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[nongnu] elpa/org-mime 5aa551a9a2: Revert to 1fc8edb and cancel gmail fe

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/org-mime 5aa551a9a2: Revert to 1fc8edb and cancel gmail feature
Date: Sat, 21 May 2022 09:58:41 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/org-mime
commit 5aa551a9a266a1d6485d995a9075a463c0b76ab1
Author: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>
Commit: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>

    Revert to 1fc8edb and cancel gmail feature
    This reverts commit 1a57b9c926e8b23b93c8c376a6d37d34fc949285.
 .gitignore             |   3 -
 README.org             |   2 +-
 org-mime.el            | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 test/org-mime-tests.el | 128 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d29af04fd3..5ed05fd76d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ tramp
-# ELPA -generated files
 ### /Users/cb/.gitignore-boilerplates/Global/Vim.gitignore
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 2330c65ceb..f319ba8d5f 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Below code renders text between "#" in red color,
 For other customization options see the org-mime customization group.
 ** Beautify quoted mail when replying
-It already works out of box. Currently it emulates Gmail's style.
+It already works out of box. Currently it emulates Gmail's style. You can go 
back the old style by =(setq org-mime-beautify-quoted-mail-p nil)=.
 ** Export options
 To avoid exporting TOC, you can setup =org-mime-export-options= which 
overrides Org default settings (but still inferior to file-local settings),
 #+begin_src elisp
diff --git a/org-mime.el b/org-mime.el
index 332b428b77..51617ba98e 100644
--- a/org-mime.el
+++ b/org-mime.el
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-;;; org-mime.el --- org html export for text/html MIME emails  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; org-mime.el --- org html export for text/html MIME emails
 ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Eric Schulte, 2016-2021 Chen Bin
 ;; Author: Eric Schulte
-;; Maintainer: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>
+;; Maintainer: Chen Bin (redguardtoo)
 ;; Keywords: mime, mail, email, html
 ;; Homepage: http://github.com/org-mime/org-mime
-;; Version: 0.3.0
+;; Version: 0.2.6
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
 ;;               (while (re-search-forward "#\\([^#]*\\)#" nil t)
 ;;                 (replace-match "<span style=\"color:red\">\\1</span>"))))
-;; 3. The quoted mail uses Gmail's style, so reply looks clean and modern.
+;; 3. The quoted mail uses Gmail's style, so mail replies looks clean and 
+;; If you prefer the old style, please set `org-mime-beautify-quoted-mail-p' 
to nil.
 ;; 4. Please note this program can only embed exported HTML into mail.
 ;;    Org-mode is responsible for rendering HTML.
@@ -126,8 +127,11 @@
 (require 'outline)
 (require 'org)
 (require 'ox-org)
-(require 'message)
-(require 'sendmail)
+(defcustom org-mime-beautify-quoted-mail-p t
+  "Beautify quoted mail in more clean HTML, like Gmail."
+  :group 'org-mime
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom org-mime-use-property-inheritance nil
   "Non-nil means al MAIL_ properties apply also for sub-levels."
@@ -171,13 +175,6 @@ Default (nil) selects the original org file."
   :group 'org-mime
   :type 'string)
-(defcustom org-mime-mail-quoted-separators
-  '("^>>>>>[^>=]+==\\([^=\r\n]+\\)$"
-    "^\\(On [^\r\n]+ wrote:\\)$")
-  "Possible separators.  Below the separator is mostly quoted mail."
-  :group 'org-mime
-  :type '(repeat string))
 (defvar org-mime-export-options '(:with-latex dvipng)
   "Default export options which may override org buffer/subtree options.
 You could avoid exporting section-number/author/toc.
@@ -300,6 +297,47 @@ SUBTREEP is t if current node is subtree."
     (vm "?")))
+(defun org-mime-beautify-quoted (html)
+  "Beautify quoted mail in modern UI style.
+HTML is the body of the message."
