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[nongnu] elpa/org-superstar 4b4ddd7c39 122/162: Honor ‘org-inlinetask-s

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/org-superstar 4b4ddd7c39 122/162: Honor ‘org-inlinetask-show-first-star’.
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2021 19:35:36 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/org-superstar
commit 4b4ddd7c39b4f8b8106d1d4f602ff27450378d83
Author: D. Williams <d.williams@posteo.net>
Commit: D. Williams <d.williams@posteo.net>

    Honor ‘org-inlinetask-show-first-star’.
    Added various functions and custom variables to accomodate new
    feature.  This is the first step towards addressing issue #5.
    Moved org-superstar-remove-leading-stars to a more appropriate
 org-superstar.el | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org-superstar.el b/org-superstar.el
index 297b083db7..c65d8615e9 100644
--- a/org-superstar.el
+++ b/org-superstar.el
@@ -174,6 +174,58 @@ variable for your changes to take effect."
                   (character :value ?◉
                              :format "Fallback character for terminal: 
+(defun org-superstar--set-fbullet (symbol value)
+  "Set SYMBOL ‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet’ to VALUE.
+If set to a character, also set ‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback’."
+  (set-default symbol value)
+  (when (characterp value)
+    (set-default 'org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback value)))
+(defcustom org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet ?▶
+  "A special bullet used for the first star of an inline task.
+Normally, this variable is a character replacing the default
+star.  If it’s a string, compose the replacement according to the
+rules of ‘compose-region’ for the COMPONENTS argument.
+This bullet is displayed using the dedicated face
+This variable is only used for graphical displays.
+‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback’ is used for terminal
+displays instead.
+You should call ‘org-superstar-restart’ after changing this
+variable for your changes to take effect."
+  :group 'org-superstar
+  :type '(choice
+          (character :tag "Single character to display"
+                     :format "\n%t: %v\n"
+                     :value ?▶)
+          (string :tag "String of characters to compose replacement from"
+                  :format "\n%t:\n%v"
+                  :value "*"))
+  :set #'org-superstar--set-fbullet)
+(defcustom org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback
+  (cond ((characterp org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet)
+         org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet)
+        (t ?*))
+  "A special bullet used for the first star of an inline task.
+This variable is a character replacing the default star in
+terminal displays instead of ‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet’.
+If the leading bullet is set to a character before the package is
+loaded, this variable’s default value is set to that character as
+well.  Setting the leading bullet to a character using the custom
+interface also automatically sets this variable.
+You should call ‘org-superstar-restart’ after changing this
+variable for your changes to take effect."
+  :group 'org-superstar
+  :type '(character :tag "Single character to display"
+                    :format "\n%t: %v\n"
+                    :value ?*))
 (put 'org-superstar-leading-bullet
@@ -320,6 +372,26 @@ keyword)."
 There is usually no need to use this variable directly; instead,
 use the command ‘org-superstar-toggle-lightweight-lists’.")
+(defcustom org-superstar-remove-leading-stars nil
+  "Non-nil means font-lock should hide leading star characters.
+A more radical version of ‘org-hide-leading-stars’, where the
+indentation caused by leading stars is completely removed.  It
+works similar to ‘org-hide-emphasis-markers’.
+If Non-nil, this variable takes precedence over
+This variable only eliminates indentation caused directly by
+leading stars, meaning additional indentation should be
+preserved.  For an example of this, see the minor-mode command
+You should call ‘org-superstar-restart’ after changing this
+variable for your changes to take effect."
+  :group 'org-superstar
+  :type 'boolean)
 ;;; Faces
@@ -347,25 +419,11 @@ unspecified inherits the org-level-X faces for header 
   "Face used to display prettified item bullets."
   :group 'org-superstar)
