_line,"",@progbits
+       .section        .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+       .string "_IO_buf_end"
+       .string "_old_offset"
+       .string "isRMS"
+       .string "sys_nerr"
+       .string "_IO_save_end"
+       .string "short int"
+       .string "size_t"
+       .string "sizetype"
+       .string "_offset"
+       .string "_IO_write_ptr"
+       .string "_flags"
+       .string "_IO_buf_base"
+       .string "_markers"
+       .string "_IO_read_end"
+       .string "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK/rmsbolt.c"
+       .string "stderr"
+       .string "/tmp/rmsbolt-LsubiK"
+       .string "_lock"
+       .string "long int"
+       .string "_cur_column"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stderr_"
+       .string "_IO_FILE_plus"
+       .string "_pos"
+       .string "_sbuf"
+       .string "_IO_FILE"
+       .string "unsigned char"
+       .string "signed char"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stdin_"
+       .string "unsigned int"
+       .string "_IO_marker"
+       .string "_shortbuf"
+       .string "_IO_write_base"
+       .string "_unused2"
+       .string "_IO_read_ptr"
+       .string "short unsigned int"
+       .string "char"
+       .string "main"
+       .string "_next"
+       .string "__pad1"
+       .string "__pad2"
+       .string "__pad3"
+       .string "__pad4"
+       .string "__pad5"
+       .string "long unsigned int"
+       .string "_IO_write_end"
+       .string "__off64_t"
+       .string "__off_t"
+       .string "_chain"
+       .string "_IO_backup_base"
+       .string "stdin"
+       .string "_flags2"
+       .string "_mode"
+       .string "_IO_read_base"
+       .string "_vtable_offset"
+       .string "_IO_save_base"
+       .string "sys_errlist"
+       .string "_fileno"
+       .string "GNU C11 6.3.0 20170516 -masm=intel -mtune=generic 
-march=x86-64 -g -O0"
+       .string "stdout"
+       .string "_IO_2_1_stdout_"
+       .string "_IO_lock_t"
+       .ident  "GCC: (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516"
+       .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
diff --git a/test/rmsbolt-test.el b/test/rmsbolt-test.el
index c3833cc8e3..409556ad07 100644
--- a/test/rmsbolt-test.el
+++ b/test/rmsbolt-test.el
@@ -5,8 +5,53 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'el-mock)
+(require 'rmsbolt)
 (ert-deftest sanity-check-ert ()
   "Check if ERT is working. :)"
   (should t))
+(defun test-asm-preprocessor (pre post)
+  "Tests the asm preprocessor on the current buffer."
+  (insert-file-contents pre)
+  (should
+   (string=
+    (string-trim
+     (mapconcat 'identity
+                (rmsbolt--process-asm-lines (current-buffer)
+                                            (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" 
+                "\n"))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents post)
+      (string-trim
+       (buffer-string))))))
+(ert-deftest filter-tests-all-c ()
+  "Test if assembly filteration in c is working."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-dissasemble nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-comment-only t)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-directives t)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-labels t)
+    (test-asm-preprocessor "test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s" "test/rmsbolt-c-post1.s")))
+(ert-deftest filter-tests-none-c ()
+  "Test if assembly filteration in c is working."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-dissasemble nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-comment-only nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-directives nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-labels nil)
+    (test-asm-preprocessor "test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s" "test/rmsbolt-c-post2.s")))
+(ert-deftest filter-tests-dir-c ()
+  "Test if assembly filteration in c is working."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-dissasemble nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-comment-only nil)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-directives t)
+    (setq-local rmsbolt-filter-labels nil)
+    (test-asm-preprocessor "test/rmsbolt-c-pre1.s" "test/rmsbolt-c-post3.s")))
+;;;; Filtration tests
 ;;; rmsbolt-test.el ends here

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