+  (when org-mime-debug
+    (message "org-mime-beautify-quoted called => %s" html))
+  (let ((quote-depth 0)
+        (line-depth 0)
+        (in-quote-p nil)
+        (quote-opening "<blockquote class=\"gmail_quote\" style=\"margin:0 0 0 
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex\">\n\n<div>")
+        (quote-closing "\n</div></blockquote>\n"))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      ;; clean title of quoted
+      (insert (replace-regexp-in-string
+               "<p>[\n\r]*&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; .* == \\([^\r\n]*\\)[\r\n]*</p>"
+               "<div class=\"gmail_quote\">\\1</div>"
+               html))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (not (eobp))
+        (setq line-depth 0)
+        (setq in-quote-p nil)
+        (while (looking-at "&gt;[ \t]*")
+          (setq in-quote-p t)
+          (replace-match "")
+          (cl-incf line-depth))
+        (cond
+         ((< quote-depth line-depth)
+          (while (< quote-depth line-depth)
+            (insert quote-opening)
+            (cl-incf quote-depth)))
+         ((> quote-depth line-depth)
+          (while (> quote-depth line-depth)
+            (insert quote-closing)
+            (cl-decf quote-depth))))
+        (if (and in-quote-p (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))
+            (progn
+              (insert "</div>\n<div>")
+              (forward-line)
+              (insert "<br /></div>\n<div>"))
+          (forward-line)))
+      (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))
 (defun org-mime-multipart (plain html &optional images)
   "Markup PLAIN body a multipart/alternative with HTML alternatives.
 If html portion of message includes IMAGES they are wrapped in
@@ -309,7 +347,9 @@ multipart/related part."
                  (when images "<#multipart type=related>")
                  "<#part type=text/html>\n"
-                 html
+                 (if org-mime-beautify-quoted-mail-p
+                     (org-mime-beautify-quoted html)
+                   html)
                  (when images "<#/multipart>\n")
@@ -406,14 +446,12 @@ CURRENT-FILE is used to calculate full path of images."
-(defun org-mime-insert-html-content (plain file html)
-  "Insert PLAIN into FILE with HTML content."
-  (defvar org-export-htmlize-output-type)
+(defun org-mime-insert-html-content (plain file html opts)
+  "Insert PLAIN into FILE with HTML content and OPTS."
   (let* ((files (org-mime-extract-non-image-files))
-         ;; Use dvipng for inline latex because MathJax doesn't work in mail
+         ;; dvipng for inline latex because MathJax doesn't work in mail
          ;; Also @see https://github.com/org-mime/org-mime/issues/16
-         ;; Looks "(setq org-html-with-latex nil)" may be useful
+         ;; (setq org-html-with-latex nil) sometimes useful
          (org-html-with-latex org-mime-org-html-with-latex-default)
          ;; we don't want to convert org file links to html
          (org-html-link-org-files-as-html nil)
@@ -441,7 +479,7 @@ CURRENT-FILE is used to calculate full path of images."
     (insert (org-mime-multipart (org-mime-apply-plain-text-hook plain)
-                                (if images (mapconcat #'identity images 
+                                (if images (mapconcat 'identity images "\n"))))
     ;; Attach any residual files
     (when files
@@ -457,6 +495,13 @@ CURRENT-FILE is used to calculate full path of images."
     (search-forward mail-header-separator)
     (+ (point) 1)))
+(defun org-mime-mail-signature-begin ()
+  "Find start of signature line in email."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    (re-search-backward org-mime-mail-signature-separator nil t nil)))
 (defmacro org-mime-extract-tag-in-current-buffer (beginning end result)
   "Extract the text between BEGINNING and END and insert it into RESULT."
   `(when (and ,beginning ,end (< ,beginning ,end))
@@ -500,49 +545,6 @@ CURRENT-FILE is used to calculate full path of images."
       (list :secure-tags (nreverse secure-tags)
             :part-tags (nreverse part-tags)))))
-(defun org-mime-find-quoted-separator (content)
-  "Find correct separator to extract quoted mail from CONTENT."
-  (let ((rlt (cl-find-if (lambda (p)
-                          (string-match p content))
-                        org-mime-mail-quoted-separators)))
-    (when org-mime-debug
-      (message "org-mime-find-quoted-separator called => %s" rlt))
-    rlt))
-(defun org-mime-extract-my-reply (content)
-  "Extract my reply from CONTENT (no quoted content)."