-(defcustom org-superstar-remove-leading-stars nil
-  "Non-nil means font-lock should hide leading star characters.
-A more radical version of ‘org-hide-leading-stars’, where the
-indentation caused by leading stars is completely removed.  It
-works similar to ‘org-hide-emphasis-markers’.
-If Non-nil, this variable takes precedence over
-This variable only eliminates indentation caused directly by
-leading stars, meaning additional indentation should be
-preserved.  For an example of this, see the minor-mode command
-You should call ‘org-superstar-restart’ after changing this
-variable for your changes to take effect."
-  :group 'org-superstar
-  :type 'boolean)
+(defface org-superstar-first
+  '((default . (:inherit org-warning)))
+  "Face used to display the first bullet of an inline task.
+This face is only used when ‘org-inlinetask-show-first-star’ is
 ;;; Functions intended for users
@@ -483,8 +541,6 @@ N counts from zero.  Headline bullets are specified in
   (let ((bullet-entry
          (elt org-superstar-headline-bullets-list n)))
-     ;; Using characters for bullets is actually way more consistent
-     ;; with the rest of the package, so why not just support it.
      ((characterp bullet-entry)
      ;; Strip bullets provided as strings down to their first char.
@@ -514,6 +570,12 @@ replaced by their corresponding entry in 
+(defun org-superstar--fbullet ()
+  "Return the correct first inline task star for the current display."
+  (if (org-superstar-graphic-p)
+      org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet
+    org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback))
 (defun org-superstar--heading-level ()
   "Return the heading level of the currently matched headline."
   (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0) 1))
@@ -606,7 +668,9 @@ prettifying bullets in (for example) source blocks."
 (defun org-superstar--prettify-other-lbullet ()
   "Prettify the first leading bullet after the headline bullet.
 This function serves as an extension of
+‘org-superstar--prettify-leading-hbullets’, only providing the
+correct face for the bullet, without doing any composing.
 This function uses ‘org-superstar-headline-p’ to avoid
 prettifying bullets in (for example) source blocks."
   (cond ((org-superstar-headline-p)
@@ -617,8 +681,8 @@ prettifying bullets in (for example) source blocks."
 (defun org-superstar--prettify-leading-hbullets ()
   "Prettify the leading bullets of a header line.
 Unless ‘org-hide-leading-stars’ is non-nil, each leading star is
-visually replaced by ‘org-superstar-leading-bullet’ and inherits
-face properties from ‘org-superstar-leading’.
+rendered as ‘org-superstar-leading-bullet’ and inherits face
+properties from ‘org-superstar-leading’.
 If viewed from a terminal, ‘org-superstar-leading-fallback’ is
 used instead of the regular leading bullet to avoid errors.
@@ -634,6 +698,23 @@ prettifying bullets in (for example) source blocks."
+(defun org-superstar--prettify-first-bullet ()
+  "Prettify the first bullet of an inline task.
+If ‘org-inlinetask-show-first-star’ is non-nil, the first star of
+an inlinetask is rendered as ‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-bullet’
+and inherits face properties from ‘org-superstar-first’.
+If viewed from a terminal, ‘org-superstar-first-inlinetask-fallback’
+is used instead of the regular bullet to avoid errors.
+This function uses ‘org-superstar-inlinetask-p’ to avoid
+prettifying bullets in (for example) source blocks."
+  (when (org-superstar-inlinetask-p)
+    (let ((star-beg (match-beginning 3)))
+      (compose-region star-beg (1+ star-beg)
+                      (org-superstar--fbullet))
+      'org-superstar-first)))
 (defun org-superstar--make-invisible (subexp)
   "Make part of the text matched by the last search invisible.
 SUBEXP, a number, specifies which parenthesized expression in the
@@ -683,8 +764,9 @@ cleanup routines."
            ,@(when (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
                '((2 (org-superstar--prettify-other-hbullet)
-           ;; If requested, put another function here that formats the
-           ;; first star of an inlinetask as a bullet.
+           ,@(when (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
+                        org-inlinetask-show-first-star)
+               '((3 (org-superstar--prettify-first-bullet))))
 (defun org-superstar--fontify-buffer ()

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