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[elpa] externals/beardbolt 5ab75b7f56 014/323: Add stubs for dissasembly

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/beardbolt 5ab75b7f56 014/323: Add stubs for dissasembly
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 10:57:50 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/beardbolt
commit 5ab75b7f56c7f2c9e675e744d622cc9bb6500da2
Author: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>
Commit: Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com>

    Add stubs for dissasembly
 rmsbolt.el | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rmsbolt.el b/rmsbolt.el
index eaf1772cd8..5247984008 100644
--- a/rmsbolt.el
+++ b/rmsbolt.el
@@ -29,12 +29,6 @@
 (require 'subr-x)
 (require 'map)
-(defconst +rmsbolt-compile-name+ "rmsbolt-compile")
-(defconst +rmsbolt-assembler-pattern+ (rx bol (1+ space)
-                                          "." (1+ (not (any ";")))
-                                          (0+ space) eol))
 ;;; Code:
 ;;;; Variables:
 (defvar rmsbolt-temp-dir nil
@@ -50,6 +44,7 @@
 (defvar rmsbolt-filter-asm-directives t)
 (defvar rmsbolt-filter-unused-labels t)
 (defvar rmsbolt-filter-comment-only t)
+(defvar rmsbolt-dissasemble nil)
 ;;;; Regexes
@@ -64,9 +59,8 @@
                                 (any "a-zA-Z0-9$_."))))
 (defvar rmsbolt-assignment-def (rx bol (0+ space)
-                                   (group
-                                    (any ".a-zA-Z_$")
-                                    (1+ (any "a-zA-Z0-9$_.")))
+                                   (group (any ".a-zA-Z_$")
+                                          (1+ (any "a-zA-Z0-9$_.")))
                                    (0+ space) "="))
 (defvar rmsbolt-has-opcode (rx bol (0+ space)
                                (any "a-zA-Z")))
@@ -305,47 +299,52 @@ int main() {
             (setq completed t))))
-(defun rmsbolt--process-asm-lines (asm-lines)
+(defun rmsbolt--process-dissasembled-lines (asm-lines)
+  )
+(cl-defun rmsbolt--process-asm-lines (asm-lines)
   "Process and filter a set of asm lines."
-  (let ((used-labels (rmsbolt--find-used-labels asm-lines))
-        (result nil)
-        (prev-label nil))
-    (dolist (line asm-lines)
-      (let* ((raw-match (or (string-match rmsbolt-label-def line)
-                            (string-match rmsbolt-assignment-def line)))
-             (match (when raw-match
-                      (match-string 1 line)))
-             (used-label (cl-find match used-labels :test #'equal)))
-        (cl-tagbody
-         ;; End block, reset prev-label and source
-         (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-endblock line)
-           (setq prev-label nil))
-         (when (and rmsbolt-filter-comment-only
-                    (string-match-p rmsbolt-comment-only line))
-           (go continue))
-         ;; continue means we don't add to the ouptut
-         (when match
-           (if (not used-label)
-               ;; Unused label
-               (when rmsbolt-filter-unused-labels
-                 (go continue))
-             ;; Real label, set prev-label
-             (setq prev-label raw-match)))
-         (when (and rmsbolt-filter-asm-directives
-                    (not match))
-           (if  (and (string-match-p rmsbolt-data-defn line)
-                     prev-label)
-               ;; data is being used
-               nil
-             (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-directive line)
-               (go continue))))
-         (push line result)
-         continue)))
-    (mapconcat 'identity
-               (nreverse result)
-               "\n")))
+  (if rmsbolt-dissasemble
+      (rmsbolt--process-dissasembled-lines asm-lines)
+    (let ((used-labels (rmsbolt--find-used-labels asm-lines))
+          (result nil)
+          (prev-label nil))
+      (dolist (line asm-lines)
+        (let* ((raw-match (or (string-match rmsbolt-label-def line)
+                              (string-match rmsbolt-assignment-def line)))
+               (match (when raw-match
+                        (match-string 1 line)))
+               (used-label (cl-find match used-labels :test #'equal)))
+          (cl-tagbody
+           ;; End block, reset prev-label and source
+           (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-endblock line)
+             (setq prev-label nil))
+           (when (and rmsbolt-filter-comment-only
+                      (string-match-p rmsbolt-comment-only line))
+             (go continue))
+           ;; continue means we don't add to the ouptut
+           (when match
+             (if (not used-label)
+                 ;; Unused label
+                 (when rmsbolt-filter-unused-labels
+                   (go continue))
+               ;; Real label, set prev-label
+               (setq prev-label raw-match)))
+           (when (and rmsbolt-filter-asm-directives
+                      (not match))
+             (if  (and (string-match-p rmsbolt-data-defn line)
+                       prev-label)
+                 ;; data is being used
+                 nil
+               (when (string-match-p rmsbolt-directive line)
+                 (go continue))))
+           (push line result)
+           continue)))
+      (mapconcat 'identity
+                 (nreverse result)
+                 "\n"))))
 ;;;;; Handlers
 (defun rmsbolt--handle-finish-compile (buffer _str)

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