-  (let* ((quoted-separator (org-mime-find-quoted-separator content))
-         (arr (if quoted-separator (split-string content quoted-separator)
-                (list content)))
-         rlt)
-    ;; extract reply
-    (setq rlt (plist-put rlt 'REPLY-MAIN (car arr)))
-    ;; extract quoted mail
-    (when (> (length arr) 1)
-      (when (and quoted-separator (string-match quoted-separator content) )
-        (setq rlt (plist-put rlt
-                             'REPLY-QUOTED-TITLE
-                             (string-trim (match-string 1 content)))))
-      (setq arr (split-string (nth 1 arr)
-                              org-mime-mail-signature-separator))
-      (setq rlt (plist-put rlt
-                           'REPLY-QUOTED-MAIN
-                           (car arr))))
-    ;; extract signature and other stuff
-    (when (> (length arr) 1)
-      (setq rlt (plist-put rlt
-                           'REPLY-SIGNATURE
-                           (mapconcat 'identity (cdr arr) "--"))))
-    (when org-mime-debug
-      (message "org-mime-extract-my-reply called. content=%s rlt=%s"
-               content
-               rlt))
-    rlt))
 (defun org-mime-htmlize ()
   "Export a portion of an email to html using `org-mode'.
@@ -558,17 +560,14 @@ If called with an active region only export that region, 
otherwise entire body."
                               (or (and region-p (region-beginning))
          (html-end (or (and region-p (region-end))
-                       (point-max)))
-         (parsed-reply (org-mime-extract-my-reply (buffer-substring html-start
-                                                                    html-end)))
-         (reply-main (plist-get parsed-reply 'REPLY-MAIN))
-         (reply-quoted-title (plist-get parsed-reply 'REPLY-QUOTED-TITLE))
-         (reply-quoted-main (plist-get parsed-reply 'REPLY-QUOTED-MAIN))
-         (reply-signature (plist-get parsed-reply 'REPLY-SIGNATURE))
+                       (or
+                        (org-mime-mail-signature-begin)
+                        (point-max))))
+         (org-text (buffer-substring html-start html-end))
 ;; to hold attachments for inline html images
          (opts (org-mime-get-buffer-export-options))
-         (plain (org-mime-export-ascii-maybe reply-main))
-         html
+         (plain (org-mime-export-ascii-maybe org-text))
+         (html (org-mime-export-string org-text opts))
          (file (make-temp-name (expand-file-name
                                 "mail" temporary-file-directory))))
@@ -581,35 +580,8 @@ If called with an active region only export that region, 
otherwise entire body."
       (insert (mapconcat #'identity secure-tags "\n"))
       (insert "\n"))
-    (setq html (org-mime-export-string reply-main opts))
-    (when (and reply-quoted-title reply-quoted-main)
-      (setq html (concat html
-                         ;; class name is magic in google mail?
-                         "<div class=\"im\">\n"
-                         "  <div class=\"gmail_quote\">\n"
-                         "    <div class=\"gmail_attr\">\n"
-                         reply-quoted-title
-                         "\n"
-                         "      <br>\n"
-                         "    </div>\n"
-                         "    <blockquote class=\"gmail_quote\">\n"
-                         (org-mime-export-string reply-quoted-main opts)
-                         "\n"
-                         "    </blockquote>\n"
-                         "  </div>\n"
-                         "</div>\n")))
-    (when reply-signature
-      (setq html (concat html
-                         "<br clear=\"all\">\n"
-                         "<div class=\"gmail_signature\">\n"
-                         "  <br>--<br>\n"
-                         (replace-regexp-in-string "^--\s*\\|[\r\n]+" "<br>\n" 
-                         "</div>\n")))
     ;; insert converted html
-    (org-mime-insert-html-content plain file html)
+    (org-mime-insert-html-content plain file html opts)
     ;; restore part tags
     (when part-tags
@@ -624,11 +596,13 @@ If called with an active region only export that region, 
otherwise entire body."
         (set-text-properties 0 (length txt) nil txt)
-(defun org-mime-compose (exported file to subject headers)
-  "Create mail body from EXPORTED in FILE with TO, SUBJECT, HEADERS."
+(defun org-mime-compose (exported file to subject headers subtreep)
+  "Create mail body from EXPORTED in FILE with TO, SUBJECT, HEADERS.
+If SUBTREEP is t, current org node is subtree."
   ;; start composing mail
   (let* ((html (car exported))
          (plain (cdr exported))
+         (export-opts (org-mime-get-export-options subtreep))
     (compose-mail to subject headers nil)
@@ -638,7 +612,7 @@ If called with an active region only export that region, 
otherwise entire body."
                          (run-hooks 'org-mime-pre-html-hook)
     ;; insert text
-    (org-mime-insert-html-content plain file patched-html))) ; export-opts
+    (org-mime-insert-html-content plain file patched-html export-opts)))
 (defun org-mime-buffer-properties ()
   "Extract buffer properties."
@@ -681,7 +655,7 @@ The cursor ends in the TO field."
   (run-hooks 'org-mime-send-buffer-hook)
   (let* ((org-html-klipsify-src nil)
-         ;; (region-p (org-region-active-p))
+         (region-p (org-region-active-p))
          (file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
          (props (org-mime-buffer-properties))
          (subject (or (plist-get props :MAIL_SUBJECT)
@@ -697,7 +671,7 @@ The cursor ends in the TO field."
          (other-headers (org-mime-build-mail-other-headers cc
-    (org-mime-compose exported file to subject other-headers) ; nil
+    (org-mime-compose exported file to subject other-headers nil)
 (defun org-mime-org-major-version ()
@@ -733,7 +707,6 @@ Following headline properties can determine the mail 
     (when (outline-on-heading-p nil)
-      (defvar org-major-version)
       (let* ((file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
              (props (org-mime-buffer-properties))
              (subject (or (org-mime-attr "MAIL_SUBJECT")
@@ -750,6 +723,9 @@ Following headline properties can determine the mail 
              ;; Thanks to Matt Price improving handling of cc & bcc headers
              (other-headers (org-mime-build-mail-other-headers cc bcc from))
              (org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer nil)
+             (subtree-opts (when (fboundp 'org-export--get-subtree-options)
+                             (org-export--get-subtree-options)))
+             (org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer nil)
              (org-major-version (org-mime-org-major-version))
              ;; I wrap these bodies in export blocks because in 
              ;; they get exported again. This makes each block conditionally
@@ -758,7 +734,7 @@ Following headline properties can determine the mail 
-          (org-mime-compose exported file to subject other-headers)) ; t
+          (org-mime-compose exported file to subject other-headers t))
 (defun org-mime-src--remove-overlay ()
@@ -831,8 +807,8 @@ Following headline properties can determine the mail 
 (defvar org-mime-src-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'org-mime-edit-src-exit)
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") #'org-mime-edit-src-save)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'org-mime-edit-src-exit)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-s") 'org-mime-edit-src-save)
 (define-minor-mode org-mime-src-mode
@@ -915,7 +891,7 @@ Following headline properties can determine the mail 
       (message "Can not find plain text mail.")))))
 (defun org-mime-confirm-when-no-multipart ()
-  "Prompt whether to send email if the buffer is not htmlized."
+  "Prompts whether to send email if the buffer is not htmlized."
   (let ((found-multipart (save-excursion
diff --git a/test/org-mime-tests.el b/test/org-mime-tests.el
index ee74224055..c043b43ee3 100644
--- a/test/org-mime-tests.el
+++ b/test/org-mime-tests.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; org-mime-tests.el --- unit tests for org-mime -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; org-mime-tests.el --- unit tests for org-mime -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 ;; Author: Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>
@@ -25,23 +25,21 @@
 (require 'org-mime)
 (require 'message)
-(defconst org-mime--mail-header
-  '("To: myname@mail.com\n"
-    "Subject: test subject\n"
-    "From: My Name <myname@yahoo.com>\n"
-    "--text follows this line--\n"))
-(defconst org-mime--mail-footer
-  '("--\n"
-    "Yous somebody\n\n"
-    "--\n"
-    "Some quote\n"))
+(defconst mail-header '("To: myname@mail.com\n"
+                       "Subject: test subject\n"
+                       "From: My Name <myname@yahoo.com>\n"
+                       "--text follows this line--\n"))
+(defconst mail-footer '("--\n"
+                        "Yous somebody\n\n"
+                        "--\n"
+                        "Some quote\n"))
 (defun run-org-mime-htmlize (&rest mail-body)
   "Create mail containing MAIL-BODY and run `org-mime-htmlize'."
-    (apply #'insert org-mime--mail-header)
+    (apply #'insert mail-header)
     (apply #'insert mail-body)
-    (apply #'insert org-mime--mail-footer)
+    (apply #'insert mail-footer)
     (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@
       (setq opts (org-mime-get-export-options t))
       (should opts)
-      (set-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
+      (switch-to-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
       (setq str (buffer-string)))
     (should (string-match "Subject: hello" str))
     (should (string-match "<#multipart" str))))
@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@
       (setq opts (org-mime-get-export-options t))
       (should opts)
-      (set-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
+      (switch-to-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
       (setq str (buffer-string)))
     (should (string= "My mail subject" (plist-get props :MAIL_SUBJECT)))
     (should (string= "Someone <someone@somewhere.tld>" (plist-get props 
@@ -140,14 +138,14 @@
    (should (string= (car h) "Cc"))
    (should (string= (cdr h) cc))))
-;; The two ASCII export tests below check for org-mode markup for the default
-;; case, where the export variable is nil or not valid, and check for absent
-;; org-mode markup for the three valid plain text exports. The ASCII export
-;; tests do not attempt to verify the exported coding type.
+;;; The two ASCII export tests below check for org-mode markup for the default
+;;; case, where the export variable is nil or not valid, and check for absent
+;;; org-mode markup for the three valid plain text exports. The ASCII export
+;;; tests do not attempt to verify the exported coding type.
 (ert-deftest test-org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize-ascii-plain-text ()
-  (let ((orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*"))
-        str opts)
+  (let (str opts)
+    (setq orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*"))
     (with-current-buffer orgBuf
       (insert "#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil\n"
@@ -157,16 +155,17 @@
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (setq opts (org-mime-get-export-options t))
       (should opts)
-      (dolist (backend '(nil bogus ascii latin1 utf-8))
-        (setq org-mime-export-ascii backend)
-        (set-buffer orgBuf)
-        (org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize)
-        (set-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
-        (setq str (buffer-string))
-        (should (string-match "<#multipart" str))
-        (if (car (memq backend '(ascii latin1 utf-8)))
-            (should-not (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str))
-          (should (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str)))))
+      (mapcar (lambda (backend)
+                (setq org-mime-export-ascii backend)
+                (switch-to-buffer orgBuf)
+                (org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize)
+                (switch-to-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
+                (setq str (buffer-string))
+                (should (string-match "<#multipart" str))
+                (if (car (memq backend '(ascii latin1 utf-8)))
+                    (should-not (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str))
+                  (should (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str))))
+                '(nil bogus ascii latin1 utf-8)))
     (kill-buffer orgBuf)))
 (ert-deftest test-org-mime-htmlize-ascii-plain-text ()
@@ -174,12 +173,12 @@
     (mapcar (lambda (backend)
               (setq org-mime-export-ascii backend)
-                (apply #'insert org-mime--mail-header)
+                (apply #'insert mail-header)
                 (insert "#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil\n"
                         "$ echo nothing to see here\n"
-                (apply #'insert org-mime--mail-footer)
+                (apply #'insert mail-footer)
                 (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -196,10 +195,10 @@
 ;; Title, TOC, and Author.
 (ert-deftest test-org-mime-org-subtree-htmlize-ascii-opts-t ()
-  (let (str
-        (org-mime-export-options nil) ;; allow subtree properties
-        (org-mime-export-ascii 'utf-8)
-        (orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*")))
+  (let (str opts)
+    (setq org-mime-export-options nil) ;; allow subtree properties
+    (setq org-mime-export-ascii 'utf-8)
+    (setq orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*"))
     (with-current-buffer orgBuf
       ;; the initial options are ignored in favor of subtree options
       (insert "#+OPTIONS: toc:nil author:nil title:nil\n"
@@ -215,13 +214,13 @@
               "$ echo nothing to see here\n"
-      (set-buffer orgBuf)
+      (switch-to-buffer orgBuf)
       ;; export subtree for Section 2
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (search-forward "Section 2")
       (goto-char (+ 1 (point)))
-      (set-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
+      (switch-to-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
       (setq str (buffer-string))
       (setq case-fold-search nil) ;; match case for string-match
       (should-not (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str))
@@ -234,10 +233,10 @@
     (kill-buffer orgBuf)))
 (ert-deftest test-org-mime-org-subtree-htmlize-ascii-opts-nil ()
-  (let (str
-        (org-mime-export-options nil) ;; allow subtree properties
-        (org-mime-export-ascii 'utf-8)
-        (orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*")))
+  (let (str opts)
+    (setq org-mime-export-options nil) ;; allow subtree properties
+    (setq org-mime-export-ascii 'utf-8)
+    (setq orgBuf (generate-new-buffer "*org-mode-test-buf*"))
     (with-current-buffer orgBuf
       ;; the initial options are ignored in favor of subtree options
       (insert "#+OPTIONS: toc:t author:t title:t\n"
@@ -253,13 +252,13 @@
               "$ echo nothing to see here\n"
-      (set-buffer orgBuf)
+      (switch-to-buffer orgBuf)
       ;; export subtree for Section 2
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (search-forward "Section 2")
       (goto-char (+ 1 (point)))
-      (set-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
+      (switch-to-buffer (car (message-buffers)))
       (setq str (buffer-string))
       (setq case-fold-search nil) ;; match case for string-match
       (should-not (string-match "#\\+begin_example" str))
@@ -270,6 +269,37 @@
       (should-not (string-match "SECTION_ONE" str)))
     (kill-buffer orgBuf)))
+(ert-deftest test-org-mime-beautify-quoted-para-breaks ()
+    (setq html (concat "<p>\n"
+                       "Hello there\n"
+                       "</p>\n"
+                       "\n"
+                       "<p>\n"
+                       "&gt; this is a long-ish para that is broken\n"
+                       "&gt; on two lines\n"
+                       "&gt;\n"
+                       "&gt; followed by a single-line para\n"
+                       "</p>\n"))
+    (setq expected (concat "<p>\n"
+                           "Hello there\n"
+                           "</p>\n"
+                           "\n"
+                           "<p>\n"
+                           "<blockquote class=\"gmail_quote\" style=\"margin:0 
0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex\">\n"
+                           "\n"
+                           "<div>this is a long-ish para that is broken\n"
+                           "on two lines\n"
+                           "</div>\n"
+                           "<div>\n"
+                           "<br /></div>\n"
+                           "<div>followed by a single-line para\n"
+                           "\n"
+                           "</div></blockquote>\n"
+                           "</p>\n"))
+    (setq beautified (org-mime-beautify-quoted html))
+    (should (equal beautified expected)))
 (ert-deftest test-org-mime-extract-non-org ()
   (let* ((content (concat "*hello world\n"
                           "<#part type=\"application/pdf\" filename=\"1.pdl\" 
@@ -304,12 +334,4 @@
     (should (string= (string-trim (buffer-string))
                      "--text follows this line--\ntest\nhello"))))
-(ert-deftest test-org-mime-reply-quoted-separator ()
-  (should (not (org-mime-find-quoted-separator "No pattern")))
-  (should (string= (org-mime-find-quoted-separator ">>>>> \"chen\" == chen bin 
<chenbin@email.com> writes:")
-                   "^>>>>>[^>=]+==\\([^=\r\n]+\\)$"))
-  (should (string= (org-mime-find-quoted-separator "On Sat, May 14 2022 at 
23:30 -07, Chen Bin <notifications@github.com> wrote:")
-                    "^\\(On [^\r\n]+ wrote:\\)$")))

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